
作者&投稿:宏壮 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

When和what time的区别?
what time 意思为“几点”,问的是具体的时间,一般回答要具体到小时,询问钟表所表示的具体时间时,只能用what time;用when提问时,回答既可以是具体的时间,也可以是不具体的时间,如:in the morning,last year,in 1998等范围大的时间。当询问事件发生的年份、月份、日期等非钟点性时习惯只能用...

when和what time的区别是什么?具体怎么用
When 与what time 的区别 1. 用作疑问副词“什么时候”,一般用when. 例如:When do you come? 你什么时候来?When can you do it? 你什么时候能做这事?2、When所引导的状语从句中,谓语可以是延续性动词,也可以是瞬时动词,其动作既可以和主句的动作同时发生,也可以在主句的动作之前或...

what time与 when 都可以表示“什么时候”.前者所表示的时间比较精确,指“几点钟”,“几时几分”;后者所表示的时间范围广,有时也可指“几点钟”,“几点几分”,用来代替what time.例如:"What time(When) does your mother go to work?" “你母亲什么时候去上班?”"She goes to work atseven"...


What time和what's the time有什么区别?
What time比what's the time更强调时间的准确性。例句 1.What time is it now?现在几点了?2.He always knew what time it was, as if by instinct.他总能知道几点了,仿佛是出于本能。3.What time did he leave?他什么时候离开的?4.At what time do you get up?你几时起床?

what time和when的区别
what time和when的区别在于:指代不同、词性不同、引证用法不同。1、指代不同 what time与when都可以表示什么时候。前者所表示的时间比较精确,指几点钟;后者所表示的时间范围广,有时也可指几点钟,用来代替what time。2、词性不同 what time还可以用作名词,作主语或介词宾语。而when只能作疑问词。

用what time造五个句子加回答!!
1.What time do you get up?(你什么时候起床?)回答:I'll get up!(我马上就起床!)2.What timedo you eat?(你什么时候吃饭。)回答:I'll eat!(我马上就吃!)3.What time will he come?(他什么时候来?)回答:At noon!4.What time do you have a holiday(你什么时候...

what time、when和how soon有何区别
what time 问具体时间是几点 What time is it? ---It's nine.现在是几点? ---9点.when问什么时候,时间比较广泛 When will you come? ---In two days.你什么时候过来? ---两天内.how soon 问多久 How soon will you come ? --- In two days.你多久会回来? ---两天内回来....

when与what time的区别
when与what time的区别如下:1、what time与when都可以表示“什么时候”。前者所表示的时间比较精确,指“几点钟”,“几时几分”;后者所表示的时间范围广,有时也可指“几点钟”,“几点几分” ,用来代替what time。2、what time还可以用作名词,作主语或介词宾语。when和what time的区别在于what...

what time和when的区别 哪个直接用at 哪个用it's
What time 和 when 区别 都可以对时间提问,但侧重点不同.1、what time 一般用来询问点钟,或者问某事在某天的哪个具体时刻发生,希望知道的时间更具体,如:what time does the shop open?What time is it?答:at 8:00.答:it’s 8:00.2、when可以对点钟、日期、年份、月份等非钟点时间内容进行...

孔超15093037967问: 用what time造五个句子加回答! -
呼伦贝尔市裸花回答:[答案] 1.What time do you get up?(你什么时候起床?)回答:I'll get up!(我马上就起床!)2.What timedo you eat?(你什么时候吃饭.)回答:I'll eat!(我马上就吃!)3.What time will he come?(他什么时候来?)回答:A...

孔超15093037967问: 怎么用what time造句,并回答 -
呼伦贝尔市裸花回答:[答案] What time is it now? 现在是几点了?

孔超15093037967问: what time的句型造句有回答 -
呼伦贝尔市裸花回答:[答案] What time do you go to the park? I go to parkl at half past seven what time is it? It's ten o'clock. when 与 what time 两者都可以来询提问时间。 when 所表示的时间范围比较广,有时也可以指几点钟,可替代 what time。 而 what time 表示的时间比较精...

孔超15093037967问: 怎么用what time造句,并回答
呼伦贝尔市裸花回答: What time is it now?现在是几点了?

孔超15093037967问: what time造句 用不同时态 -
呼伦贝尔市裸花回答: What time is it? It is nine o'clock.现在是几点钟?现在是九点钟.What time is it? It is six o'clock.现在是几点钟?现在是六点钟.What time is it? It is ten o'clock.现在是几点钟?现在是十点钟.Excuse me, what time is it by your watch?打扰了,能告...

孔超15093037967问: 回答问题中what time怎么回答? 简单回答还是完整回答? 请举例说明~ -
呼伦贝尔市裸花回答: 根据习惯回答完整或者简单,口语中一般简单就行了. 1. She has dinner at 6 pm. 2. It's 6pm.

孔超15093037967问: what time do you……(造3个句,且回答) -
呼伦贝尔市裸花回答: -What time do you get up? -I get up at 7 o'clock in the morning.-What time do you have lunch? -I have lunch at 12:30.-What time do you do your homework? -I do my homework at 6pm.

孔超15093037967问: 用What、What time、What day、What s the date、What color写句子,并回答(六年级) -
呼伦贝尔市裸花回答: What:What is your name ? My name is Shuqing. What time:What time do you get up? I'll get up. What:What day is it today? Monday. What's the date:What's the date today?It is November 13th. What color:What color is your pen? It's blue. 求采纳!!

孔超15093037967问: what time 的用法 -
呼伦贝尔市裸花回答: what time just means when

孔超15093037967问: what time的用法 -
呼伦贝尔市裸花回答: 这就是老外的国语. 在英语学习过程中,有时候不能总想问个why.老外也不知道why. 这就是他们的语言.你只要知道, What time do you...?和At what time do you...? 表达的意思相同,而回答都在具体时间前加介词 at ! 这样的回答 满意么~

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