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你是不是对英语作文感到特别苦恼,挠破脑袋都写不出几个字呢?哈哈哈哈,其实英语作文这只拦路虎并没有你想象的那么困难。只要你会说话就会写作,所以没必要对它感到畏惧。下面我将为你提供三篇关于节约用水的英语作文,希望能帮助你打开思路,让你文思泉涌!作文一 With the advancement of ...

How to protect\/save our environment\/world?The environmental pollution is worse and worse \/more and more seriously today . Water is polluted ,we have no clean water to drink Many trees are cutting down, some animals is getting less and less.Some factories is poring ...

英语作文《how to save water?》80词
Water is very important in our life.We drink it every day and use it to cook and wash things.We can not live without water.But how can we save water?There are several ways to save water.Firstly,take shorter showers and don’t leave the tap running when we don’t need to...

Water is very important for us. We must drink water everyday. We can’t live without water. Water is everywhere around us. At home, we use water to wash clothes, to wash dishes, to cook rice, to clean the flat, to have showers, to make drinks, to clean our teeth, to...

节约用水英语作文 80词
Water is the basic source of life. There would be no life without water.★ More and more water is needed in the modern society.★ Many places are short of water; many rivers and lakes are polluted. What’s worse, many people are wasting water.★ In order to protect water,...

As we know, water is very important to man, we can’t live without water. The amount of water which is suitable to drink is less and less. But some people don’t care about it. They waste a lot of water in their daily life. Even worse, they pour dirty water into ...

关于节约用水的英语作文,70字 要简单易懂,初一范围内
As we all know,water is essential in our daily life.We drink water every day,we use water towash things and cook food,we also use water to make machines.People can'tlive without water.我们都知道水对于日常生活的重要性.我们每天喝水,用水洗东西和烹制食物,我们还用水来制造机器.离...

希望可以帮到你,要几得采纳哦 How to save water Water is very important in our life. We drink it every day and use it to cook and wash things. We can not live without water. But how can we save water?There are several ways to save water. Firstly, take shorter showers and...

【 #英语资源# 导语】水在人们日常生活中,扮演重要的角色。下面是 ! 【篇一】关于节约用水初中英语作文 As we all know water plays an important part in people's daily lives. More and more water is needed in the modern society. So we should try to save it.我们都知道,...

如何节约用水10条英语(整理为一篇文章)How to Save water Water is the source of life. It is the most precious resource in the world. Cherish water resources, start from a bit. Don't waste, know how to save water, reuse to create a better tomorrow. In daily life, we should...

良图13887047678问: 一篇关于《节约用水》的英语作文50字 -
青浦区盐酸回答:[答案] How to save water Water is very important in our life. We drink it every day and use it to cook and wash things. We can not live without water. But how can we save water? There are several ways to s...

良图13887047678问: 英语作文我们要节约用水50词左右 -
青浦区盐酸回答: Don't Waste WaterA man is washing his clothes ,regardless of the notice above "Save the Water Please."As we see ,water is the source of life. But there is very limited available water resources in our world. So we shouldn't waste it. Of course, ...

良图13887047678问: 如何节约用水 英语作文50字左右 -
青浦区盐酸回答:[答案] As we all know water is very important.We should try to save it.First,when we finish washing the clothes or dishes,we can use the water to clean the floor.Second,If we see the dripping tap,we must fix...

良图13887047678问: 以节约用水为题写一篇英语作文 -
青浦区盐酸回答:[答案] 有两篇哟~.选个你喜欢的吧! Water is precious,so we have to protect the water resources.We start from the day-to-day things... 意思水是宝贵的,因此,我们要保护水资源.我们要从日常小事做起,像节约用水,一水多用,及时关水龙头.另外我们看见...

良图13887047678问: 英语作文关于节约水的,谢谢! -
青浦区盐酸回答:[答案] Save water at home We are paying more attention on many environmental problems we made before,one of them is the water emergence.Long time ago,we never noticed that we are in a situation that the water on the earth is less than before,and the ...

良图13887047678问: 英语作文:节约用水 -
青浦区盐酸回答: We must save water Now, we are thirsty for water. On the earth, there's less and less clean water, so we must save water, or we will not have enough water to drink,to wash, to clean...

良图13887047678问: 英语作文初二的{名字:节约用水}50字以上要求:不要出现语法错误?
青浦区盐酸回答: Water is very important for living things. Without water there can be no life on earth. All animals and plants need water. Man also needs water. Nowadays, the water ...

良图13887047678问: 用英语写一篇70字以上 如何节约用水的 作文1.刷牙时不要一直开著水龙头.2.拖地的水留下来冲厕所.3.洗菜洗米的水拿去浇花.4.洗完手 随手关掉水龙头.等等..... -
青浦区盐酸回答:[答案] 1 if mankind not from now,water conservation and environmental protection,humans will see the last drop of tear yourself. 2 ... save and protect water resources cities. 12 and efforts to establish water-saving economy and water-saving society. 13 and ...

良图13887047678问: 求一篇以节约用水为主题的英语作文1.水是生命之源2.地球上的水资源是有限的,能用的水更是有限的3.节水措施 以上为资源写一篇100词左右的作文啊 -
青浦区盐酸回答:[答案] How to Protect and Save water? As we know, water is very important in our life. We drink and use it every day. We can't live without water, but the water on the earth is limited. So we must try our best to protect and save water. But how to do it? Here is ...

良图13887047678问: Save water 写一篇英语作文要求:1:我们为什么要节约用水;2:如果没有谁将发生们么;3:我们怎么节约用水:4;我们用水做什么 -
青浦区盐酸回答:[答案] Water Water is very important for living things.Without water there can be no life on earth.All animals and plants need water.Man also needs water.Water is found atmosteverywhere.Even in the driest pa...

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