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经典英文结婚祝福语 ●Bestwishesformanyyearsofhappinessforthetwoofyou.愿你俩百年好合。 ●Bestwishesforajoyfulhometogether.愿你俩组成一个快乐的二人世界。 ●Mayeverydayinyourlifetogetherbeasfullofhappinessandjoyasyourweddingday.愿你俩的每一天都能像新婚时一样,洋溢着快乐和喜悦。 ●Thetwoofyoumake...

常用短语:1、【祝福】[zhùfú]〈动〉bless;wish Wish you a peaceful journey.祝福你一路平安!2、【祝贺】[zhùhè]〈动〉congratulate sb (on sth)祝贺两国建交。acclaim the establishment of diplomatic relations between the two countries 祝贺某人成功。offer sb congratulations on his success...

1、celebrate birthday庆祝生日 2、commemorate birthday纪念诞辰 3、keep birthday过生日 4、observe birthday过生日 5、happy birthday生日快乐 6、birthday gift生日礼物 7、birthday party生日晚会 8、birthday present生日礼物 9、at sb's birthday在(某人)生日那天 10、for sb's birthday为了某人的生日...

二、单词释义 n. 祝贺;恭喜 三、近义词 felicitation 祝贺 well-wishing 祝福 blessing 祝福 gratulation 祝贺 eulogy 颂词 四、短语搭配 convey〔give, offer〕 congratulations 表示祝贺 exchange congratulations 相互道贺 hearty congratulation 衷心的祝贺 warm congratulation 热烈的祝贺 congratulations on 对...

问题一:对某人表示什么什么欢迎的英语短语是什么 warm wele热烈欢迎 问题二:求几个表示欢迎到来的词语 30分 欢迎光临 有劳大驾光临 光临寒舍,不胜荣幸 令蓬荜生辉 久仰久仰 深感荣幸 欢迎莅临指导 敬请光临 敬请指导 已恭候多时 问题三:欢迎朋友归来的祝福短语 英雄归来,热烈欢迎,壮士归来,热烈...

求动词加介词的短语整理,如put off等等
B.动词 +宾语+ 介词短语 add … to\/with 添加…到\/用 blame … for 为…责难 compare … with\/to 比较…与\/对 congratulate…on\/for 为…贺 explain … to excuse … for 借口…为了 introduce … to 介绍…给 keep … for 保持…为了 prefer … to 更喜欢…比 remind … of 提醒…的 ...

13:if i should see you,after long year.how should i greet, with tears, with silence.若我会见到你,事隔多年。我如何贺你,以眼泪,以沉默。14:youth is to prepare the material, want to build a bridge to the moon, or on the ground and two palaces or temples. middle age,...

3. 关于生日的英语短语 make a wish许愿 light a candle点蜡烛 blow off the candle出灭蜡烛 sing happy birthday to为XX唱生日快乐歌 celebrate the 12th birthday庆祝12岁生日 年龄可以根据自己的需要改 divide the cake切生日蛋糕 eat the cake 吃蛋糕 birthday party生日聚会 birthday cake...

2017-03-29 look的短语有哪些 1 2017-02-24 关于give的短语有哪些 4 2013-09-19 关于give英语的短语 695 2011-08-08 give的相关短语 1196 2014-04-10 关于give的短语有哪些? 16 2017-01-08 give的短语有哪些 3 2018-01-09 有哪些短语含give? 2012-09-01 give 的所有短语 43 更多类似问题...

新婚快乐 英文是什么
新婚快乐英文是Happy wedding,其用法如下:1、你的兄弟姐妹祝你新婚快乐。A wish from your brothers and sisters on your wedding day.2、朋友最近结婚,想在贺卡中用英语祝贺,新婚快乐,怎么讲?Congratulation on your wedding and best wishes for many years of happiness together.3、亲爱的朋友,...

仇由鹏15144622501问: 用英语祝福别人的语句..学业进步.一帆风顺.等等.. -
寻乌县威利回答:[答案] 学业进步 = Wish you every success in the future!May you have health,happiness and outstanding success in all you do! Wish you every success in your studies!Great hope makes great men! 一帆风顺 = Good luck!Smooth sailing!

仇由鹏15144622501问: 祝贺某人被大学录取的英文贺词 -
寻乌县威利回答:[答案] 祝贺某人被大学录取的英文贺词 Congratulations on your admission by XXX University! Best wishes to your promising future!

仇由鹏15144622501问: 表示祝贺的英语短句有哪些? -
寻乌县威利回答: 恭喜你:congratulations on your,

仇由鹏15144622501问: 光是祝贺某人,用英语怎么说? -
寻乌县威利回答: congratulations to sb.congratulation:英 [kəngrætjʊ'leɪʃ(ə)n] 美 [kən,ɡrætʃu'leʃən] 短语:congratulation on 祝贺 ; 祝贺词 Congratulation Mom 恭喜你 ; 妈妈 congratulation crane 贺喜纸鹤例句:However, such sentiments appear to ...

仇由鹏15144622501问: 英语祝福短语 -
寻乌县威利回答:[答案] Good luck,good health,hood cheer.I wish you a happy New Year.祝好运、健康、佳肴伴你度过一个快乐新年.With best wishes for a happy New Year!祝新年快乐,并致以良好的祝福.I hope you have a most happy and p...

仇由鹏15144622501问: 祝福别人的英语句子(同学之间) -
寻乌县威利回答: Best wishes for you.最美好的祝福送给你.May you happy.祝你幸福快乐.May you succeed.祝你成功.May God bless you.愿上帝保佑你.

仇由鹏15144622501问: 恭喜某人又老了一岁,祝她一生平安,幸福,快乐.用英文准确翻译 -
寻乌县威利回答:[答案] 恭喜某人又老了一岁,祝她一生平安,幸福,快乐. => congratulate to somebody who is one year older than usual, hope she will have a happy and enjoyable life forever.

仇由鹏15144622501问: 用英语祝福别人的语句 -
寻乌县威利回答: 学业进步 = Wish you every success in the future! May you have health, happiness and outstanding success in all you do! Wish you every success in your studies! Great hope makes great men! 一帆风顺 = Good luck! Smooth sailing!

仇由鹏15144622501问: 有关“祝福”的英语单词和短语? -
寻乌县威利回答:[答案] Good luck,Best wishes to you,Have a nice/good time,congratulations,Happy birthday to you,Thank you,

仇由鹏15144622501问: 祝某人生日快乐 英文怎么说是真的写 祝某人生日快乐 英文应该怎么写 -
寻乌县威利回答:[答案] Wish someone a happy birthday

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