
作者&投稿:马咏 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Oh, my God. Oh, my God. I'm sorry. This moment is so much bigger than me. This moment is for Dorothy Dandridge, Lena Horne, Diahann Carroll. It's for the women that stand beside me, Jada Pinkett, Angela Bassett, Vivica Fox. And it's for every nameless, faceless woman...

在1997年与法国新锐导演奥利维耶-阿萨亚斯(Olivier Assayas)合作了《迷离劫》(IrmaVep)之后,两人竟然因此结下了片缘,一年后两人在法国结成了异国姻缘。婚后的张曼玉并没有因为婚姻而影响自己的事业,婚后的第一部戏《甜蜜蜜》便令她又登上了金像、金马的影后宝座。之后的《宋家皇朝》和《花样年华》同样又为她赢得了...


对待梁洛施,李泽楷也是格外上心,坊间素来流传:小超人李泽楷豪掷两亿,帮梁洛施解除英皇合同,重归自由身。为了梁洛施以后能得到更好的发展,李泽楷还将其送去了国外,深造英文和戏剧。如此大献殷勤,19岁的梁洛施很快就沦陷了。她立刻隐退 娱乐 圈,紧接着后两年,梁洛施接连在加拿大和纽约为李家产下三...


值得一提的是,萧芳芳是香港影坛第一个明星学士,退隐期间还攻读了心理学硕士,编写过英文的进修教材,出版过关于礼仪方面的书籍,抛开明星的光环不谈,萧芳芳也是一个十分优秀的人学者。 1985年,因为张正甫的工作原因,已育有两个女儿的萧芳芳选择放弃演艺事业同丈夫迁居澳大利亚。 在这期间,不忘学业的萧芳芳还攻读起了...

直到一次,连续好几天惠英红都没见他的身影,还担心着不会是出什么事吧。这位美国水兵终于又来了。 他跑过来用英文问惠英红:“I love you 用广东话怎么说?” 惠英红用广东话告诉他:“我—爱—你。” 没想到他望着惠英红的眼睛,眼里满是爱怜,同样用广东话回答惠英红:“我也爱你。” 这是惠英红人生中,第一次...

可是那时的美国可以说并不"太平,"一次在电影现场,一名男子看见是亚洲人便对其指手画脚,蒋雯丽怒发冲冠但无奈英文不太好,看见情况之后的顾长卫连忙护在蒋雯丽身前,伸出手指指向对方用英文回应,最后还是在导演的劝说下了结了此事并对那人实行了开除处理。 回到国内的夫妻两人事业已经如日中天,一个成为了著名导演,一...



休健13488865861问: 求《后天》观后感英文版谁帮我写一篇《后天》观后感,要英文版的,200个单词左右就可以了 -
天台县复方回答:[答案] People always thought that probably as a human on the planet Earth is the most senior animal owners who dominate nature.Can be wanton destruction of the earth,nature mutilations.Also for the immediate...

休健13488865861问: 求《后天》观后感英文版 -
天台县复方回答: People always thought that probably as a human on the planet Earth is the most senior animal owners who dominate nature. Can be wanton destruction of the earth, nature mutilations. Also for the immediate interests of the greedy nature and the ...

休健13488865861问: 急求电影《后天》英文观后感,翻译即可
天台县复方回答: I watched the movie "Day After Tomorrow" has strong feelings. I think this is the advent of catastrophe is not only natural disasters, more importantly, the destruction of human beings to the earth. Warming of the Earth continuously, because of ...

休健13488865861问: 《后天》的英文影评 -
天台县复方回答: "The Day After Tomorrow" is a disaster movie, but it isn't a disastrous one. But if Roland Emmerich really thought he was making a movie with a message, he didn't quite succeed - to be honest, Emmerich is to serious film-making as Naomi Wolf ...

休健13488865861问: 英语翻译请求帮忙翻译:我看了电影《后天》感触很深.我觉得这个巨大灾难的来临不仅是自然灾害,更重要的是人类对于地球的破坏.地球在不断的变暖,因... -
天台县复方回答:[答案] I watched the movie "Day After Tomorrow" has strong feelings.I think this is the advent of catastrophe is not only natural disasters,more importantly,the destruction of human beings to the earth.Warmi...

休健13488865861问: 求电影后天的英语影评 -
天台县复方回答: After years of warning about global warning, Jack Hall is horrified to find all his predictions coming true much faster than he could have imagined. Hail stones the size of footballs decimate cities, typhoons destroy Los Angeles and New York becomes...

休健13488865861问: 求《后天》的英语影评不要People always thought that probably as a human on the planet Earth is the most senior animal owners who dominate nature.Can be ... -
天台县复方回答:[答案] Today,humans than any time can enjoy the threat of climate change.Global warming in many parts of the world natural ecological systems have influenced.Today,human beings cannot again with a conqueror'...

休健13488865861问: 英文观后感
天台县复方回答: After view feeling of <2012> Recently, I have watched the film <2012> ,the film left me with a deep impression and many questions that people need to reconsider. What should we do if the ending of the world really comes? That is the first question ...

休健13488865861问: 后天影评英语80字数 -
天台县复方回答: 以下内容仅供参考:Imagine that you're in another ice age, shuddering from stem to stern in the biting wind, struggling to find any possible food deep in the ristine layer of snow.This , however, can exactly be true, just as the movie<The Day ...

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