
作者&投稿:阴郑 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

stop smoking 停止吸烟

禁止吸烟的英文:no smoking smoke 读法 英 [sməʊk] 美 [smok]n. 烟;抽烟;无常的事物 vi. 冒烟,吸烟;抽烟;弥漫 vt. 吸烟;抽 短语:smoke out 查出;用烟熏出;使…公诸于世 smoke free 无烟 no smoke without fire 无风不起浪;无火不成烟 smoke alarm 烟雾报警器 s...

英语:no smoking 发音:nəʊ ˈsməʊkɪŋ禁烟区:a no smoking zone 世界无烟日:World No-Smoking Day 禁烟规定:No-Smoking Rule 例句:1、The captain turned out the "no smoking" signs.机长关掉了“禁止吸烟”标志灯。2、He ignored all the 'N...

no smoking 相似短语 no smoking 禁止吸烟 No smoking 不准吸烟 NO SMOKING 不准吸烟 fume smoking 烟熏 harmfulness of smoking 吸烟危害 smoking set 烟具 smoking mixture phr. 混合烟草 smoking characteristic (烟草的)吸用特性 smoking kiln 熏烟室, 熏房 smoking quality 烟熏质量 相似单词 smoking...

禁止吸烟英语是No smoking,读法是美[ˌnoʊˈsmoʊkɪŋ]、英[nəuˈsməʊkɪŋ]。smoking造句:1、Smoking is prohibited in public buildings or in the crowded bus公共建筑物内或拥挤的公车上是禁止抽烟的。2、I'll have ...

No smoking!

一、英语 :no smoking; smoking prohibited 二、双语例句:1 绝大多数建筑中可能会全面禁止吸烟。Smoking might be banned totally in most buildings.2 现在许多工作场所禁止吸烟。Smoking is now banned in many places of work.3 到处都禁止吸烟。Smoking was forbidden everywhere.4 咖啡馆老板已经...

No smoking .

forbid sth 禁止某事\/某物 forbid sb from doing sth 禁止某人做某事 例子:The doctor forbids him to smoke. 医生禁止他吸烟。2、prohibit,指比较正式地通过法律或政府禁止。“禁止,不准”,指通过法律、法令、警告等做出禁止命令的正式规定或规则。固定...

禁止吸烟 no smoking 绝大多数建筑中可能会全面禁止吸烟。Smoking might be banned totally in most buildings 现在许多工作场所禁止吸烟。Smoking is now banned in many places of work.

集何17320974673问: 禁止吸烟的英文(You mustn,t - ______here.) -
大邑县氧氟回答:[答案] You mustn't smoke here.或者是 No smoking.

集何17320974673问: 禁止吸烟英文可不可以用stop smoking -
大邑县氧氟回答:[答案] 我知道的禁止吸烟有4个,你看看,貌似真的没有stop smoking这个说法啊. no smoking forbid smoking ban smoking not alow smoking

集何17320974673问: 禁止吸烟用英语怎么说?禁止停车呢? -
大邑县氧氟回答:[答案] 禁止吸烟 No smoking! 禁止停车 No parking!

集何17320974673问: 禁止吸烟用英语怎么说 -
大邑县氧氟回答: NO SMOKING

集何17320974673问: 禁止吸烟 用英语怎么拼?
大邑县氧氟回答: No smoking.

集何17320974673问: “禁止吸烟”的英语为什么是“no smoking”而不是“not smoking”呢? -
大邑县氧氟回答:[答案] no+名词

集何17320974673问: 禁止吸烟英语说法 -
大邑县氧氟回答: no smoking forbid smoking ban smoking not alow smoking

集何17320974673问: 禁止吸烟的英文(You mustn,t - ------here.) -
大邑县氧氟回答: You mustn't smoke here. 或者是 No smoking.

集何17320974673问: 请用英语写10条日常标语例如:No Smoking.禁止吸烟.(中英对照,例子不能重复使用) -
大邑县氧氟回答:[答案] Buses Only 只准公共汽车通过 Wet Paint 油漆未干 Danger 危险 Lost and Found 失物招领处 Give Way 快车先行 Safety First 安全第一 Filling Station 加油站 No Smoking 禁止吸烟 No Photos 请勿拍照 No Visitors 游人止步 No Entry 禁止入内 No ...

集何17320974673问: 此处禁止抽烟用英语怎么说? -
大邑县氧氟回答:[答案] No smoking here!

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