
作者&投稿:佟卢 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

用next to造句
It is the largest city next to London.这是仅次于伦敦的最大都市。Next to riding,I like swimming best.除骑马外,我就最爱游泳了。3.almost;almost amounting to几乎是 No wonder she is ill!She eats next to nothing.难怪她生病!她几乎什么也不吃。I admit I knew nest to nothing...

用next to造句。 和翻译?
1、Someone introduced us and I sat next to him.有人给我们作了介绍,我挨着他坐下了。2、She sat down next to him on the sofa.她紧挨着他在沙发上坐下了。3、There was a big group of a dozen people at the table next to theirs.他们旁边的桌上坐了一大群人,有十几个。4、He...

next to造句 要简单
We had next to no interest in the project .我们对该协定几乎没有什么兴趣。Peter sat next to paul on the sofa .彼得挨着保罗坐在沙发上。It's difficult to find next to in a sentence. 用next to造句挺难的 He placed his chair next to me .他把椅子搁在我椅子的旁边。The two sh...

用next to造句。 和翻译
There the Gripsholm was berthed next to another ship.“格里普斯霍姆”号停泊在另一艘船旁边。

用nest to造句话要汉语
my desk is next to my bed.我的书桌在我的床边。Tom lives next to my house。Tom住在我家隔壁 I can't sit next to the emergency exit.我不能坐在紧急出口的旁边。The school is next to the library。学校在图书馆旁边

用“next to”怎么造句?
The two shops are next to each other.释义:那两家铺子紧挨着。Kneels next to her.释义:在她身旁跪下。It Is God, choosing what next to create.释义:它是上帝选择接下来要创造什么。"Then you should sit next to her, " said the king.释义:“那么,好吧,你也该挨着她坐吧!”国王...

next to 意为“在…旁边,紧挨着…”造句可以写 The library is next to the playground.The bookstore is next to the cinema.

next to 造句

next to near beside的区别
next to造句 1、Kneels next to her.2、He did next to nothing.3、Ireland was next to fall.4、The house is next to ours.5、We had seats next to the aisle.6、He'd been next to me all three.7、It's next to the Jincheng Garden.8、Transportation costs would be next to ...

用in.on.near.next to各造一个句子
2、I specifically told you not to go near the water!翻译:我明确告诉过你不要靠近水边!四、next to造句如下 1、Our house is the one next to the school.翻译:我家的房子就是学校旁边的那座。2、Next to her I felt like a fraud.翻译:和她相比,我觉得自己是滥竽充数。

沈娅19836365232问: 请用'next to"造句 -
象州县方德回答:[答案] The cinema locates next to the hospital.

沈娅19836365232问: 用方位介词“next to”造句,例﹕on My book on the desk. -
象州县方德回答:[答案] my desk is next to my bed.追问:句子的 汉语 意思是什么 回答:我的 桌子在 我的床旁边

沈娅19836365232问: 用next to造句 -
象州县方德回答:[答案] The cinema locates next to the hospital. 电影院在医院的附近

沈娅19836365232问: 英语翻译:他正好住在那家超市的隔壁(用nextto造句) -
象州县方德回答:[答案] Helivesjustrightnexttothatsupermarket!

沈娅19836365232问: 英语翻译:他正好住在那家超市的隔壁 (用next to造句) -
象州县方德回答:[答案] He lives just right next to that supermarket!

沈娅19836365232问: 用next to造句一问一答 -
象州县方德回答: Who is next to Jim? Mary is next to Jim. 谁挨着吉姆? 玛丽挨着吉姆.

沈娅19836365232问: 用方位介词“next to”造句,例﹕on My book on the desk.
象州县方德回答: my desk is next to my bed.

沈娅19836365232问: 用next to造句. 和翻译 -
象州县方德回答: A friend of his happened to be sitting in a railroad-coach next to a young man who was obviously depressed. 他的一个朋友碰巧在火车车厢里坐在一个无精打采的年轻人的身边. May I bring my chair next to yours? 我可以把我的椅子移到你的旁边...

沈娅19836365232问: next to怎么造句 -
象州县方德回答: The car is next to the tree

沈娅19836365232问: 请用'next to"造句 -
象州县方德回答: The cinema locates next to the hospital.

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