
作者&投稿:佼雨 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

take up造句简单
so I can give up, too!拿起钱

用take up造句 用take up造句有哪些呢
8、The whole of my time is taken up with trifles.我的所有时间都被琐事占去了。

用take up怎么造句呀 用英语
She takes up his idea and continue on.缩减,减少。Take up a gown.或者是付钱,譬如信用卡,电话费等等。Take up payment on time.接受,接受意见拉接受什麼这样也可以。Take up his offered for this position. 接受他给予的职位。花掉,占用。The extra duties took up most of my time.挑...

用take up(开始)造句,谢谢
1、I take up my task in buoyancy and hope. 我带着喜悦和希望开始的这项任务。2、I hope that they take up this challenge. 我希望他们能接受这个挑战。3、She insisted that we take up the matter at the meeting. 她坚持要求我们在会上谈这个问题。4、Do these chores take up a ...

take up有什么意思?
take up为高频多义短语动词,take 和up字面意义上的组合,是“拿起”,其不同的意思造句如下:1、拿起。例句:She took up her things and stormed out of the office. 她拿起自己的东西,气冲冲地走出办公室。2、(尤指为消遣) 学着做;开始做。例如:After he retired from office, Rogers took...

take up简单造句
take up造句:He takes up his career by selling newpaper.他的事业开始于卖报纸。The box takes up much room in my study.箱子在我书房占据了很大空间。I'd like to take up your offer of a ride into town.我愿接受你的邀请,搭你的车进城。I put the telephone down and took up my ...

用take up怎么造句呀 用英语
take up 英 [teik ʌp] 美 [tek ʌp]占用;开始从事;接受(提议)1 He did not particularly want to take up a competitive sport 他并不特别想从事竞技体育运动。《柯林斯高阶英汉双解学习词典》2 Mr de Garis's MP, Max Madden, took up the case 德加里斯先生的下议员...

用take up造句?
up telephone receiver and began to dial.他拿起电话听筒开始拨号码。占去 i won't take up much of your time.我不会占用你很多时间。接受(提议)i'd like to take up your offer of a ride into town.我愿接受你的邀请,搭你的车进城。继续 i put the telephone down and took up my wo...

take up造句
Harry took up the tale at the point where John had left off.哈利接着约翰停止的地方继续讲那个故事。5.吸收(液体),溶解(固体)例如:Blotting-paper takes up ink.吸墨纸吸收墨水。How much water is needed to take up a pound of salt?溶解一磅食盐需要多少水?6.打断(某人的话)例如:...

take up doing sth. 例句 翻译
take up doing sth.是开始做某事的意思 例句:I began to correct my attitude towards study 我开始端正我的学习态度

赵砍17726651387问: take up造句? -
昌邑市佐匹回答: take up意思是:拿起;吸收(水分);溶解(固体);开始从事;占据(时间,地方). 造句: 拿起,捡起,举起,拔起;拿走: 1.She took up the receiver and began to dial the number. 她拿起听筒开始拨电话号码. 2.They took up arms and ...

赵砍17726651387问: take up 英语造句 -
昌邑市佐匹回答: he decided to take up the chalange. 他决定了要接受这个挑战!

赵砍17726651387问: take up造句 初二水平 -
昌邑市佐匹回答: take up doing 开始做某事

赵砍17726651387问: 用take up怎么造句呀 用英语 -
昌邑市佐匹回答: 拿起来的意思.Take up a cup. 拿起杯子.也可以像是接续的意思.She takes up his idea and continue on.缩减,减少.Take up a gown.或者是付钱,譬如信用卡,电话费等等.Take up payment on time.接受,接受意见拉接受什麽这样也可以....

赵砍17726651387问: 用 take up 造句
昌邑市佐匹回答: She took up the receiver and began to dial the number. 她拿起听筒开始拨电话号码. <b> 给你回答了好几题,也采纳下吧!!!!</b>

赵砍17726651387问: take up的意思并造句 -
昌邑市佐匹回答: 拿起; 抱起2113 He took up telephone receiver and began to dial. 他拿起电话听筒开始5261拨号码. 占去 I won't take up much of your time. 我不会占用你很多时间. 接受4102(提议) I'd like to take up your offer of a ride into town. 我愿接受你的1653邀请, 搭你的车进城. 继续 I put the telephone down and took up my work again. 我放下电话继续干我的活.

赵砍17726651387问: take up 怎么造句? -
昌邑市佐匹回答: 1. 开始从事 When did he take up football? 他是什么时候开始踢足球的? 2. 占用;化去 The work took up all his time. 那工作花费了他所有的时间.

赵砍17726651387问: 请用take up(开始做)这个短语造一个句子 -
昌邑市佐匹回答: l am going to take up a hobby

赵砍17726651387问: Take up造英语句子 -
昌邑市佐匹回答: 绝对正确哦!take up是拿起的意思!She took up the receiver and began to dial the number.她拿起听筒开始拨电话号码

赵砍17726651387问: 用take up造句?每个意思都要造一个 -
昌邑市佐匹回答:[答案] 拿起来的意思.Take up a cup.拿起杯子. 也可以像是接续的意思.She takes up his idea and continue on. 缩减,减少.Take up a gown. 或者是付钱,譬如信用卡,电话费等等.Take up payment on time. 接受,接受意见拉接受什麽这样也可以.Take up his ...

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