
作者&投稿:钊泰 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

蹉念13575596738问: 求一篇优秀的歌颂祖国的英文诗歌,用来国庆时在班级朗诵的,拜托了^ - ^ -
正蓝旗普威回答: 用来朗诵的诗歌 2篇: The Coming of Spring Anonymous I am coming,little maiden, With the pleasant sunshine laden, With the honey for bee, With the blossom for the tree. Every little stream is bright, All the orchard trees are white, And each small ...

蹉念13575596738问: 赞美祖国的英语诗歌 -
正蓝旗普威回答: have a strong motherlandIt is a familiar face, I see that lost their loved ones after the most cordial face. Eyes flashing with tears, words full of power, that moment, I feel I have a strong motherland.It is a strange face, I was buried under the rubble to ...

蹉念13575596738问: 有没有简短一点的国庆节英语诗歌 要中英对照的 -
正蓝旗普威回答: 《祖国颂》朗诵稿 在世界的东方,有一个古老的国度,美丽而宽广, 在世界的东方,有一个伟大的民族,勤劳而坚强; 奔腾不息的黄河是她的血脉, 巍峨屹立的泰山是她的脊梁, 这就是我们的祖国——中国! 1949年,一位伟人挥动着巨臂,...

蹉念13575596738问: 谁有关于国庆的英语诗歌? -
正蓝旗普威回答: 《国庆颂》 祖国, 你走过了不平凡的55年, 像一个婴儿长成了壮年, 今日您正充满活力,散发着蓬勃的朝气, 您有过磨难,也有过欢笑. 历经了崎岖坎坷,明天将更加美好. 55年来, 你发生了翻天覆地的变化, 你的人民日益富强. ...

蹉念13575596738问: 急求人工翻译祖国颂的诗,英文版的 -
正蓝旗普威回答: Country, you walked through the extraordinary 55 years, like a baby grew in their forties, today you are energetic, with a flourishing young enough, you had him over the years, also had a laugh. Experienced rugged bumpy, tomorrow will be better. 55 ...

蹉念13575596738问: 国庆节有没有较短的英语的耶,,明天就要交了急,,,加个中文翻译一下,,拜托
正蓝旗普威回答: National Day

蹉念13575596738问: 英文祝福祖国的诗歌 -
正蓝旗普威回答: 【1.假如我是一只鸟——艾青 英文版】 I love this landIf I was a bird I should be hoarse throat singing: this is the fight against the storm of the land, which is always raging rivers of our grief, which no cease to Chuigua with the anger of the wind...

蹉念13575596738问: 用英文写一篇《歌颂祖国》的演讲稿 -
正蓝旗普威回答:[答案] I love you, China Good morning, ladies and gentlemen, I'm very glad to make a speech here. Today my topic is “I love you, ... I answered, “How lucky you are!” he said, “If you were living in China, how could you learn such perfect English?” I ...

蹉念13575596738问: 有没有简洁的诗歌 -
正蓝旗普威回答: 鹅鹅鹅曲项向天歌白毛浮绿水红掌拨清波

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