
作者&投稿:边侄 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

常见的互译软件 1、中译英: deepL 专业翻译都会用的翻译工具,尤其很多专业性强的文章也能准确翻译,除中英互译外,小语种和英文的互译也做得很好。2、英译中:搜狗 搜狗翻译是最常用的国产翻译工具,这个软件翻译过来的文章也是符合中文语法习惯的,对于很多专业性强的内容也能很准确翻译过来。3、中英互...


先来说一下【英】翻【中】一、方法技巧 1、首先必须知道中英文表达的逻辑 ,主谓宾顺序一样。中英文各修饰部分对应从前往后依次倒序。2、然后得知道如何划分句子成分 ,找到主谓宾以及各修饰部分 3、英语里的介词短语是让英语句子变得又长又难的原因,英译中相对简单,刚好介词帮助很好的断句。中译英...



中译英 用英语怎么说
translate chinese into english

中译英 用英语怎么说
Chinese translate English

翻译... 中译英,超简单的
57. 最后 last 58. 所有她的朋友们 all her friends 59. 向她走过去 60. 对…唱…61. 跟某人分享某物 62. 过得愉快 have fun 63. 在4月8日 on April eighth 64. 一年中我最喜欢的日子.my favorit days this year 65. 在花园路118号 一个一个字打的,希望对楼主有帮助 ...

1.不客气: You're welcome.2.不敢当 : I'm flattered. \/ It's nothing. [老外没那么客气啦〕3.你请 : Please 〔加动作〕\/After you.4.很高兴能认识您 : It's a pleasure to meet you.5.祝您今天愉快 : Have a nice day.6.您说什么 : Pardon me? \/ Sorry, you were saying.....

He was emberrassed standing in front of the cinema gate, as he had forgotten the ticket.2.我喜欢让我的女儿穿粉红的衣服。(dress)I like my daughter to dress in pink.3.我的英语书是用彩色的纸包的。(wrap)My English book is wrapped with the papaer in color.4.在任何情况下...

职乔13051624427问: 在线翻译 汉译英
毕节市伸筋回答: I can't help singing .

职乔13051624427问: 英语翻译中译英 -
毕节市伸筋回答:[答案] He must have had a traffic accident. He must have received special training. It must have taken him several months to draft the document.

职乔13051624427问: 中译英→翻译
毕节市伸筋回答: -这个要看这三个字在句子中的成分的 1如果是定语 例:汉英字典:Chinese English Dictionary(也能表示中译英的意思) 2如果是主谓结构(即完整的一句话) 例:请把这段中文翻译成英文: please translate these Chinese to English

职乔13051624427问: 英语翻译,中译英
毕节市伸筋回答: 1第十一届运动会是否在我市举行还未定下来Whether the Eleventh Sports Meeting will be held in our city has not been decided yet. 2这票是谁的还未查出来Whose ticket it is has not been found out yet. 3他们要烧哪种煤需要做出决定It needs to be decided which kind of coal they are going to burn.

职乔13051624427问: 翻译(中译英)
毕节市伸筋回答: 你想成为演员吗 do you want to be an actor? 不,我不想,我想成为一位医生 NO, I don't. I want to be a doctor. 你同意老师的观点吗 Do you agree with the points of your teacher? 是的,同意,我认为这是一个好主意 Yes, I do. I think it is a good idea.

职乔13051624427问: 翻译 中译英 -
毕节市伸筋回答: hello teacher, I called M, I am from Beijing, studying at the Hunan Institute of Technology Department of Economy and Trade. My hobby is sleeping, I have not even sleep lying unconscious fo...

职乔13051624427问: 翻译中译英 我听见风来自地铁和人海. -
毕节市伸筋回答:[答案] I hear the wind coming from the undergroud and the ocean(s) of people.

职乔13051624427问: 翻译翻译,中译英
毕节市伸筋回答: The economy is to grab the market for their cultural goods and political reform is through public awareness to create hegemony. Entertainment commodity exports are capital accumulation, one of the most important source, but also an alternative ...

职乔13051624427问: 翻译中译英
毕节市伸筋回答: if you are interested in me, please do tell me. we don't have much time left to be together now..please..

职乔13051624427问: 翻译汉译英 -
毕节市伸筋回答: I want to be your wife.更风趣、委婉的说法:I want to be Mrs. XXXX(其中 XXXX 是男方的姓氏).翻译为:我要作 XXXX 太太.

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