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结交英语笔友,写英文信.这种方法容易坚持,还很有意思.不仿一试,好处多多 请勿抄袭,否则交给管理员'。 7. 英语作文介绍电子书的好处 in recent years, electronic books, as a product of information technology, have gained more and more popularity. it is no doubt electronic books bring many benefits. ...

翻译 亲爱的先生或女士:我是我们大学的一名学生,我的业余时间经常在图书馆度过。总的来说,我们图书馆的服务很好。不过,我仍有一些建议供您提高服务质量。首先,我希望你们延长开放时间。在白天,大多数学生都在上课。为了继续,有些书太旧/过时了。如果你能用最新的材料替换它们,那就更好了。我...

传统阅读还是电子阅读 英语作文200字
随着科技的发展,越来越多的人使用电子书;与此同时,很多人仍然在看传统书籍。我觉得两者都有优点和缺点。Electricbooks and traditional books can be very different from each other. Electricbooks are light to carry, and they are so divers that you can read them on yourmobile phone, MP4....

I think e-book will replace paper-book eventually.Reasons are listed below.随着科技的快速发展,人们被各种各样的电子产品所包围.越来越多的人们倾向于用电脑或者手机看书,而不是到图书馆看书.因此,、一场关于电子书是否会取代纸质书的争议展开了.一些人认为看电子书很方便,我们可以带电子书到任何...

they need to heavily depend on their parents' overseas monthly payments.现在越来越多的人够买小汽车.对此的优点和缺点写一篇英语作文 The Car With the development of the times,cars are more and more ! Every coin has its o sides! There are both good points and bad points! Cars ...

求一篇英语作文 my view on white lies. 120-150词
例文 We have all been taught that it is wrong to lie,and yet we all tell little lies every day.These are white lies and,in my opinion,they are perfectly okey.We don't tell white lies to hurt others or gain some advantage.On the contrary,we tell them to make others ...

对待英语课上的说话,跑坐位。我又该如何做呢?首先,我认为上英语课必须要做到每个人管好自己,这是大关键,我觉得我制定的实施方案是可以的。 也许有时候我的胆子可能小了点,但是我相信有了同学们对我的信任,我一定会改掉自己的缺点,从而完善我以前的面目。 希望大家支持我! 四年级英语作文9 等我上完了大学,我...

In recent years, electronic books, as a product of information technology, have gained more and more popularity. It is no doubt electronic books bring many benefits. For one thing, they are so convenient that we can read them anywhere and anytime. For another, their appearance ...

one thing i did successfully 作文
甚至读懂了新语言的书籍 学习一门新语言为我打开了很多门 我能够与来自不同文化的人交流 并在旅行中不感到迷失或无助 它也给了我一种成就感和提高了我的信心 总的来说 学习一门新语言是一个具有挑战性但又有回报的经历 它教会了我坚持和决心的价值 并鼓励其他人以相同的心态追求自己的目标 第二篇英语作文写...


暨曼17286852899问: 印刷书的缺点英语作文 -
韩城市头孢回答: Printing was in ancient times China ancient invention,invention is welcomed by the people.Later,people once again improved printing,and then introduced tothe west,in the west is very popular.Until now the printing is indispensable.Because ...

暨曼17286852899问: E book 英语作文 要求1.2.它的优点 3.它的缺点 4.个人看法 无要求 -
韩城市头孢回答:[答案] E-Book More and more people are tending to read books or information by computer software or mobile phone software, ... 但有些人反对,电子书籍应该在大规模使用的想法.他们认为,电子书就像快餐一样,对人类传统纸质书籍来讲没那么营养.获...

暨曼17286852899问: 你更喜欢电脑还是书本?通过比较电脑与书本的优点与缺点,写一篇作文. 初三水平100字左右 急求!!! -
韩城市头孢回答: 上看书和看纸书.只要我能够把握一个度无论在网上看书还是看纸书都一样,两者皆有益处也有弊端啊;而其弊端则对眼睛伤害太大.其二.其一,网上看书方便且选择的类型多,包含知识面广,如果让我选择,那么我两者都喜欢,看纸书虽说格式看上去很容易让人接受不过你想看的书不一定都能看到,而且,看纸书对你的眼睛也有一定的伤害.所以

暨曼17286852899问: 纸质书与电子书的比较及未来发展的英语作文 -
韩城市头孢回答: More and more people are tending to read books or information by computer software or mobile phone software, it is because most of the E books are free and convient to download. When one meets some questions, the frist step he does may be ...

暨曼17286852899问: 读电子书好还是读纸质书好英语作文100字 -
韩城市头孢回答: 读电子书好还是读纸质书好英语作文 I like paper books because I like that I can hold them in my hands. E-books, however, may have some negative impacts on health. (这句 ,就说一下电子书可能会影响到健康问题.) We often receive certain ...

暨曼17286852899问: 英语短文两个相似之物的不同之处,请问有没有什么题材啊,比如纸质书和电子书的区别 -
韩城市头孢回答: 1喜欢 2有 方便但对眼睛有伤害 3看时间 时间多去书店 短下电子书 4优点:方便 缺点:伤害眼睛 5优点:有读书的感觉 缺点:成本高 6不会 有些方面不能取代

暨曼17286852899问: 英语作文 纸制字典和电子字典的优缺点 -
韩城市头孢回答: Paper system dictionary Advantage:explanation detailed, sentence as example many. Weakness:not easy flick to take. Electronics dictionary Advantage:Check to seek convenience. Weakness:The price is expensive. 我是英语教师,答案令你满意吧.

暨曼17286852899问: 写两篇学位英语作文,后天要开始考试了. 1、电子书和纸质书 2、培养一种爱好的重要性 -
韩城市头孢回答: E-book or Paper Book 电子书和纸质书I like paper books because I like that I can hold them in my hands. E-books, however, may have some negative impacts on health. (这句承上启下,就说一下电子书可能会影响到健康问题.) We often ...

暨曼17286852899问: 求一篇关于电子书优缺点的英文短文~ -
韩城市头孢回答: 讲缺点的:Now, more and more people prefer e-books to traditional ones, because it can save their time and money. However, with various e-books flooded in, more and more people are aware of the disadvantages of e-books.The fact that, e-...

暨曼17286852899问: 假设你是李津.你校英语校刊正在举办"E - books or Paper Books"的征文,请你用英语谈一下你对此的看法.短文应包含以下要点:1)电子书的优势(... -
韩城市头孢回答:[答案] There is a heated discussion among my fellow students over the choice between e-books or paper books. (高分句型一) ... while comfortableness that paper books bring to readers always matters most to them.(电子书的缺点) However,as a student ...

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