
作者&投稿:中叔陈 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

such as (or like) time, energy and money.” 不管任何语言,转折词(transitional words)都扮演着一个重要角色,就是:承先启后,使句子紧凑,段落相吸,对文章结构,有良性作用。但是有些人几乎没有采用转折词的习惯,结果文句松散,上下文七零八乱,应该避免。 现在把主要转折词,分类列下,供大...

而冒号更有价值的用法是引导对前文的总结(summary)、阐述(elaboration)或者是例证(illustration)。以下的例子也来源于“Plain English for Lawyers”: c. 破折号:无声的强调 三、副词巧:状态副词以取代副词短语 “副词巧”指的是多多利用状态副词以取代状态副词短语。换句话说就是将一个词组的意思浓缩到一个副词上...

下面顺序及项目可供⒖迹 一、篇首 1. 封面(实务专题\/文标题页) 2. 摘要(Abstract)或总结(Summary) 3. 目 4. 图目 5. 表目 二、正文 1. 绪\/前言 2. 报告本体 3. 结 三、⒖夹宰柿希ㄋ承蚩筛换) 1. ⒖际槟 2. 附 3. 索引(如有的话) --- 一、篇首 1.封面 (1)专题...

To conclude, in conclusion=to summarize, in summary=to sum up=all in all =overall 3. 雅思小作文写作训练 小作文就最适合这种模式性的训练啦。有了上面的框架,还有就是积累各种说明文的上升下降,巨变啥的表达。去找那些老师们整理好的资源呗,不用自己准备了,你要做的就是直接拿来用。这是站在巨人肩膀上...

这个问题我也想过,说说我的看法吧!先说说论文 1、关于方法 上面的很多人都说了论文的写法,真的,论文在格式要求、论证方法等方面确实有一定的技巧和方法可言,这些都是基本的东西,你要了解学术的严谨。他不是散文,也不是报道,要做到有理有据,所以你要明白研究方法论,我上学的时候有这么一门...

新概念英语3 第20-26课 summary writing

山田凉介 summary2010

华三通信(H3C)网络工程师技术面试常考内容答案 ospf 有那几类lsa 由谁...
第二类.网络LSA Network LSA是由DR始发的,它描述了一个广播多路访问网络所有相连的网络和子网,只在产生的区域内泛洪.第三类.网络汇总LSA Nnetwork summary LSA是由ABR发出的,它将某个区域的汇总告知其他区域,也就是通知其他区域路由器要到这些网络就找我.这里就有点距离矢量路由协议的味道,依靠下一跳...

using System;using System.Data;using System.Configuration;using System.Web;using System.Web.Security;using System.Web.UI;using System.Web.UI.WebControls;using System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebParts;using System.Web.UI.HtmlControls;using System.IO;\/**\/\/\/ <summary> \/\/\/ Summary description...

任务是所有项目最基本的构件,它代表完成项目最终目标所需要做的工作。任务通过工序、工期和资源需求来描述项目工作。在本章后文中,会处理两种特殊类型的任务:摘要任务(即Summary Task,它概括了子任务的工期、成本等)和里程碑(表明项目生命周期中的重大事件)。在下面的练习中,输入video项目需要的第一个...

答庙15287651176问: 英语summary范文,希望是读者文摘之类的summary.summary就是对一篇文章的缩写啊.请再给我提供点信息吧. -
宿松县甲苯回答:[答案] MY TEACHER My former teacher, who had taught me English for six years, is a woman in her sixties. I describe her as a "woman" at her age because in my mind's eye, she never loses her attraction in fashions, light cosmetics, and particularly, her ...

答庙15287651176问: 用英文写出以下的summary,(50words)the next day,to pay Mr.Twit back for the frog trick ,Mrs.Twit sneaked out into the garden and dug up some worms.She ... -
宿松县甲苯回答:[答案] The next day,to pay Mr.Twit back for the frog trick,Mrs.Twit mixed the worms in with the spaghetti in her husband's lunch plate,disguising them with tomato sauce and shredded cheese,and took great pleasure in watching him eating up the worms.(45 ...

答庙15287651176问: 求一篇英语summary -
宿松县甲苯回答: summary of this term summary of this termthe fisrt semester of the senior year will come to the end in one day time. how time flies. i remember that i was pretty curious about what the last year was like. to some extent, i did expect something different ...

答庙15287651176问: 求summary范文英语写作方面的范文.谢谢. -
宿松县甲苯回答:[答案] MY TEACHERMy former teacher,who had taught me English for six years,is a woman in her sixties.I describe her as a "woman" at her age because in my mind's eye,she never loses her attraction in fashions...

答庙15287651176问: summary范文200字care of the elderly:a family matter -
宿松县甲苯回答: Care for the elderly As is vividly revealed in the picture above, an old couple sits at the table lonely and waits for their children and grandchildren to come back for dinner together, with plenty of delicious meals on the table. However, their children and ...

答庙15287651176问: 急!!!!!求15篇英文新闻的summary!!!!!高分悬赏!!!!! -
宿松县甲苯回答: 1.1-year-olds get 'married' on Chinese Valentine's DayParents of babies less than a year old came together to participate in a unique activity in Shanghai on Wednesday, the Chinese Valentine's Day - to find brides and grooms for their infants.A ...

答庙15287651176问: 请大神帮忙写一篇关于这份英语报道的Summary总结,字数限制300到500字,原文如下Out of puff:cops lower entrance fitness bar Becoming a police officer ... -
宿松县甲苯回答:[答案] AS we can see from the present situation,such kind of test has raised popular atteion.Though being a good approach to testing participants abilities by marks ,it is certainly against the meaning of po...

答庙15287651176问: 有英文文章要缩成写不超过70字的概要,请英语好的帮帮忙啊(1)Directions:Summarize the following passage in your own words.Your summary should be ... -
宿松县甲苯回答:[答案] Despite that your academics should occupy much time,you need to develop friendships,interpersonal communication and leadership skills.Many groups provide such chances.Activities like sports focused on...

答庙15287651176问: 求summary范文 -
宿松县甲苯回答: MY TEACHER My former teacher, who had taught me English for six years, is a woman in her sixties. I describe her as a "woman" at her age because in my mind's eye, she never loses her attraction in fashions, light cosmetics, and particularly, ...

答庙15287651176问: 我要《呼啸山庄》的英文summary!不用太长.200 - 300字左右. -
宿松县甲苯回答:[答案] A Summary of "Wuthering Heights" Perhaps the most enduring and affecting of the Bronte sisters' work is Wuthering Heights.Emily Bronte's tale of heartbreak and mystery still resonates on an emotional level with its theme of doomed romance.It was ...

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