
作者&投稿:肥唯 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

sock的造句:1、She open the drawer and take out a pair of sock.她拉开抽屉,拿出一双短袜。2、He was examining the hole in his sock.他正在查看自己短袜上的洞。3、I had nothing on except for my socks.我除了短袜什么都没穿。

英语sock 造句
及物动词 vt. 1.给...穿上短袜 2.【口】储存(钱) He is trying to sock a little money away. 他在想办法存一点钱。 sock2 及物动词 vt. 【口】 1.(用拳)猛击,殴打[(+on)] The man socked the cheat in the nose. 那男子用拳头狠揍骗子的鼻子。 2.投掷 The white boy socked a...

英语sock 造句
Come on, lads. Sock it to 'em.来吧,伙计们,让他们开开眼 Anelasticized band worn around the leg to hold up a stocking or sock.袜带一种有弹性的带子,环腿而戴来撑起长统袜或短袜。Theydo not really need sock, but these be on sale, and they decide to buy several pair.其实...

sock造句:1、She 's knitting her husband a pair of socks .她在给丈夫织一双袜子。2、The socks were worn through in places .袜子有好些地方穿了洞。3、Those old socks are really smelling the room out .那些脏袜子把房间搞得恶臭。4、She opened the drawer and took out a pair of...

(1)sock 短袜 I just bought a new sock.(2)sort 种类 That's just the sort of thing I want. 那正是我所需要的那种东西。(3)sorrow 悲伤 She felt sorrow at the death of her dog.她为了小狗的死感到很悲伤。(4)sound 听起来 The music sounds very beautiful. 这音乐听起来十分悦耳...

socks 英[sɑks] 美[sɑks]n. 袜子; 短袜( sock的名词复数 ); (尤指用拳头) 猛击,重击; 袜套;[例句]I put on a new pair of nylon socks.我穿上了一双新尼龙袜。[其他] 原型: sock

美 \/sɑːks\/ n. 袜子(sock的复数)短语 sock in vt. 阻止…飞行;关闭…不许飞机起落 例句:1.Aunt Emilie darned old socks.埃米莉阿姨把旧袜子补好了。2.I've worn holes in all my socks.我把我所有的袜子都穿破了 3.He took his shoes and socks off.他脱掉鞋袜。

用所有的词造一句话么?In my wardrobe(衣柜),there are sweaters,coats,shirts,socks,jackets,vests,dresses,shoes and blouses.



源胆18616545566问: 英语sock 造句 -
师宗县元治回答: ...a pair of knee-length socks. 一对及膝长的袜子 Come on, lads. Sock it to 'em. 来吧,伙计们,让他们开开眼 Anelasticized band worn around the leg to hold up a stocking or sock. 袜带一种有弹性的带子,环腿而戴来撑起长统袜或短袜. Theydo not really need sock, but these be on sale, and they decide to buy several pair. 其实他们并不需要短袜,但这些是让利销售,于是他们决定买几双.

源胆18616545566问: 英语 sock 造句 -
师宗县元治回答: sock1 名词 n. [C] 1.短袜,半统袜[P1] He was five feet in his socks. 他不穿鞋身高为五英尺. 2.鞋垫 3.喜剧 4.储蓄罐 In France the money tends to disappear into the sock; here it goes into circulation. 在法国金钱往往被藏到钱柜里,在这里却是进...

源胆18616545566问: creatu sock造句? -
师宗县元治回答: 这不是英语单词 只有sock是袜子

源胆18616545566问: 请问socks的单数是什么? -
师宗县元治回答: socks的单数是sock sock [英] [sɒk] [美] [sɑk] n.短袜; 猛击; 鞋垫; 白色标记; 实力; 重点 v.猛击; 对…有不利影响 [例句] We have enough speed and sock in our line-up to score runs.我们队球员有足够的速度和实力或跑垒得分.[变形] 现在分词:socking 过去式:socked 第三人称单数:socks 复数:socks

源胆18616545566问: sock怎么读 -
师宗县元治回答: sock 英[sɔk] 美[sɑk] n. 1.短袜 2.(尤指用拳头)猛击,重击 3.(尤指用拳头)猛击,重击 vt. 1.猛击;狠打 2.猛击;狠打 名词 n.1.短袜 Two pairs of socks are enough.两双短袜足够了.2.(尤指用拳头)猛击,重击3.(尤指用拳头)猛击,重击 及物动词 vt.1.猛击;狠打 2.猛击;狠打

源胆18616545566问: 拿socks和apairofredsocks造句 -
师宗县元治回答: I bought some nice socks yesterday.我昨天买了一些漂亮的袜子.I have a pair of red socks.我有一双红袜子.

源胆18616545566问: 袜子的英文怎么写 -
师宗县元治回答: 袜子:socks 因为是2只,用复数

源胆18616545566问: 用英语造句子 -
师宗县元治回答: .I will appear on the stage.我将登场表演.Some girls are dancing on the stage.一些女孩在舞台上跳舞.The roses are very bright.这些玫瑰花很鲜艳.They are socks.I have stockings.

源胆18616545566问: sock是什么意思 -
师宗县元治回答: sock 英[sɔk] 美[sɑk] n. 短袜;(尤指用拳头)猛击,重击 vt. 重击;给…穿袜 名词复数:socks [例句]Hand and sock puppets are great for passing time. 手工制作袜子玩偶是消磨时间的很好的方法.

源胆18616545566问: sock的复数 -
师宗县元治回答: 【复数】 socks或 sox 短袜:长度到膝和脚踝之间的袜子 sock n.短袜, 鞋内衬底, 轻软鞋, 一击, 零食 vt.给...穿袜, 重击, 猛投, 请...吃零食 vi.爱吃零食 adj.非常成功的 adv.正着地, 不偏不倚地

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