
作者&投稿:延狠 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

1、You won't bother me, right?2、Maybe it is right.3、Yeah, they are right.4、It requires the right attitude and the right motivation.5、Move to the right lane.6、"All right, nigger. You stand right there," Al said.

I had to right the picture before I could feel comfortable.我得把这幅画扶正才能感到舒服。Give me one more chance to right my mistakes, please.请再给我一次机会纠正错误吧。短语:Right Now 瞬间 ; 现在 ; 马上 ; 立刻 keep right 靠右 ; 不准左转 ; 靠左 ; 右侧行驶 right whale [...

I had to right the picture before I could feel comfortable.我得把这幅画扶正才能感到舒服。Give me one more chance to right my mistakes, please.请再给我一次机会纠正错误吧。

You should go the right road.你应该走右边的路,这里代表的是右边的,是形容词。

right造句如下:1、"Take me," said Murdoch, holding his right arm out.“带我走吧,”默多克说,伸出右臂。2、You are probably on the right track if you feel like a sidewalk worm during a rainstorm!要是你觉得自己是暴风雨下人行道上的一条蚯蚓,那很可能你就真的走对路了。3、Are ...

right造句:1、The old board split right down the middle when I stepped on it.我踩上去时那块旧木板正好从中间裂开了。2、You are probably on the right track if you feel like a sidewalk worm during a rainstorm!要是你觉得自己是暴风雨下人行道上的一条蚯蚓,那很可能你就真的走对路...

一、right的造句:1、"Take me," said Murdoch, holding his right arm out.“带我走吧,”默多克说,伸出右臂。2、You are probably on the right track if you feel like a sidewalk worm during a rainstorm!要是你觉得自己是暴风雨下人行道上的一条蚯蚓,那很可能你就真的走对路了。3、...

1.I will fight all who do wrong.我将与所有错误的事情斗争。2.Not all the answers are right.并非全部答案都是正确的。希望对你有帮助 如有疑问 请在线交谈 祝你天天开心 心想事成 O(∩_∩)O ...

right (vi)造句。。。
right造句:Mostly right, most of the time 多数情况下,多数是对的 解析:句子是语言运用的基本单位,它由词或词组构成,能表达一个完整的意思

Have you got the right money for the bus fare? (the exact amount) 你有零钱买车票吗?也就是你的钱的数目刚好够买车票吗?I am just right there. 我正好就在那里。You are the right person. 你恰好就是那个人。望采纳,谢谢

彭妮15157205213问: right造句? -
定日县茵栀回答: 你好,很高兴为你解答: 词典释义 adj. 正当;妥当;正确的;真正的;真实的;适当的;正好的;恰当的;右边的 adv. 正好;恰好;直接地;一直;径直;完全地;立即;马上;毫不耽搁 n. 正当;公正;正义;正确;正当的要求;权利;版权...

彭妮15157205213问: 如何用right造句 -
定日县茵栀回答: 1.The sign reads"Turn Right".标识写着"右转". 2.Go straight and turn right.直走然后右拐. 3.Turn right at the next crossing.在下个十字路口向右拐. 4. have to go right now.我现在得走了. 5.You are right. 你是对的.

彭妮15157205213问: 如何用right造句老师让我写英文句 -
定日县茵栀回答:[答案] 1.The sign reads"Turn Right". 标识写着"右转". 2.Go straight and turn right. 直走然后右拐. 3.Turn right at the next crossing. 在下个十字路口向右拐. 4. have to go right now. 我现在得走了. 5.You are right. 你是对的.

彭妮15157205213问: 把right的三个意思放在一个句子里,造一个句子~ -
定日县茵栀回答: all right, if u turn right, u could c the slogan of 'human rights!'

彭妮15157205213问: 用right造句. -
定日县茵栀回答: you are right

彭妮15157205213问: 关于英语造句用right造一个句子,还有用not anymore造句 -
定日县茵栀回答:[答案] 对right的不同意思的造句Just right place,right time.只不过是天时地利而已Turn right and right again.向右拐,然后再向右拐.All right.I am all right.很好,我很好.I don't smoke anymore.我不再抽烟了....

彭妮15157205213问: right的4个意思造句 -
定日县茵栀回答: right 用作形容词 (adj.)1. In general, I think we're on the right track.总的看来,我想我们走的路子是正确的.2. After some introspection, I think you are right.经过了自省后,我认为你是对的.用作副词 (adv.)1. We had taken a wrong turning,but ...

彭妮15157205213问: 关于英语造句
定日县茵栀回答: 对right的不同意思的造句 Just right place,right time. 只不过是天时地利而已 Turn right and right again. 向右拐,然后再向右拐. All right. I am all right. 很好,我很好. I don't smoke anymore. 我不再抽烟了.

彭妮15157205213问: 用left造句 -
定日县茵栀回答: In Britain cars drive on the left. 在英国,汽车靠左行驶. They still have six games left to play. 他们还剩6场比赛要打.

彭妮15157205213问: 权利的英文是什么? -
定日县茵栀回答: 权利的英文是right. 一、right的读音 英[raɪt] 美[raɪt] 二、right的释义 adv. 立刻,马上;向右,右边; 恰当地; 一直; adj. 正确的; 合适的; 右方的; 好的,正常的; n. 权利; 右边; 正确,正当; 右手; 三、right的例句 He argues that ...

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