
作者&投稿:琦洪 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

高一英语造句- -
1.The teacher caught a young boy sleeping in class.2.I won't have you saying such things.3.He kept the little maid doing housework.4.Can you get the car running ?5.I saw\/noticed\/watched\/observed a man entering the bank.6.They heard someone singing next door.7.I found a...

what sb 问句 造句
Be mistaken or confused about what sb is saying or has said.He is in all the day carefully watch what sb is doing and saying, guess wearscautious ground to again can what kind of harm falls to his body.He is in all the day carefully watch what sb is doing and saying, ...

pardon me造句
Pardon me造句 1、But,Pardon me, you cannot understand what I am saying.(但是请原谅,你们是听不懂我说的这些话的。)2、Reporter:Pardon me, could you tell me what you do for a living?(记者:对不起,请问您是什么工作?)3、Pardon me for what I did.(请原谅我的这种行为。)4、...

请根据以下提示,并结合事例,用英语写一篇短文。We all know that...
这样就要求考生运用生活中的事例来解释说明文章所列出的这一句话,范文中运用作者用“eccentric”这个生词造句时,说“my desk-mate is an eccentric boy whose clothes never fit him”伤害了同桌。来说明语言也能伤害人。本文中多次使用了较高级的语法结构,比如:I volunteered to do it by saying “...

persuasive adj.有说服力的;令人信服的 一、发音:英 [pəˈsweɪsɪv] 美 [pərˈsweɪsɪv]二、例句:Last week, lynda obst made a persuasive case that the economic obligations of the foreign market were strangling American film comedy...


用一下词组造句 在线等 谢谢...
rights and obligations Now your company will end up financially in the red.现在你们公司将在财政上以赤字告终。He insisted on staying rather than go.他坚持要留下来,而不愿意去。Our plans are subject to the weather.我们的计划取决于天气如何。It goes without saying that it's what I ...

” The whole family of our society is not like this. There is a saying: "One side has difficulties in eight ways to help, and people gather firewood with high flame." 、水涨船高,柴多火旺,众人拾柴火焰高,团结力量大。 When the water rises, the boat rises, the ...

...does...mean?=what's the meaning of...?造句
What do you mean by "lol"?What does " lol' mean?What's the meaning of "lol"?

请分别解释下列词组,并造句.leave a message take a message send a me...
leave a message 留下消息He left a message saying he would probably be a little late.take a message (打电话时用)传个话,留口信I'm sorry,she is out right now,can I take a message?send a message 联络,联系You could send short message to me if you have the idea.give sb...

东方奚15382713952问: saying格言英语造句 -
日照市圣能回答:[答案] " There's no smoke without fire ", as the saying goes.

东方奚15382713952问: 哪位能告诉我saying格言英语造句的有哪些?给我说一个呗 -
日照市圣能回答: 1. as the saying goes the early bird catches the worm. 谚语说,早起的鸟有食吃. 2. an old trader's saying warns to be wary of smiling squibs. 老生意人有句俗话,提醒你要当心满面堆笑的斯奎布人. 3. as the saying goes, a drowning man clutches at a straw. 正如俗话所说,溺水的人见到一根稻草也要抓.

东方奚15382713952问: 谚语用英语怎么说 -
日照市圣能回答: 谚语的英语:saying saying英 [ˈseɪɪŋ] 美 [ˈseɪŋ] n.话,说话,谚语,格言.v.说(say的ing形式). saying的用法示例如下: 1.I think there's a lot of truth to this saying that is applicable to software development. 我认为这句谚语道出了适...

东方奚15382713952问: 英语翻译 常言道(saying) -
日照市圣能回答: 正如俗语所说 例句: You have to look before you leap, as the saying goes. 在做事前要三思而行,就像俗语所说的那样.

东方奚15382713952问: 高中英语造句 -
日照市圣能回答: I will conclude by showing that this small example is really part of a much largerproblem.

东方奚15382713952问: What are you saying?这个句子正确吗?什么意思 -
日照市圣能回答: 正确 What are you saying? 你在说什么?双语例句 1 What are you saying? Naturally, i've had a few odd moments. 你们说什么?我当然会经常迷糊.2 What are you saying? i could never--you have to, tatiana -你在说什么?我不会-你必须如此,塔莎娜

东方奚15382713952问: there goes a saying that该如何翻译?请分析一下是什么句型谢谢 -
日照市圣能回答: that 引导的是同位语从句,解释说明saying(谚语)的内容. 这是一个含有同位语从句的复合句. There goes a saying ..... 祝学习进步,天天快乐!满意请采纳!有问题追问!谢谢!:)

东方奚15382713952问: 我不知道你在说什么?英文怎么写 -
日照市圣能回答: I don't know what are you talking about . 这个是正确的,不要用SAYING

东方奚15382713952问: 正如谚语所说用英语怎么说 -
日照市圣能回答: As the old adage goes.....As the old saying goes,...As the proverb goes, ...As the old saw hasit, ....As the ancient Chinese proverb puts it:As the saying be...As a well-known Latin tag goes,...

东方奚15382713952问: “与其说...不如说...”用英语怎么说 -
日照市圣能回答: instead of saying.....why not say..... 例句2113: instead of saying "this is delicious food", why not say "the food is delicious" 翻译:与其说5261“这是美味4102的食物1653”专,不如说“这食物很属美味”.

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