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另外,由于GN粒子能够运用于以光束武器,为其他国家所没有,令仍依赖实弹技术的Union等国无法应付。 天梯 AEU、人革联、Union各所兴建于赤道上,可通往外太空的电梯。 相关产品 DVD DVD VOL.1 2008年1月25日,售价3990日元,收录第1~2话。 主题曲 第一片头曲 “DAYBREAK'S BELL”(2007年10月10日发售) 主唱:L...

高达00 问题
即「PMC Trust(PMC社,ピーエムシー?トラスト)」,一般泛指民间军需产业,是现实中存在的机构,二十一世纪著名的「PMC」有美国的「黑水国际(Black Water International)」等,在《机动战士高达00》的世界观中主要以「莫拉利亚共和国」为发展中心,并逐渐形成统一企业的形式,该机构与「AEU」临近,虽非隶属于「AEU」但...

是现实中存在的机构,二十一世纪著名的「PMC」有美国的「黑水国际(Black Water International)」等,在《机动战士高达00》的世界观中主要以「莫拉利亚共和国」为发展中心,并逐渐形成统一企业的形式,该机构与「AEU」临近,虽非隶属于「AEU」但保持着友好关系。

主要成员国:欧洲联盟、莫斯科、格陵兰、地中海国家群、非洲国家等。联合国(United Nations,国际连合)即二十世纪成立的「联合国」组织,虽然在《机动战士高达00》的世界中依然存在,但以不复当年能够牵制各国政治动向的力量,各大联盟只有在需要合作时才通过「联合国」进行交流。主要以救援或资助机构存在。

漳戚13239923962问: ...(重视) school. Where else do you get to play with your friends, do science experiments, read great books and write stories all in one day? Just as you'll ... -
冷水滩区亮博回答:[答案] 小题1:C小题1:B小题1:B小题1:A小题1:D 【主旨大意】:本文是记叙文.本文讲述了在美国4月28号是 .这一天孩子们将不去上学,他们将会与他们的父母一起去工作.作者写了自...

漳戚13239923962问: ...school.Where else do you get to play with your friends do science experiments read great books and write stories all in one day? Just as you'll have to learn ... -
冷水滩区亮博回答:[答案] 答案:1.C;2.B;3.B;4.A;5.D;解析:(1) 细节理解 根据短文第一段中This is because April 28 is Take Our Sons and Daughters to Work Day all over the US.故选C. (2) 细节理解 根据短文第二段No...

漳戚13239923962问: ...therell be someone who do knowone time,he set himself a high goalhe wants to be there as a role modelever since then life becomes a live show real time ... -
冷水滩区亮博回答:[答案] When everybody says someone is a hero 当每个人都说某个人是个英雄时 No one really knows the truth about an idol 没人真的知道关于偶像的真相 Whose inside is pretty lonely n' vulnerable 那实际上十分孤独和脆弱的内心 Wishing there'll be someone...

漳戚13239923962问: ...can hardly believe it (yeah) but there's an angel calling me reaching for my heart i know,that i'll be ok now this time it's real i lay my love on u it's all i wanna do ... -
冷水滩区亮博回答:[答案] 你用仅仅一个微笑,让雨天放晴.can hardly believe it (yeah) 真的不敢相信.there's an angel standing next to me 天使就在我身边 reaching for my heart 住在我心里 just a smile and there's no way back 你的一个...

漳戚13239923962问: 1.I'd like something - ____English.Could you make some for me A.really B.real C.truly D.true2.Teaching is the greatest work - _____the sun.A.in B.on C.under ... -
冷水滩区亮博回答:[答案] 1.记得something uesful(形容词)一些有用的东西,AC加ly是副词.D是真实的意思 固选B2.A和B太离谱了在太阳历和在太阳表面.所以排除,D.around the sun 太阳周围,不可能吧!排除只有选c3.这是一个反疑疑问句 格式:前肯定,...

漳戚13239923962问: ...has to prove his case in court and to do that he often has to gather a lot of different evidence.A third big difference between the drama detective and the real ... -
冷水滩区亮博回答:[答案] 1.real 2.criminal 3.daily 4.need 5.ways 6.devotes 7.ends 8.law 9.separated &...

漳戚13239923962问: and you can never give up一首歌 最后是i believe i can i believe i will i believe i know my dreams are real -
冷水滩区亮博回答:[答案] I Believe - Yolanda Adams They said you wouldn't make is so far uh uh And ever since they said it,it's been hard But nevermind the nights you had to cry Cause you have never let it go inside You worked real hard And you know exactly what you want and ...

漳戚13239923962问: ..."OK.Yes,thanks."So next time when you hear what sounds like an invitation,listen carefully.Is it a real invitation or is the person justbeing friendly?1.Why do ... -
冷水滩区亮博回答:[答案] 答案是 CDAAB 如果你想知道意思 就看看吧 在加拿大和美国,人们都喜欢在家里请客.他们经常邀请朋友吃一顿饭、参加个聚会,或者喝咖啡、聊天. 这里有一些关于当他们邀请某人去他们家的事情 你愿意星期六晚上来我家吃晚饭吗? 嘿,我们在星...

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