
作者&投稿:邰香 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


《童年的故事》例文1 我小时候的故事例文2 我的“拉拉”没了 《这件事教育了我》例文1 吃菜叶儿还是吃菜帮儿例文2 那次让我好感动 《第一次……》例文1 第一次当护旗手例文2 第一次当广播员 《记……的一件事》例文1 吹抱号例文2 拖鞋飞到汤碗里 《难忘的一件事》例文1 岂止是虚惊一...

1 、 我有一颗感恩的心 2 、有趣的大课间活动 3.我看世博会 4.玉树,我们和你在一起 5 、宽容 6 、别了,母校 7 、当你看到我 8 、安全重于泰山 9.我的理想 10 、××赞 11.我爱我家 12 、从**身上我看到的 ……13 、人物素描 14、我与作文 15、二十年后的我 16、新形势下谈减负 17、丰富...


那一次,我流泪了 那时候,我想起了这句名言 20年后的我那一次我错了 我爱我家 我的心愿我成长中的一件事 校外见闻一则 畅想2008年北京奥运 记一次难忘(快乐)的活动 放学路上 假如我有钱了书包的自述 特别的母爱 假如我长大了把“我好惭愧”作为尾句,完成一篇文章 小学生作文题目大全第三组(50题)我得到了...

1、写人的:我的弟弟,可爱的妹妹,我的父亲等题目 2、写事的:有趣的运动会、迟到的反思、吃西餐等题目 3、想象类的:橡皮擦的自述、给十年后自己的一封信等 具体分类情况如图: 3. 3 五年级:(上)第一单元 读书故事 关于自己的读书故事 《书中自有黄金屋》《必不可少的东西》 寿涵锐赵恬妤 书比海洋大(以...

100.《——不需要理由赞同46| 评论(1) 向TA求助 回答者: 米兵 | 十四级 擅长领域: 理工学科 教育\/科学 商业\/理财 百度知道 生活 参加的活动: 暂时没有参加的活动 相关内容 2011-12-9 四年级小学生作文,题目是《进步》(2分钟演讲稿)怎么写? 6 2011-8-31 求小学生作文,题目:In summer。 1 2011-5...

8. Success is a relative term. It brings so many relatives.成功是一个相关名词,它会给你带来很多不相关的亲戚。9. Never put off the work till tomorrow what you can put off today.不要等明天交不上差再找借口,今天就要找好。10. Love is photogenic. It needs darkness to develop....

一个日语的小作文,100字左右,题目是 私の家族 ,没有语法错误的可以加分...

英语小短文1-20字 10篇英语作文写作技巧 审题 审题即是要了解清楚题目所给出的含义,弄清楚重点在哪,哪些是不能内容是不能出现的,准备写作的人称和时态:如果是日记和故事,宜采用过去时态;如是简介之类的,宜采用现在时态。 大纲 写作前,一定要写大纲,对作文中的故事情节要做到胸有成竹,把所要使用的词句,句型和...

经雪13188993089问: 八年级水平英语小作文100字【含题目】 -
阿拉善左旗枣仁回答: My favourite season Most people think winter is a sad season.As birds fly away, animals start sleeping and the temperature is below zero. But in fact, winter is a colourful season. Winter makes me think of many exciting festivals,such as Christmas ...

经雪13188993089问: 两篇英语作文 -
阿拉善左旗枣仁回答: 1.Holiday rich life I went to my cousin's house on the first day of the holidays and got a piece of good news that his wife was pregnant;She said she's worrying about getting fat,but on her face there was a unconcealable pleasure of conceiving a baby....

经雪13188993089问: 一篇短的英语作文、题目<Our Earth> -
阿拉善左旗枣仁回答: Our EarthOur earth is a place where mankind lives. There 7 continents on our earth.They are the North America,the Europe,the South America,the Asia,the Africa,the Arctic,the Antarctic and the Atlantic. Almost 70% surface of our earth is covered by...

经雪13188993089问: 小学英语作文题目(新的一年)
阿拉善左旗枣仁回答:New Year is at the corner.Everywhere in the streets is covered with larghters andhappiness.Besides eating delicious food and paying visits to our relatives,we still have one important thing to do,that is,to make New Year's resolutions.New Year's ...

经雪13188993089问: 求小学英语所有作文题目
阿拉善左旗枣仁回答: 小学英语作文范文 第一篇 Last week, Gogo went hiking(去郊游) with his friends. Tony and Jenny planted trees, Gogo helped Tony and Jenny. Mr Green washed his boots and Mrs Green painted a picture. Ben cooked dinner and Lisa called her ...

经雪13188993089问: 初二英语小作文
阿拉善左旗枣仁回答: It was a sunny day in spring,some friends of mine wanted to go outside to fly kites .I wanted to play with them but I didn`t have a kite any more.and parents always strict to me . So I felt so sad that couldn`t control my tears falling down.Just at that time ....

经雪13188993089问: 英文小作文 题目:memory from childhood 两百字左右,谢谢!
阿拉善左旗枣仁回答: The Memory of ChildhoodBefore I came to live here, I lived in a small county where there are not so many people and much less polluting cars. People lived happily and without so much pressure as in big city.There I spent my childhood. I passed ...

经雪13188993089问: 急求一篇英语小作文,题目”My favourite animal” -
阿拉善左旗枣仁回答: In all the hearts of chinese people,there is the deep love for a special animal, that is our country Mascot--Panda! They are so cute,and easily to get along with,you can be friend of them,playing with them with banboo,their favorate food,taking photo of ...

经雪13188993089问: 求一英语作文 题目:Tommy将要到伦敦当为期一年的交换生,现在写信给好朋友Michael.内容 1.住接待家庭 2.需要介绍中国 3.想去参观旅游 4.由于远离家,... -
阿拉善左旗枣仁回答:[答案] tommy 1.住接待家庭 2.需要介绍中国 3.想去参观旅游 4.由于远离家,因此可能会…… (可适当扩展,此刻的心情或忧虑等)

经雪13188993089问: 小学生英语作文一篇,题目是:My mother
阿拉善左旗枣仁回答: My motherI like my mother very much .She has long hair ,two beautiful eyes,an around face and a small nose .She is an accountant .She works in a bank .She helps the bank use their money well. She works very hard . She goes to work by bus .She ...

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