
作者&投稿:良律 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

我相信在你的帮助下,我的英语学习会取得很大的进步。二、假定你是李华,你正在为高考紧张复习,但最近你遇到了-些问题导致无法集中精力学习。于是你给你校的外籍心理老师凯特写一封求助信寻求帮助。要点如下:1.作业多,没有时间运动。2.压力大,难以入睡。3.希望得到凯特的帮助。注意: 1.词数100左右。亲爱的凯特:...

Everyone has a dream.Now I want to say something about my dream. What is my dream? I often ask myself. In my mind, everyone shall have his own dream. I think that having a dream means that we have an idea, and then we will do all the things to achieve the target. ...

同学你好~ Dear Wang Ping, I'm sorry to hear that you are suffering from heavy pressure and anxieties from college entrance examination.I would like to give you some suggestions to help you. At first you must keep a good state of mind. That is to say, you need...

但是,如果不符合这些条件的.学生,我则不建议出国留学,因为这对他们来说压力太大了。不管是国内还是国外的教育都可以把他们教得很好,此外,他们也许还要考虑到自身性格这一点。总之,出不出国留学应该根据每个人自己的情况而定。高三英语作文 篇2 I have a happy family. There are my father, ...

Dear parents,The college entrance examination is drawing near. The more close to the more nervous. But think of your always behind me, I feel at ease a lot . I want to thank you for my silently unrequited love and encouragement,and I would take a positive attitude to meet ...

这篇作文的翻译如下。First of all, judging a person's quality requires an all-round investigation. A test paper can't decide anything. The test quality is only a small part of the cultural quality. Measuring a person by such a biased standard is very incomplete and unconvincing.M...


...他最近烦恼 (离高考不远,压力大,晚上学习到很晚,
Dear Mike,Thank for your letter.Please don't worry to much, here are some exprience I would like to share with you. Firstly, diet. Choose those food which are good for your health and make you happy. Secondly, Mentality. Look the bright side on everything you face. Thirdly...

Aiming to build up a civilized campus and create a good environment for our study and life, the Student’s Union decides to hold a competition about choosing the best campus cultural slogans in our school. Anyone who wants to show your talent can hand in your art work in the ...

高考英语作文范文精选 Many years ago, the movie about the youth became very popular, every year, we can see many hot movies about the protagonist’s passed youth. People like to recall their passed youth, which makes such movies sell good. But I find the common things about ...

市玛15397454156问: 帮我写篇英语作文吧 就是高考压力大如何缓解的.how to deal with stress 作文要求 1.保持自信.2.要学会放松,体育锻炼是良好的放松方法 3.向朋友家人倾诉. -
望都县艾丰回答:[答案] Dear Li Hua , iI'm your Ancle and I heard from you and knew that you got a lot of stress , so I'm writting to tell you something . Stress exists everywhere ,and everyone has stress but in different ways . when I was a student like you , I got a lot of stress too , ...

市玛15397454156问: 关与如何释放高考压力的英语作文,其中要涉及到和父母沟通 -
望都县艾丰回答: 你不会想我们用英语写出来吧,呵呵,好多年没用英语了怕出语法错误,误导你了 就给你打个中文的草稿吧,英文的书面表达因为字数不多,所以也不需要太复杂,思路如下:1、马上就要高考了,你的压力很大,觉得考不好对不起自己,更对不起父母;2、因为感觉到你的压力很大,父母决定跟你谈谈高考;3、父母告诉你,高考成绩并不代表全部.因为高考只是人生的一个阶段,更重要的是你为自己的未来奋斗和努力的过程,只要你尽力做到最好,对你就是一种锻炼;4、听了父母的话,你很受启发,你不再因为分数而感到压力,因为你找到了目标——做最好的自己.呵呵,希望能帮到你

市玛15397454156问: 英文作文 高考前如何放松心理压力 -
望都县艾丰回答: There are good ways and bad ways to do so. We should deal with stress in good ways, of course. Good ways to cut down on stress include changing our lifestyles. For example, we can learn either to get along with people or to stay away from them. ...

市玛15397454156问: 怎样面对高考压力英语作文 -
望都县艾丰回答: With the development of society, the competition of the entire society is more and more intense, causing increasing pressure to people. Stress of study, work and life are ubiquitous, but how can we deal with it? Here are some tips that I hope can be ...

市玛15397454156问: 面对高考怎样正确调节压力的英语作文 -
望都县艾丰回答: Stress is a state of being upset that happens when we are under pressure. Both our feelings and our bodies get upset.We can even get emotionally and physically sick if we have too much stress for too long. Stress can come at us from every ...

市玛15397454156问: 英语作文高考前如何缓解焦虑和压力 -
望都县艾丰回答: 高考前如何缓解焦虑和压力 可以通过听音乐放松心情,这种音乐应该由乐器慢慢地、静静演奏出来,使人宁静的音乐有二个特性:熟悉与喜好,所以无论是何种音乐,只要能让你高兴就好. 体育锻炼、规律性运动可能是解除压力的最实际方法...

市玛15397454156问: 如何缓解高三压力英语作文
望都县艾丰回答: Pressure is a serious problem in today's world. Students in our class are under too much pressure. Some students can't get on well with their classmates, while others may worry about their exams. I'm always under pressure, too. My parents ...

市玛15397454156问: 英语作文.假如你是李华,由于高考临近,你的好友王平感到前所未有的焦虑和压力.要点:保持良好的心态,对自己有信心.学会缓解压力.高考并不能决定人的... -
望都县艾丰回答:[答案] 同学你好~ؤ Dear Wang Ping, I'm sorry to hear that you are suffering from heavy pressure and anxieties from college entrance examination.I would like to give you some suggestions to help you....

市玛15397454156问: 关于克服考试压力的英语作文带翻译,谢谢 -
望都县艾丰回答: As we all know, most of us middle school students feel somehow nervous whenever we're taking an important exam. There is no doubt that exams are important to us students, but it's more important to have a right attitude towards them. As a ...

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