
作者&投稿:福秆 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

已阅的英文是:read 例:The papers have been read and marked.试卷已评阅打分了。词汇解析 read 英[ri:d;red];美[rid; rɛd]vt. 阅读;读懂,理解 vi. 读;读起来 n. 阅读;读物 adj. 有学问的 n. (Read)人名;(英)里德 例:I settled down to have a good read.我舒舒服服...

1.读书破万卷:Read wide 2.读书破万卷,下笔如有神。Read wide, and you will wisely write.3.读书破万卷,灌水如有神。灌水也要有积累和底蕴的。He who reads a lot, waters a lot.


铅皮怎么卷?翻译成英文是:How do I roll the lead sheath?相关短语:lead sheath 英[li:d ʃi:θ] 美[lid ʃiθ][词典] 铅皮,铅防护套;[例句]Through the masterpieces, solidly molded from copper sheet and lead sheath, we can connect with the artist, whose eyes are...

吹直Blowing straight 吹卷curled

Read ten thousand books, travel ten thousand miles

读万卷书不如行万里路 用英语怎么说
“读万卷书不如行万里路”的英文翻译有以下几种英文说法:Reading thousands of books is better than travelling thousands of miles.Travel is a better way than to read.It is better to travel ten thousand miles than to read ten thousand books.Read 10,000 books and travel 10,000li,he...

如果要表达"读书破万卷,下笔如有神"这个中文成语的英文含义,可以使用 "Read widely, and you will write with wisdom"。这里"wide"不仅指阅读的范围广泛,也暗示了通过广泛阅读能提升写作的智慧和技巧。"wide"在英文中有多重含义,它可以形容地域的广阔,也可以表示程度的充分,或者指代大千世界。例如...

藏传佛教和经卷 用英语怎么说?
藏传佛教和经卷 Tibetan Buddhism and buddhist text {上述译法很准确的,你放心用吧!}

读万卷书不如行万里路 用英语怎么说
网上各种翻法给你看看,这种英文没有对应的谚语时,只要合文法都是可以的。"It's better to travel 10000 miles than to read 10000 books."Travelling thousands of miles gets more knowledge than reading thousands of books.读万卷书不如行万里路。Man who travels far knows more.Traveling ...

唐蒲18726384656问: 花卷的英文是什么? -
榆林市施保回答: 花卷 steamed roll steamed [Chinese style] bread roll

唐蒲18726384656问: 请问花卷、馒头、包子用英语怎么说? -
榆林市施保回答:[答案] 花卷steamed roll 馒头steamed bread 包子steamed stuffed bun

唐蒲18726384656问: 花卷用英语怎么说?
榆林市施保回答: steamed twisted roll 卷成螺旋状的发面食品,即花卷.

唐蒲18726384656问: 花卷用英语怎么说
榆林市施保回答: Hanamaki

唐蒲18726384656问: 花卷用英文怎么写 -
榆林市施保回答: 可以用汉语拼音Huajuan就可以了

唐蒲18726384656问: 谁知道英语怎么说包子,花卷,雪饼和萨其马?需要公众认可的表达方式 -
榆林市施保回答:[答案] 包子 steamed stuffed bun 花卷 steamed twisted roll 雪饼 white cake 萨其马 candied fritter

唐蒲18726384656问: 请问花卷、馒头、包子用英语怎么说?
榆林市施保回答: 花卷steamed roll 馒头steamed bread 包子steamed stuffed bun

唐蒲18726384656问: 洋葱英语叫什么英文里fried可以表达哪些意思.花卷用英语怎么说 -
榆林市施保回答:[答案] onion洋葱 fried表达炒、炸, steamed roll

唐蒲18726384656问: 馒头,花卷,豆沙包这三个词用英语怎么说?
榆林市施保回答: 馒头——Steamed bread 花卷——Hanamaki 豆沙包——Bean paste baozi

唐蒲18726384656问: 馒头,英语怎么说阿 -
榆林市施保回答: steamed buns馒头 steamed twisted rolls花卷儿 steamed stuffed buns包子 steaned bun with meat filling肉包子 steamed bun filled with bean paste豆沙包 meat-filled bun cooked in a small bamboo steamer小笼包 dumplings;jiaozi饺子

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