
作者&投稿:伯牙吾台急 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

关于因特网的英语作文 120字左右
以下是三篇关于因特网的英语作文,每篇大约120字,附有中文翻译:作文一:Title: The Importance of the Internet The Internet plays a crucial role in our lives. It has revolutionized the way we communicate, access information, and conduct business. With the Internet, we can easily connect...

他因为诈骗和欺诈入狱服刑两年。 [其他] 复数:frauds 问题三:双语阅读#“电信诈骗”英语怎么说 电信诈骗 Telemunication fraud 问题四:求一篇关于诈骗(网络或者电信)的英语作文。要求:1.120词左右。2.提 80分 With the development and popularization of network technology, the network has bee a part of ...

英语作文 劝人慎交网友
。比如在网络上一定要保持谨慎,不随便交网友。近年有很多青少年因为交友不慎,被人通过网络进行诈骗等人身侵害,这些无不提醒我们应慎交朋友。 “近朱者赤,近墨者黑”,让我们谨慎而真诚地去结交好友,在良好的交友氛围中收获属于自己的那份真挚的友情,走好人生的每一步!)觉得可以请采纳,谢谢了。

Whether helping others is out-of-date We always know from the TV that someone helps a old man but the old man bites back him and requests him to pay for the hurt. Now this common incident will get us a question: whether helping others is out-of-date?The answer is inclined...

I am writting to express my concern over the library service on the canpuse.As a major in English,Ifind that most of the book in English in the libraryare outdate.So far,Ihave not come across a single book published affter 1995.As a result,we fail to get the lastest ...

以下是一些安全使用网络英语作文带翻译的建议:1. 选择可信的网站和资料:在使用网络英语作文带翻译的过程中,应该选择可信的网站和资料,避免使用来源不明的网站和资料。建议选择知名的英语学习网站、学术论坛和在线词典等,同时注意查看网站和资料的来源和作者,避免使用虚假信息和错误翻译。2. 自我校对和...

上网也有好处和坏处 英语作文
另一方面网络犯罪增多,例如传播病毒、黑客入侵、通过银行 和信用卡盗窃、诈骗等。这些犯罪主体以青少年 为主,大多数动机单纯,有的甚至是为了“好玩”、“过瘾”和“显示才华”。另外,有关网络 的法律制度不健全也给青少年 违法犯罪以可乘之机。4, the hidden nature of the network, increasing causes theimmoral ...

求“Internet shopping”的英语作文 是议论文 带中文
求“Internet shopping”的英语作文 是议论文 带中文  我来答 1个回答 #热议# 网文质量是不是下降了?可靠的vbgb 2014-02-09 · TA获得超过1094个赞 知道答主 回答量:121 采纳率:0% 帮助的人:75.8万 我也去答题访问个人页 关注 展开全部 Internet shopping Internet shopping, product ...

当前,网络对青少年的危害主要集中到两点,一是某些人实施诸如诈骗或性侵害之类的犯罪;另一方 面就是黄色垃圾对青少年的危害。据有关专家调查,因特网上非学术性信息中,有47%与色情有关,网络使色情内容更容易传播。据不完全统计,60%的青少年虽然是在无意中接触到网上黄色信息的,但自制力较弱的青少年往往出于好奇或...


陟邦17854698015问: 近期,qq上不断出现骗钱事件,写一篇英语作文 -
保康县尤尼回答: On resently,suff the internet QQ frequent person to be cheated money I think that it was normal,don't talk with the stranger person,I think that it was protect yourself.I never talk with the stranger person.And I think that you were also can set a function,...

陟邦17854698015问: 讲述遭遇诈骗英语作文 -
保康县尤尼回答: y are told not to cheat. Every student can list tile evils of cheating, but a few are still caught cheating during examinations. Those who do not grasp what they should learn and do trust to luck are. likely to cheat. They do not study hard during the ...

陟邦17854698015问: 关于如何避免微信诈骗的英语作文 -
保康县尤尼回答: In recent years,Wechat is becoming increasingly popular.Many people express themselves,exchange ideas and deliver information by Wechat.There are a number of reasons for Wechat to be known.To begin with,Wechat is a relative cheap way of ...

陟邦17854698015问: 写一条关于你经历骗局的英语作文80个单词 -
保康县尤尼回答:[答案] Every one of us may be misunderstood in our daily life. What is important is how to deal with it. Once a classmate of mine broke a classroom window during the break. As I was the monitor, our teach...

陟邦17854698015问: 英语作文 关于网络犯罪 -
保康县尤尼回答: Computer crime can broadly be defined as criminal activity involving an information technology infrastructure, including illegal access (unauthorized access), illegal interception (by technical means of non-public transmissions of computer data to, ...

陟邦17854698015问: 关于网络犯罪的英语作文 -
保康县尤尼回答: With the booming development of internet,the computer has brought us the greatest convenience than ever before and make the mankind's lives easier.However,every coin has two sides.Computer crime has also become a social ...

陟邦17854698015问: 关于骗局的英语作文,急 -
保康县尤尼回答: Have I lied to someone else? Yes, of course.When still at high school, I lived far from my school. I had to take buses to and from school. One day while in a bus, I found a thief stealing. But when the loser caught him, the thief asked who had seen him ...

陟邦17854698015问: 英语作文网络犯罪 -
保康县尤尼回答: 应对网络犯罪 Deal With Cyber Crimes With the popularity of Internet, cyber crimes are a serious problem, people's computer will be easily attacked, because cyber criminals are everywhere on the Internet. The personal computer is no longer safe ...

陟邦17854698015问: 写一条关于你经历骗局的英语作文80个单词 -
保康县尤尼回答: Every one of us may be misunderstood in our daily life. What is important is how to deal with it. Once a classmate of mine broke a classroom window during the break. As I was the monitor, our teacher discussed it with me. I suggested forgiving him ...

陟邦17854698015问: 考研英语作文 电信诈骗 满分作文 -
保康县尤尼回答: This picture, which illustrates the importance of love and help between parents and children, consists of two drawings. The first drawing shows what a mother and a daughter were like 30 years ago. The second drawing , in contrast , shows what the ...

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