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交通安全六年级作文600字(精选篇1) 安全重比金,交通方便行!随着科技的四通八达,各色各样的小轿车纷纷在宽阔的马路上闪亮登场,人多了,车多了,随之,马路越发狭窄,事故越发频繁,塞车,擦伤成了车主们的忧虑…… 我小心地快步走过斑马线,喇叭声响彻云霄,小小的四车道被挤成了六车道,超车的,追尾的,已不再是一个...

六年级交通安全作文1 行万里平安路,做百年长乐人 ,但愿人长久,千里路畅通 。 人生美好,步步小心。路无规不畅,国无法不宁。狭路相逢,“让”者胜。 宽阔的马路,先进的道路安全设施,一直在更新的交通法规,难道真能对交通安全起到持久稳固的作用吗?如果是,那为何交通事故还是年年不断的频繁发生?可见交通安全保障并...

六年级交通安全作文1 我曾在电视上看到这样一个故事:初中生小强是个足球迷每天晚上一放学回家就打开电视机看足球赛。有一天,学校老师为了把一堂课上完,拖延了放学时间。整堂课小强都心不在焉,想到所盼望的足球赛即将开始,他真希望马上插上翅膀飞回家看比赛。终于盼到了放学时间,小强骑着自行车...

文明出行六年级作文(篇1) 芸芸众生,孰不爱生?爱生之极,进而爱群。生命犹如一张薄薄的纸,它经不起风吹雨打,可它又像一块石头,坚硬不比。 在人生人海的街道上,隐藏着一个可怕的魔爪――交通安全。现在,经济条件一天比一天好,马路上车辆川流不息,在人山人海的马路上随时都有可能发生一幕又一幕的悲惨画面。...

We go to school every day.How do you go to school?On foot or by bike?Do you walk on the right side of the road or on the left side of the road?It's right to walk on the right side of the road in China.Why?Because it's safe.All the cars,buses,bikes and people ...

★ 关于路口的作文600字叙事作文5篇 ★ 关于路口的作文600字初中叙事文5篇 ★ 关于路口的作文600字初中叙事作文5篇 ★ 路口的作文600字5篇(2) ★ 初三路口作文五篇 ★ 六年级作文一路成长 ★ 关于路的作文 ★ 关于交通安全的优秀作文范文5篇 ★ 关于路的高中优秀作文精选五篇 已赞过 已踩过...

下面是我收集整理的六年级上册第五单元作文7篇,欢迎阅读与收藏。 六年级上册第五单元作文7篇1 每个人都有一个或几个好朋友,甚至可以说是兄弟,组合,或者是姐妹。当然我也不例外,我也有几个好朋友,赵子程就是其中之一。 赵子程,是一个爱看书,不,是一个爱看科普,历史书籍的智多星。为什么说他是智多星呢?这...

以下是我帮大家整理的六年级故事作文5篇,仅供参考,希望能够帮助到大家。 六年级故事作文 篇1 汽车,是家喻户晓的交通工具,它给人类带来了许多便捷。你知道关于汽车王国的童话故事吗? 在一个遥远的国度-汽车王国。那里生活着许许多多的车民,福特、雪佛兰、丰田、奔驰。。。这是一个梦幻般的国度,好似世外桃源。福特...

小学六年级语文作文1 你养过蚕宝宝吗?你知道养蚕的乐趣吗?你可能不知道! 前年也是春末夏初的时候,我家诞生了两千多条小生命!你知道是什么吗?是的,多聪明!就是两千多只蚕! 当他们第一次来到这个奇妙的世界时,他们浑身是黑糊。最可爱的是20xx多只蚕都烤在一片桑叶上,不是绿的,是黑的!慢慢的,蚕长大了,变...

六年级 语文第5单元作文
1 我和陈明是好朋友。一天,我们把在手工小组做的小木船拿出来玩,陈明一不小心把它摔在了地上。争执中,陈明把它踩坏了,我非常生气,一把争夺他的小木船,火冒三丈地喊道:“你知不知道,这个木船可是我熬夜完成的!”话一说完,我把手一挥,把他的木船朝地上砸去,只见船裂成四块了。陈明...

兆俭18228411779问: 六年级所学的知识写一篇交通规则的英语作文50词 -
铜仁市来益回答:[答案] When the red lights is on,people should stop crossing the street.When the green lights is on,people are allowed to cross the street.When travel across the street,people should first look at their left...

兆俭18228411779问: 交通知识英语作文50词左右请你根据所学的交通知识,给人们提一些合理化建议,是我们的道路更安全.记住, -
铜仁市来益回答:[答案] Cycling safety knowledgeCycling classmates,before going out to check the vehicle brake lock,card,bell,is effective,to guarantee that no problems before the road.On the road to the non-motor vehicle la...

兆俭18228411779问: 写英语作文,谈论自己假期出行的交通方式,50字 -
铜仁市来益回答: For most people, they will choose to travel during holiday because they want to relieve themselves from the high pressure of work. However, it happens quite often that people often ran into traffic jams on the way to travel. Some people think that we ...

兆俭18228411779问: 关于在日常生活中怎么遵守交通规则的英语作文50词 -
铜仁市来益回答: Nowaday,the traffic is more and more crowded. So,as a student,we should obey the rules of traffic .So that we can keep our life safe. But what we should do to obey these rules?In my opinion,first we should keep the rules in mind.Second, we should ...

兆俭18228411779问: 六年级英语作文60词要求有线路,交通工具,地点 -
铜仁市来益回答: yesteday was national day. I and my father, mother, grandparents, brother went to yunmenshan by bus. In the morning we came down the mountain. I saw wooded mountains, wild flowers bloom. We climb up the hill along the mountain path. Come ...

兆俭18228411779问: 关于交通安全的60字的英语作文(内容关于行走时、骑自行车、乘公共汽车的注意事 -
铜仁市来益回答: In modern life we have many inventions.These machines are very useful.They can make things better and faster than people.A washing machine can help us wash clothes.We have more time to do that we want to doduring this time.A printing ...

兆俭18228411779问: 急求一篇关于交通事故的英语作文谁有?(50词左右)
铜仁市来益回答: Tom and Mike are good friends.They often play together.They went to the cinema last Sunday.On the way to the cinema,they saw an old man lying on the ground.His right leg has hurt very bad.Tom and Mike went up to the old man.Tom examined the...

兆俭18228411779问: 谈谈你日常生活中怎样遵守交通规则,小学生六年级英语作文怎么写?(5句话左右) -
铜仁市来益回答: We go to school every day.How do you go to school?On foot or by bike?Do you walk on the right side of the road or on the left side of the road?It's right to walk on the right side of the road in China.Why?Because it's safe.All the cars,buses,bikes and ...

兆俭18228411779问: 交通工具给人们带来哪些方便 英语作文50词左右 -
铜仁市来益回答: bus: 优点:You can take a bus to nearly everywhere you want to. There are thousands of lines in the city and you can choose anyone according to your need.It's cheap and convenient to take.train: 优点:When you need to go far away from ...

兆俭18228411779问: 交通安全的英语作文加翻译100词左右 -
铜仁市来益回答: With the rapid development of the society, people can live a better life in general. So because of the improvement of people' s living standard, more and more people own cars. Traffic jam comes to life. While people in order to be punctual, they ...

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