
作者&投稿:地旺 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

解释something of 并用其造句,
something of a +职业名词,”有点像“,”在某种意义(或程度)上“=somewhat of a +职业名词 something like 几分像;大约(此时表示数量=about)1.She is something of an artist.她有几分艺术家的味道.2.She is something of a chemist.她可算是一位化学家.3.He is something of a musician...

解释something of 并用其造句,谢谢
=somewhat of a +职业名词 something like 几分像;大约(此时表示数量=about)1. She is something of an artist.她有几分艺术家的味道。2. She is something of a chemist.她可算是一位化学家。3. He is something of a musician.在某种程度上说,他是一名音乐家。1. He is somewhat of ...

11.They love to hear my bass drum .12.The concert began with a piano solo.13.He played a tune on his trumpet.14.Now he is a good violin player.15.Hurry up, or we'll be late.16. My father is a musician.17.Then what should people do ?18. Will he be here long?19...

minister 牧师 clerk 文员 secretary 秘书 professor 教授 actor 演员 editor 编缉 reporter 记者 nurse 护士 air hotess 空姐 pilot 飞机师 salesman 售货员 program director 节目编排人 veterinary surgeon, vet 兽医 merchant 商人 librarian 图书管理员 writer 作家 artist 艺术家 musician 音乐家 dentis...

talented造句:1、Howard is a talented pianist.霍华德是一名有天赋的钢琴家。2、Rose's father was a talented violinist.罗斯的父亲是一位天才的小提琴手。3、She is a talented musician as well as being a photographer.她不但是个摄影师而且还是个天才的音乐家。4、A talented artist, he was...

用以下短语与a,the,some和any造句 急求回答啊- -
This boy was sent to a school which was for the deaf. (没有desf这个词的)Tax laws do a great help for the rich.I spend my evening on listening to some music.It does not pay to the crime.Would you like some apples or oranges?Are you an artist or a musician?Would you...

6、The musician's new album is an achievement that demonstrates her growth and talent.这位音乐家的新专辑是她成长和才华的展示。7、The construction of the new building is a great achievement for the team who had to overcome many challenges.新建筑物的建设是团队的巨大成就,他们克服了...

see... as...语法详解
- Many people regard him as a talented musician. (许多人把他视为一位有才华的音乐家。)- The company is regarded as a leader in the industry. (这家公司被认为是该行业的领导者。)- She is regarded as one of the best doctors in the country. (她被认为是该国最好的医生之一。)

意思是“相当多地”“非常地”“伟大的”,副词,用于修饰不可数名词和可数名词。造句:1、He's been to a great many places. 他到过的地方多了去了。2、Thank you. You've been a great help already. 谢谢你。你已经帮了大忙了。3、I also had friends who gave me a great deal of ...

芷庆15231406693问: 用musician(音乐家)truth(真相)athletic(运动的)creative(有创造力的)造句,越短越好,各一句 -
九龙坡区贝复回答:[答案] 最简单的: 1.Are you a musician? 2.Neither witness told the truth 3.The school athletic meet is to be held next Monday. 4.She is a very creative musician

芷庆15231406693问: musician造句 2个 跪求 速度点 -
九龙坡区贝复回答: 1. He was long a famous musician, but he plays no longer. 他成为有名的音乐家已很久了,但他现在不演奏了.2. The parents were keen that their daughter should become musician. 父母渴望他们的女儿成为音乐家.很高兴为您解答,祝你学习进步!如果我的回答对你有帮助,请及时选为满意答案,谢谢~~

芷庆15231406693问: 用musician(音乐家)truth(真相)athletic(运动的)creative(有创造力的)造句,越短越好,各一句 -
九龙坡区贝复回答: The musician is very famousPiease tell me the truthI like athletic eventI am a creative man 短不

芷庆15231406693问: musician的相关短语 -
九龙坡区贝复回答: musician 解释:n. 音乐家 注:一般名词不涉及语法,词组.了解意思即可.下面是例句.例句:1.That musician is very famous.翻译:那位音乐家非常有名.2.The musician made the legend into a beautiful ballad.这位音乐家把传说编成了一首美丽的民谣.

芷庆15231406693问: musician -
九龙坡区贝复回答: musician 英[mjuˈzɪʃn]美[mjuˈzɪʃən] n. 音乐家;音乐人; 复数:musicians 双语例句 My husband is a jazz musician. Enough said. 我丈夫是位爵士音乐家,透露这一点就够了.

芷庆15231406693问: 音乐家英文 -
九龙坡区贝复回答: musician

芷庆15231406693问: 1 I am reading a book.The book is about a famous musician. -
九龙坡区贝复回答: 1 I am reading a book that is about a famous musician.2 Does Betty like The Modern that they can write their own music?3 Britney who is one of my favorite singers has changed a lot.4 I will buy something that my grandpa likes best next Sunday.

芷庆15231406693问: musician,a,is,the,short,bit连词成句 -
九龙坡区贝复回答: The musician is a bit short.祝你学习进步,更上一层楼!(*^__^*)

芷庆15231406693问: 我最喜爱的音乐/音乐家(用英语写) -
九龙坡区贝复回答: my favo(u)rite musician 或the musician which I like the best

芷庆15231406693问: —Are you - -----? —Yes, I am. A.a musician B.musicians C.musi... -
九龙坡区贝复回答: A考查名词的用法.句意为:-----你是音乐家吗?----是的.Musician是可数名词,单数时前面必须用冠词修饰,结合答语,故选A.

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