
作者&投稿:章油 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

dogs are.swimming in the pool

three students swim造句?
There are three students swimming in the river. 三个学生正在河里游泳,用上了there be 结构。这个结构很常用,考试会用到的,你记住用法好处很多。

i |ike swimming造句
I like swimming in the summer.夏天我喜欢游泳。I like swimming at my aunt's house.我喜欢在我姨妈家游泳。

Lucy 和love 和swimming 还有Does造句怎么造?
这几个词,连词成句组成的句子就是,does Lucy love swimming?Lucy这爱游泳吗?这是一个一般现在时的一般疑问句。

I want to go swimming 一站式出国留学攻略 http:\/\/www.offercoming.com

went swimming 去游泳 例句:1.I went swimming yesterday afternoon.昨天下午我去游泳了。如满意,望采纳!谢谢!

用swimming club造句
I joined a swimming clud last summer.

wentswimming 怎么造句
Yesterday l went swimming in the swimming pool,it was very relaxing.relaxing means 舒服的

用the swimming club造句
the swimming club will help you get more ability about survival。滑雪俱乐部将会帮你得到更多生存能力(中句)if you join the swimming club ,you will have many chance to get happiness 如果你参加了滑雪俱乐部,你会有很多机会得到快乐(长句)xxx,could me join the swimming club?xx我能...

I go swimming twice a week.I watch TV once a day.they go to the dentist six times a year.he does his homework everyday.she often does housework.I'm swimming now.It's eating its bones now.She's watching TV now.They're playing football now.He's washing the dishes now.S...

胡饲15770262632问: 简单英语造句 -
剑河县迭力回答: let's go to swimming 让我们去游泳吧let's go to the classroom让我们去教室吧.

胡饲15770262632问: 简单英语造句let's go to (sw.)造两句就行! -
剑河县迭力回答:[答案] let's go to swimming 让我们去游泳吧 let's go to the classroom 让我们去教室吧.

胡饲15770262632问: dogs,swimming这两个单词造句 -
剑河县迭力回答: dogs are.swimming in the pool

胡饲15770262632问: 英语造句,简单的造句,不要太复杂 -
剑河县迭力回答: I like my sisiter`s baby 我喜欢我姐姐家的小孩子 I like playing computer game 我喜欢玩掉脑游戏(习惯性的喜欢) I like to go to park 我喜欢到公园 (一般性的喜欢) I like apple 我喜欢苹果

胡饲15770262632问: 帮忙造句,拜托!~帮忙造一下以下几个单词,简单点的,谢谢哈!~ asking fiying writing making taking getting sitting putting running beginning swimming ... -
剑河县迭力回答:[答案] He likes asking questions The kite is flying in the sky He is writing a letter My mother is making a cake for me Jim rememer ...on the desk.Bob is running I was wrong at the beginning My father often go swimming on weekends 后面这几个词不对吧?

胡饲15770262632问: They're swimming.根据答句,写问句 -
剑河县迭力回答: 问句可以是:What are they doing?其他可以随便加,只要不改变大意就好,比如Look! What are those boys doing over there? 反正写上一句肯定不会错.

胡饲15770262632问: 简单的祈使句例句5个 -
剑河县迭力回答:[答案] No photos!禁止拍照! No swimming!禁止游泳! Please don't wake him up early!请不要早叫醒他! Don't let him in.不要让他进来! Let's sit here!我们做这儿!

胡饲15770262632问: 英语造句,,,说下意思,,,不要太简单,不要太难,, -
剑河县迭力回答: 你好 1.either ... or ...1.不是...就是...;要么...要么...She is either drunk or mad. 她不是醉了就是疯了.2.pay attention to 注意, 留意 例句:You must pay attention to your study. 你必须专心学习.3.lose heart 丧失勇气, 失去信心 例句:No matter ...

胡饲15770262632问: 仿例写句(简单) 例:It's hot in summer. I go swimming in -
剑河县迭力回答: It's cool in autumn.we play football in autumn.It's cold in winter. we watch TV and play table tennis in winter.

胡饲15770262632问: 英语造句.很简单的.20分,快点来,后天就交作业了 -
剑河县迭力回答: 一般现在时:I always go to school on foot. I don't like to ride a bike. Do you usually go to school by bus? 一般将来时:I will go fishing this afternoon. I won't talk to you from now on. Will you go there ? 一般过去时:When I was young,I usually rided a...

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