
作者&投稿:琴印 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

小故事大全50字 一共60篇
1、茶叶的故事 张三一直喜欢喝20块钱的茶叶。新开茶店里每次张三去买茶叶,老板都送他半两好茶,张三将好茶攒着待客。一天闲来无事泡壶好茶,竟喝上瘾。喝完免费的好茶,张三便不愿喝20块的了。不管他买多贵的茶叶,老板总送他半两更好的。半年下来,张三花在茶叶上的钱是原来的十倍!2、夺取...

1、我剪头发了 妈妈整天叨唠说我头发太长了,像个女孩子,昨天把我带到理发店。我想理个大平头,妈妈说剪个小平头,理发店阿姨同意给我理大平头,可剪好后却是小平头。那个阿姨还说大平头就是这样的,理发店阿姨合伙和妈妈骗我,真让人生气。今天上学,到中午时,瞿小雨说,夏宇昕,你把头发剪成...


1、【寡妇与母鸡】主人养的母鸡每天下一个蛋,主人为了让鸡多下蛋就使劲喂食,结果鸡吃胖了,却一个蛋也下不了。寓意:有些人因为贪婪想得到更多的利益,结果连现有的都失掉了。2、【屋顶的小山羊与狼 】小山羊站在屋顶上嘲笑路过的狼,狼说:“我仰视的不是你,而是你所处的地势。”寓意:地利...

1.机会,靠自己创造 有一种鸟能成功的飞越太平洋,靠的却是一小截树枝。它飞行时,把树枝衔在嘴里,累时,就把树枝放在水里,站在上面休息。试想一下,如果他带上鸟巢和足够的食物,还能飞的动?飞的远吗?可见,成功不在与条件好坏,而在于对待机会的态度。弱者在优越的条件中错失机会,强者却在没...

1、马克·吐温的妙答 美国现代著名作家马克·吐温,在一次宴会上,与一位女士对坐,出于礼貌,说了一声:“你真漂亮!”那位女士不领情,却说:“可惜我无法同样地赞美您!”马克·吐温说:“那没关系,你可以像我一样说一句谎话。”言辞委婉、平和,反其义而用之,那位女士低下了头。2、世界上最...

(小故事1〕 有一个人作了一个梦,梦中他来到一间二层楼的屋子。进到第一层楼时,发现一张长长的大桌子,桌旁都坐着人,而桌子上摆满了丰盛的佳肴,可是没有一个人能吃得到,因为大家的手臂受到魔法师咒诅,全都变成直的,手肘不能弯曲,而桌上的美食,夹不到口中,所以个个愁苦满面。但是他听到楼上却充满了欢愉...


1、一个农民看到儿子开的那辆轻型卡车突然间翻到了水沟里。他大为惊慌,急忙跑到出事地点。当他看到水沟里有水,儿子被压在车下面,只有头露出水面。他毫不犹豫地跳进水沟,双手伸到车下,把车抬了起来。另一位跑来救助的工人帮他把失去知觉的儿子从下面拽了出来。 当地医生很快赶来了,经检查,...

1. 要30篇文言文的成语故事 50字左右 急 盲子失坠 有盲子道涸溪,桥上失坠,两手攀木盾,兢兢握固,自分失手,必坠深渊。 过者告曰:“毋怖,第放下即实地也。” 盲子不信,握木盾号。 久之力惫,失手坠地,乃自哂曰:“嘻!蚤知即实地,何久自苦耶!” 夫大道甚夷,沉空守寂,执一隅以自矜严者,视此省...

黎郑15961249172问: 英语小故事50字 -
铁锋区乳癖回答: The Old Cat An old woman had a cat. The cat was very old; she could not run quickly, and she could not bite, because she was so old. One day the old cat saw a mouse; she jumped and caught the mouse. But she could not bite it; so the mouse got ...

黎郑15961249172问: 英语小故事【简短些,50字】 -
铁锋区乳癖回答:[答案] 儿童寓言故事 Story 1 Three Good Friends One day,a monkey rides his bike near the river.This time he sees a lion under a tree.The lion runs at him.He is afraid and falls into the river.He can't swim.He shouts.The rabbit hears him.He jumps into the river....

黎郑15961249172问: 英语小故事 短一点的 50词左右 最好 有一点寓意 -
铁锋区乳癖回答: A woman in jeans stood at the window of an expensive shop. Though she hesitated for a moment, she finally went in and asked to see a dress that was in the window. The assistant who served her did not like the way she was dressed. Glancing at ...

黎郑15961249172问: 英语童话故事带翻译50字 -
铁锋区乳癖回答: 童话故事名:贪心的狮子 Greedy Lion. 狮子在树下抓到一只正在睡觉的兔子,正想饱餐一顿,却又看到一只鹿从旁边经过,又贪心的丢下兔子去追鹿. The lion caught a sleeping rabbit under the tree and was trying to have a good meal. However, ...

黎郑15961249172问: 英语小故事50字(3分钟)!!!!急!!!!!!! -
铁锋区乳癖回答: Today, my parents were not at home, they had something to deal with, so they left me alone. I was so happy because I could be in charge in my own house, it made me feel like I was a grow-up. I wanted to give my parents a surprise, so I planned to ...

黎郑15961249172问: 短篇英文故事 50字 -
铁锋区乳癖回答: One day, Tom was walking on the road. Suddenly he saw a little girl lost 100 dollars.At first, He didn't want to return the money . But he thought the little girl must be very sad. So he returen the money to the girl. And the girl was so happy to get the money again.

黎郑15961249172问: 英语幽默小故事50字左右(带翻译) -
铁锋区乳癖回答:[答案] Drunk One day, a father and his little son were going home. At this age, the boy was interested in all kinds of things and was always asking questions. Now, he asked, "What's the meaning of the word 'Drunk', dad?" "Well, my son," his father replied...

黎郑15961249172问: 英语小故事50字 -
铁锋区乳癖回答:[答案] There was a man who had seven sons,but he had no daughter,greatly though he longed for one.At last his wife told him that they could again expect a child and,sure enough,when it was born it was a baby girl.There was great rejoicing,but the child was ...

黎郑15961249172问: 英语小故事50字我要5个不超过50词的英语故事,注意!:不超过50词的英语故事 -
铁锋区乳癖回答:[答案] 1. A physics Examination Once in a physics examination, Nick finished the first question very soon, while his classmates were thinking it hard. The question was: When it thunders why do we see the lig...

黎郑15961249172问: 英语经典小故事50字左右,,,,,,,急急急急急急急急急急急急急急急急急急急急急急 -
铁锋区乳癖回答: The Dog In The Manger(牛槽里的狗) Once a dog was taking a nap in the manger of an ox. It was full of hay. But soon the ox came back from his work to the manger. He wanted to eat his own hay. Then the dog awoke, stood up and barked at the ...

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