
作者&投稿:印畏 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

1.make one's bed,铺床 As a kid,you need to learn to make your bed.2.make a kite 做风筝 The children are interested in making a kite.

...friends ”,“make sure ”,“make up one's mind ”
He planned to make friends with everyone in school.他计划和学校里的每一个人都成为朋友。It can also be a great help to make sure you type a password correctly.它也可以成为一个伟大的帮助,以确保您键入一个密码正确。make up one's mind, be determined to, decide to do sth.三者都...

make up&make up for区别
第一句可以说成:Can I leave early this afternoon and make up the time tomorrow (for my early leave today)?make up for 后面加弥补的对象。Now your position and wealth make up for such flaws.make up for sth to sb对某人做出弥补 He promises to make up for his mistakes to his...

用make up one's mind to do...造句
I make up my mind to study hard我下决心努力学习

make the sentences 和make up sentences 的区别。做题时遇到的。九...

用have to do with, make promises, have...in common, write dowm...
I have to do housework with my mother.我必须和我的妈妈做家务。必须和...做某事 I make promises you.我向你承诺。承诺...We have languages in common.我们有共同的语言。在...有共同的方面 Write dowm what you do not understand.写下你不理解的。写下...I can not go to school fo...

18、dress up 打扮;穿上特殊服装 例句:Mother loved to dress me up. 妈妈喜欢打扮我。19、take up 占用;开始从事 例句:He will take up his post as the head of the civil courts at the end of next month.他将在下个月底就任民事法庭庭长一职。20、make up 组成、化妆 例句:She ...

make it up to:vt. 报答(补偿)Example:He tried to MAKE IT UP TO her, but she wouldn't speak to him.make up for:补偿,弥补 例句与用法:1. Can you give me some advice on how to make up for the time I have lost?你给我说说怎样才能弥补损失的时间好吗?2. He tried hard ...

make用主 谓宾 补造句
make the bed 铺床 make a plan做一架飞机 make trouble制造麻烦 make faces 做鬼脸 make friends 交朋友 make cakes 做蛋糕 make noises 制造噪音 make paper 造纸 make money 赚钱 make yourself at home 请自便 make oneself understood 使别人理解 make progress 取得进步 make up 编造\/化妆\/...

在线词组造句 大家帮帮忙 make a face make friends make money make o...
make dinner 做饭 -> Every evening my mother makes dinner and waits for us from work.每个晚上我妈妈做饭并等我们下班回家。make sure 确定、务必 -> Make sure to turn off the light before you leave.临走前一定要熄灯。make up one's mind 决定、下决心 -> They made up thei...

凤放15225191728问: 用make up 造句 -
曾都区洛汀回答:[答案] He made up some excuse about his daughter being sick.他编造了一些借口,说他的女儿病倒了. We made up the bed in the spare room.我们在空着没用的屋里打了张床. .查牛津大辞典,上面很全,我就不再多举例了.

凤放15225191728问: make up组成,造句 -
曾都区洛汀回答:[答案] Nine members make up a team!

凤放15225191728问: make up怎么造句 -
曾都区洛汀回答: you can look it up in the dictionary ,建议你用英汉双解词典,里面可以找到好多的句子, 上面说当然没有词典里说的正确了,呵呵

凤放15225191728问: 用MAKE UP造句 把下面的词语编成一个句子 -
曾都区洛汀回答:[答案] make up 1.补足 We need $50 to make up the sum required. 我们需要五十元以补足所需要的数目. 2.编造 The whole story is made up. 整个故事完全是虚构出来的. 3.组成 The medical team was made up of twelve doctors. 医疗队由十二名医生组成.

凤放15225191728问: make up组成 能不能造个句子啊? -
曾都区洛汀回答:[答案] This organization is made up by more than 5 countries. 其实make up`还有其他的几个意思~也是比较常用的`` 比如说`化妆`(化装) 占据``还有一个意思是 `虚构~``呵呵``

凤放15225191728问: 帮忙找几个make up 的例句这个词组有以下意思,1组成,构成 2.虚构,编造 3.化妆 4.弥补 5.补考 6.和好.每个意思举个合适例子,谢谢 -
曾都区洛汀回答:[答案] 1.How many provinces make up China?中国有多少个省组成? 2.I don't want to make up a story.我不想编故事. 3.You should make up for this show.为了这个秀,你应该化妆. 4.He wants to make up to her.他想补偿她. 6.Lily and Lucy made up after ...

凤放15225191728问: 用make up 造句 -
曾都区洛汀回答:Life is just a series of trying to makeup your mind. 生活就是由一系列你下定决心去做的事组成的.But next year, tax rises will makeup nearly half of it. 但明年,税收的增长将会弥补一半缩减的开支.When people started asking questions, she had to makeup more details. 而当人们开始提问时,她不得不编造更为详细的资料.

凤放15225191728问: 英语:用make up one`s mind造句 -
曾都区洛汀回答: 1、I made up my mind and got started with my work. 我下定决心,开始工作. 2、They gave me a week to make up my mind. 他们允许我有一周的时间作决定. 3、I have many facts to chew upon before I make up my mind. 我在作出决定之前有许...

凤放15225191728问: 帮忙找几个make up 的例句 -
曾都区洛汀回答: 1 THE MEDICAL TEAM IS MADE UP OF TEN DOCTORS.这个医疗对由10个医生组成. 2that story was made up.那个故事是虚构的 3she makes hersel.f up in the morning.她早上化装 4do you think her beauty could make up for her stupidity.你认为她的美丽能弥补她的愚蠢吗 5Because you were ill,you will have to make up the exam.因为你在这次考试中生病了,所以你得补考 6i want make up to you 我想和你和好

凤放15225191728问: 用make up sb造句 -
曾都区洛汀回答: make up1.化妆;化装 She made up her face to look prettier.她把脸化了妆以便看上去漂亮些.2.捏造,虚构(故事、诗等) The boy made up a story; it was not true.男孩编了个故事,这故事不是真的.3.补偿 How can we make up to you for what you have suffered?我们如何补偿你所遭受的损害?4.补回失去的时间 They hurried on to make up for lost time.他们加速进行以补回失去的时间.望采纳【明教团队】为您解答,如有疑问,请继续追问,谢谢^_^祝你学习进步

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