
作者&投稿:严依 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

一切安好,我会记住你的。--- Be safe and good, for I'll remember you.

And then you're all right.

世界如此之大 我们遇便是缘 原你一切安好的英翻译
We are lucky enough to know each other in such a huge world, Wish you all good in The Hood.

突然心好痛只要你一切安好 什么都无所谓英文怎么读
All of a sudden heart good pain as long as you well no matter what

愿你在天堂一切安好 Wishing you peace in heaven 英 [ˈhevn] 美 [ˈhɛvən]n. 天; 天堂; 上帝; 极乐;

我希望你和家人一切安好 英语怎么翻译 i hope you and your family...
i hope you and your family everything is good(well).

I am satisfied knowing that you're fine

无论遇到什么,只要有你在身边,一切安好!英文怎么写,急………八百里加 ...
whatever, things gonna be all right with your being here.

爱我的人希望你一切安好!因为你幸福我才幸福 英语怎麼说
Love my people I hope you are well! Because you happy I happiness

I wish(hope) you and your family everything go on well 。

郸和19372993434问: “Wish all the best” 说法正确吗“祝一切安好”英文译成什么?“Wish all the best” -
望都县狗皮回答:[答案] 应该说Wish you all the best或者省略为All the best. wish sb sth.祝某人怎么样.如: Wish you a happy new year也可以省略为Happy new year.

郸和19372993434问: 一切安好用英语怎么说 -
望都县狗皮回答: “一切安好”用英语可写为:Everything is good.一、“一切安好”的其他表示方法:1、All good in the hood. 2、 All is well. 3、Everything is sound. 二、“一切安好”的用法: 安:平安.好:美好.多指工作生活顺利.该句一般两种用法: 1、作为一般陈述句时,多用于向别人陈述自己状况. 2、作为疑问句时候(后门为问号),多为表述你对他人的关心问候.

郸和19372993434问: “祝你一切都好"英语怎么说如题! -
望都县狗皮回答:[答案] I wish you all the best

郸和19372993434问: 一切安好 用英语说 -
望都县狗皮回答: Everything is fine.

郸和19372993434问: 急!愿你一切安好.用英文怎么写. -
望都县狗皮回答: May you all well!

郸和19372993434问: 愿朋友们一切安好.要好好的.用英语怎么说 -
望都县狗皮回答:[答案] 翻译:May friends all the best,to be good.加油!下次记得问我.

郸和19372993434问: 愿明天一切安好 用英语这怎么说呢 -
望都县狗皮回答:[答案] 英文原文: I hope everything goes well tomorrow. 英式音标: [aɪ] [həʊp] [ˈevrɪθɪŋ] [ɡəʊz] [wel] [təˈmɒrəʊ] . 美式音标: [aɪ] [hop] [ˈɛvrɪˈθɪŋ] [ɡəʊz] [wɛl] [təˈmɔro] .

郸和19372993434问: 初心不散 愿你一切安好 用英语怎么 -
望都县狗皮回答: beginning of the heart does not wish you all well 初心不散 愿你一切安好

郸和19372993434问: 亲爱的,希望你一切安好,这句话英语怎么说? -
望都县狗皮回答: My Dear, hope you everything is all fine

郸和19372993434问: 急急.祝福你一切都好用英语怎么说
望都县狗皮回答: May you everything goes well.

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