
作者&投稿:段干利 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

1 I am sorry sir Mr Li is on the meeting now ,may i take a message ?2 Ok ,when he is back ,tell him to call this number 2356473 thanks

求一篇图书馆借书场景的英语对话,要用到这些词:reserve,over due...
B: You need to reserve it, sir. Now show me your library card.

Guest: Yes, I'm Peter Smith.客人:是的。我是彼得·史密斯。Secretary: Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Wang Mei. I'm from the Beijing United Textile Corporation. I'm here to meet you. Did you have a nice journey, Mr. Smith?秘书:请允许我介绍一下自己。我叫...

Today is Sunday. I didn’t go to school. When the door bell rang, I was watching TV in the morning. I opened the door. Oh, my god! They’re my uncle and aunt! They are from Australia. I let them in and sit down on the sofa. Then I brought some Chinese green tea...

2.接待并引导客人参观公司和工厂 S: Hi, Cxxx. This is Sxxx。 Welcome to see us. I will be your escort today for the office and factory tour.C: Hi, Sxxx. Thank you very much for taking me. I’d be glad if you could show me the factory first. We could then ...

关于借书的英语对话篇一 图书管理员:Can I help you?要帮忙吗?杰克逊:Have you got the latest On Show magazine?你们有最新的昂秀杂志吗?图书管理员:Yes, but it is checked out.有.但是已经错出去了.杰克逊:That`s unfortunate! Do you know when it is ing back?太遗憾了!你知道什么时候能...

酒店前台接待常用英语 (一)在正式的英语表现里,疑问基本句型可分为下列四种:1. May I ~2. Could you ~3. Would you ~4.Shall I ~?只要理解这四种基本的句型,就可以处理大部分业务上的状况。1.自己要做什么事时,就使用May I ~May I have your name, please?请问尊姓大名 May I have...

明白了.我现在想借两本有关中国文学的书.你能告诉我在哪儿可以找到吗?比尔: Yes, over there to your right.可以.在你右边.麦克: Thank you very much.非常感谢.比尔: You`re wele.不用谢.在图书馆的英语对话三 A: Hey, this is a nice library.A:嘿,这是一个很好的图书馆。B: It is...

老外:Yes,I am.(是的,我是!)英文:My name is ---,I am Secretary from ---company.I am resposible for pick up from airport to the hotel.follow me please.thanks 中文:我的名字是---,我是来自---公司的秘书,我负责把您从机场接到宾馆.请跟我走!

hello,what can i do for you?i'm looking for a book what's the book's name?i haven't remembered yet what's the book talking about?about how to study english do you know the writer's name?yes, Tom Smith oh is it called "english-learning skill"?yes i'm sorry it was...

史郑13771792222问: 急求自编英语对话,内容:你是一个秘书,你到机场去接一名老外.对话内容10句左右即可,谢 -
城北区羚羊回答: 英文 Secretary:Hello Sir,Excuse me. Are you Mr. ? (?代表你去接的老外的英文名字) 中文 秘书:你好,先生!请问您是?先生吗?(?代表你去接的你去接的老外的英文名字) 老外:Yes, I am. (是的,我是!) 英文:My name is --------, ...

史郑13771792222问: 如果你是一位公司秘书接到外来宾客你会怎么做?求一篇英语作文 -
城北区羚羊回答: Generally spesking. second.As a secretary he or she may have alot of duties to fulfillI want to be a secretary after graduation, but i really don't know how to be a standard one! underline part is my personnal opinions with the reference from the ...

史郑13771792222问: 秘书怎么用英语接待外国客人 -
城北区羚羊回答: 奥力给,what's your name,V给啊, 轻松拿下一个老外

史郑13771792222问: 求前台接待英语用语 -
城北区羚羊回答: 前台接待访客常用会话(1) 许多规模比较大的公司都有一个接待员,我们通常叫前台.The work of a receptionist is interesting and varied. 前台的活可是不少.The work is also important because the receptionist is the first person visitors see ...

史郑13771792222问: 有关商务接待的礼仪英语马上公司有老外来了,我要负责接待想寻求一些英语的会话如:泡咖啡时该怎么说?帮他买午餐该怎么征询意见等一系列细节上的对... -
城北区羚羊回答:[答案] Thank you so much for coming.欢迎再来!Hope you'll come again.您的位置在这里.Here is your seat.请入席!Please have a seat.欢聚一堂 Enjoy this happy get-together 请随便!Please yourself at home./Please en...

史郑13771792222问: 求一篇用西餐的英语情景对话其中人物有秘书,经理,外国客户,服务员,这四人都要说什么, -
城北区羚羊回答:[答案] bon appétit 用餐愉快,开始的时候说Cheers 干杯Help yourself 别客气场景的话,服务员会说Would you like.你想要什么what would you prefer..or..你更喜欢哪个经理会问外国客户,would you like to try some.你愿意尝...

史郑13771792222问: 急写篇英语对话,20句.内容:我是家公司的秘书受总经理委托请ABC公司的Mr.Li来参加晚会,时间随便!谢谢 -
城北区羚羊回答: Dear Mr. Li I am the secretary of 总经理 at 公司名称. Our manager invite you to the dinner party on 时间 at 地址. Hope you are present. Sincere,你的名字

史郑13771792222问: 用英语对话在聚会上招待客人怎么说 -
城北区羚羊回答: enjoy yourself help yourself to 加吃的 make yourself at home

史郑13771792222问: 酒店英语情景对话背景:say thank you in english on the phone to a guest who has stayed with you on business for a week.一位客人因出差在你们酒店住了一... -
城北区羚羊回答:[答案] 为什么是四人的?电话对话应该是双方而已的啊?是否除了这个还有别的情节呢?例如,先是我的经理吩咐我去做这件事情,然后我要找客人必先经过他的秘书?我尝试写了一个: Manager(经理):Please call this customer within today for ...

史郑13771792222问: 一位秘书跟一位外国客人见面谈话用英语怎么说
城北区羚羊回答: A secretary met and talked with a foreign guest.

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