
作者&投稿:舌仲 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

英语单词造句要有意思 1、be located in 2、period 3、war 4、warring...
1. My hometown is located in the north of Hebei. 我的家乡位于河北北部。2. This was the most difficult period of his life.这是他一生中最艰难的时期。3. war Did your grandfathe took part in World War II? 你的祖父参加过第二次世界大战吗?4. warring I want to take part in ...

I love helicopters.I want to learn how to drive a helicopter.Motorbikes are faster than bicycles.My uncle has a cool motorbike.Tram is a kind of normal tranportation in Australia.I've never been on a tram before.There is a long distance between us.We still love each other di...

1. I baked a cake for my date. I am late to take my tape.2. He waited for the mail train in the rain.3. He always stay at home in May, but he take the subway today.4. In the dream, he eat meat on a sea beach.5.In the weekend, he see bees in some trees....

分别造5各:I totally agree with you.Everyone in the class agreed upon the proposal.I have to be convinced before I can agree with your argument.Do you agree with me?How could you agree to such an idea?I expect you to do well in your exam.My teachers have high expectation ...

1,surf --I like surfing.\\They live to surf and nothing can stop them. \\I'm glad the jobs leave my afternoon for surfing.2.internet --Who can tell me how to make a pen pal on internet?\\Internet shopping offers a lot of benefits for the shopper\\it is often cheaper to ...

1. Can you get me a piece of paper please?2. Please keep your belongings safely in the locker 3. This watch is worth a thousand dollars.4. This building is newly built this year.5. I would love to have a pet.6. Thomas Edision was the creator of light bulbs.7. He ...

主格形式:We are friends.我们是朋友 you are right.你们是对的(你是对的)宾格形式:Let us go.我们走吧 Are you OK?你们还好吗?(你还好吗)形容词性物主代词:It is our money.这是我们的钱 It is your work.这是你们的工作(这是你的工作)名词性物主代词:It is ours.这是我们的 ...

sense :I lost my sense of taste.我丧失了味觉。sight:The train is still in sight.火车仍在视线内。taste:The medicine has a bitter taste.这药有苦味。touch:They keep close touch with me.他们和我保持密切联系。below:Please do not write below this line.请不要写在这条线的下面....

1.the dog belong to the women.2.i am attempting to pass exam.3.The general ar course at the university encompass a wide range of subject.大学文科包括的科目范围很广。4.Thoe native girls looked alike with the coronets of flowers around their necks,这些脖子上戴着花环的当地少女看...

1.I wanna put this dog out.我要把这只狗放出来。2.Please put this stuff back.请把这个东西放回来。3.Please don't break words in.请不要插话。(这句话我不是太确定!)4.Please don't break the game off,I will finish my homework as soon as possible.请不要中断游戏,我将会...

贯斩13965308843问: 英语简单造句 -
东山县康尔回答: 1.difference It will make a very big difference. 这将造成很大的差别. 2.differently Every individual learns differently. 每个人的学习方式都不一样. 3.also He was mean,also ugly. 他既吝啬,又丑陋.4.as well She can speak Japanese as well as English. 她会说日语和英语.5.one moreI think I can do with one more piece. 我想我还能再吃一块.

贯斩13965308843问: 简单英语造句 -
东山县康尔回答: let's go to swimming 让我们去游泳吧let's go to the classroom让我们去教室吧.

贯斩13965308843问: 简单的英语造句 -
东山县康尔回答: 1.congratulationHe give me a congratulation firstly2.come truehe said:“your dream will come ture!”3.have a look atWhen you have a look at the sky, yon can often see the clouds 4.of course Of course ,he is the first one 5.be satisfied withHe ...

贯斩13965308843问: 英语简单造句1.difference 2.differently 3.also 4.as well 5.onemore -
东山县康尔回答:[答案] 1.difference It will make a very big difference. 这将造成很大的差别. 2.differently Every individual learns differently. 每个人的学... 3.also He was mean,also ugly. 他既吝啬,又丑陋. 4.as well She can speak Japanese as well as English. 她会说日语和英语. ...

贯斩13965308843问: 简单英语造句1、Don't2、Do3、no+doing4、be+(adj.)5、can't6、mustn't7、let's每个造两句, -
东山县康尔回答:[答案] 1.Don't do it again.Don't stay in the same place 2.Do everything by yourself.Do you believe it 3.No smoking.No spitting. 4.i am young.I was happy 5.I can't hear you.He can't leave his child alone. 6.As students,we mustn't copy homework.You mustn't throw ...

贯斩13965308843问: 简单的英语造句!急!!在线等!!!! -
东山县康尔回答: replace something with something They replaced the permanent staff with part-timers.of one's own I'd like to have a place of my own.equal(胜任) I'm not sure he's equal to the task.(平等) The architecture here is equal with any in the world....

贯斩13965308843问: 简单英语造句1.用Therefore造句2.用except造句3.用feel depressed because造句4.用which造句(定语从句)5.用who造句(定语从句)6.用Will you let...do...造... -
东山县康尔回答:[答案] 1 Therefore he gave away all his money to charities2 I think no one can help me except you.3 If you could choose a place to live,which city or country would you choose?4 He laughs best who laughs last...

贯斩13965308843问: 简单英语造句let's go to (sw.)造两句就行! -
东山县康尔回答:[答案] let's go to swimming 让我们去游泳吧 let's go to the classroom 让我们去教室吧.

贯斩13965308843问: 简单的英语造句talk about a citytalk about a countrytalk about a famous peopletalk about the futute根据这几句话造句 每个不少于5句展开想象,词汇不要太高级... -
东山县康尔回答:[答案] Beijing is the capital of China.It is very beautiful.And it will be the major city to hold the 2008 Olympic Games.It has more than 10million people. China is going to hold the 2008 Olympic Games.The capital of China is Beijing.And it will be the major city to ...

贯斩13965308843问: 几道简单英语造句 -
东山县康尔回答: 1.meat\you\eat in a week How much meat do you eat in a week?2.fruit\you\eat? How much fruit do you eat?3.milk\you\have with your coffee or tea? How much milk do you have with your coffee or tea?4.glass of water\you\have in the morning? How ...

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