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李安拍摄的英国电影《理智与情感》获柏林金熊奖,两个奥斯卡影后主演, 莎翁情史,奥斯卡最佳影片,《去日留痕》安东尼霍普金斯和艾玛汤普森影帝影后联合主演,《危险关系》、《纯真年代》:奥斯卡影帝丹尼尔·戴·刘易斯主演


IQ情缘是一部富有情感深度的电影 IQ情缘作为一部探讨智力与情感之间微妙关系的电影,凭借其独特的叙事手法和深入人心的主题,赢得了观众的广泛好评。影片不仅仅是一部关于天才与普通人之间爱情故事的电影,更是一部探讨社会偏见、智力评判以及人性多样性的深刻作品。影片通过主人公的经历,展示了智商高并不...

【影片长度】102 Mins 【对白语言】英语原声 【字幕语言】外挂中\/英文 【内容简介】杰米.沙浓向来认为他的自由远比生活本身重要得多。眼看他的同龄人们(甚至最好的朋友马可)一步步走进婚姻的殿堂,杰米矢志不改,坚持享受自己幸福多彩的约会,并走马观灯似的换着女友。但他绝没料到,在人生的十字路口...

2.Action and Adventure 动作片、冒险片 Action and Adventure 是指动作冒险类型的电影。动作片你可以叫作Action movie。例: He loves action movies – all car chases and jumping out of planes. 他很喜欢看动作片——飙车追逐、跳飞机等等。3.Romance movie 爱情片 爱情片的英文可叫做Romance ...

爱上大明星StarStruck (2010)故事发生在一位美国中西部的平凡女生洁西卡欧森(Jessica Olson)身上,因缘际会下,让她认识了好莱坞的少女杀手-超级明星克里斯多福怀德(Christopher Wilde),两人因此在南加州展开了一趟心动之旅,当洁西卡回家后,而克里斯多福却对外否认这段关系,两人的恋情正面临着一场考验...

《天使艾米丽》经典台词 喜欢把手指深深的插到豆子里。喜欢在黑暗中观察别人的表情。喜欢一个人没有男朋友的生活。。。一只每分钟能振动翅膀 14670 次的加里佛里德丽蝇停在蒙马特德圣凡赛街。这时一家餐馆里的平台上,风正猛烈地吹起台布,台布上的玻璃杯像是在跳舞,但是没人感觉到这场曼妙的舞蹈。在...

K歌情人 演职员表 导演 Director:马克·劳伦斯 Marc Lawrence 编剧 Writer:马克·劳伦斯 Marc Lawrence ...(written by)演员 Actor:德鲁·巴里摩尔 Drew Barrymore ...Sophie Fishe 【关于影片】一直都扎根于浪漫爱情喜剧中的导演马克·劳伦斯(Marc Lawrence),早就琢磨着想要通过一部影片,去探索一...

菜急13769289028问: 电影《诺丁山》观后感!!!英文300字内 -
仲巴县仁怡回答: Notting Hill is a romantic film by Roger Michell. It was written by Richard Curtis (one of the top screenwriters in the UK) in 1999. As regards the plot, if we summarize it, we can say that a very famous Hollywood movie star, Anna Scott, falls in love with ...

菜急13769289028问: 求3篇英语电影的英语观后感,急!!!!! -
仲巴县仁怡回答: 《Forrest Gump》Today I saw a movie called 《Forrest Gump》. It's an American movie which won Academy Award in 1994. The leading role's name is Forrest Gump and the movie tells a story how he could be succeed. I think it is a very ...

菜急13769289028问: 暮光之城2的观后感英文的,差不多100词左右,带中文 -
仲巴县仁怡回答: What Pure Love Is.——Twilight Twilight is based on a novel about the love between a vampire and a human which is written by Stephenie Meyer. Maybe someone think their love is so unreal and absurd as I did when I first saw this movie. However,...

菜急13769289028问: 求英文电影50字英语观后感,初中生能看懂的,电影最好不要关于爱情 -
仲巴县仁怡回答: Today I go to see a movie ,and the name is Super Man.In this movie the man have very big power and his dream is to protect everyone who is in trouble.That movie teaches us that the life is not as bad as most people feel and don't give up no matter what happens.There is always someone who can help you as if you insist.

菜急13769289028问: 求电影stand by me(1986美国) 的英文观后感
仲巴县仁怡回答: this film link to the theme"grow up"because the four boys became more mature

菜急13769289028问: 求 3篇 欧美 经典电影观后感 英文 最好是《阿甘正传》和《小鬼当家》的 100词左右 急啊!!!!!!!!! -
仲巴县仁怡回答: Forrest Gump Show the agreement between the huge history and the personal experiences, it's a epic about American politics from the little experience perspective . In the film Forrest gump is Intellectual disability. But every plots in this story are ...

菜急13769289028问: 求帮忙10篇 美国电影 英语观后感 120字左右 -
仲巴县仁怡回答:[答案] 美国电影《阿甘正传》的英语观后感 When I first saw this movie I didn't appreciate it like I do now. Because I was so young that I didn't get the main idea when I first saw it. Just recently I saw the movie again. What an amazing and moving story. That ...

菜急13769289028问: 求用英文写一篇.美国电影电影《野孩子》的观后感 -
仲巴县仁怡回答: A youth inspirational film, the hero is a vibrant beautiful girl, she has a rebellious character, in the film she gradually grow and improve the ability to judge things, in friendship, family's help, she was from a "arouses tired "wild child grow into a good ...

菜急13769289028问: 外国电影英文观后感 -
仲巴县仁怡回答: after seen the movie named《Dvinch code》,i have known that human's borning characterristics can be very cruel,the only way we can defeat it is distroy is and let everything born agian.Human Instrumentailty can be a very good example.What we should do is clean our crime by instrumen our heart.

菜急13769289028问: 求3篇英语电影的英语观后感,每篇5句,初一水平的,不要爱情片.好的有追加分 -
仲巴县仁怡回答:[答案] 《Forrest Gump》Today I saw a movie called 《Forrest Gump》.It's an American movie which won Academy Award in 1994.The leading role's name is Forrest Gump and the movie tells a story how he could be s...

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