
作者&投稿:解药 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


let down是什么意思英语
1、The film is let down by a convoluted plot in which nothing really happens。这部电影被一个令人费解又无实质内容的情节破坏了。2、The saying that ‘No fields will ever let down a hardworking farmer’ is true。“人勤地不懒”这话真不假。

回答:v. 放下, 使…失望, 松懈, 把(衣服)放长, 披散, 放气You let me down

我明白了一个道理:永远不要让你的朋友失望。(let down)用英语翻译
Don't worry. I'll never let you down. 别担心。我决不会让你失望的。

let down是什么意思?
在人际交往中,我们的言行行为可能会让他人感到失望和不满。例如,我们未能兑现自己的承诺或者未能保守秘密,这些都会使我们的朋友或家人感到"let down"。因此,我们在处理人际关系时要尊重他人的意见和要求,与他人保持良好的沟通和信任,从而避免"let down"的情况发生。

Let down a rope so that I can climb up. 放下绳子,让我爬上去。Let's sit down a minute to catch our breath. 让我们坐一会儿,歇口气。The hem of your dress needs to be let down an inch. 你衣肤的折边有必要放长1英寸。Don't let this cold weather get you down. 不要让...

let you down什么意思
let you down 让你失望了 let down[英][let daun][美][lɛt daʊn]放下; 放低; 使失望; 失信;例句:1.And not wanting to let down the team.我们也不想让团队感到失望。2.Did you ever feel let down?你曾经有觉得失望吗?

Let down等于什么
let down 常见释义 放下 [词典]使失望; 使沮丧; 辜负; 使美中不足; 使差强人意; 使不理想; 给(轮胎等)放气;例句:He let down the tailgate so the dog could jump out.他放下后背门,好让狗跳出来。

let down 是什么意思
放下\/失望\/失信的意思,let sth. down ,失望失信的时候就是let down Did you ever feel let down?你曾经有觉得失望吗?认真回答,望采纳,谢谢

let sb\/sth in : let sb\/sth down : 让〔某人〕失望﹐失信于〔某人〕 let on : 假装; 泄露 let out : 放出, 释放, 发出 let sb\/sth into sth. : 让〔某人\/某物〕进入 let up : 停止﹐结束; 缓和 let sb\/sth off : 免除〔某人\/某物应做之事〕...

郑斧18734829582问: 用let…down造句 -
德令哈市锌可回答:[答案] v. 放下, 使…失望, 松懈, 把(衣服)放长, 披散, 放气You let me down

郑斧18734829582问: 飞机减速下降 翻译成英文用let down造句 -
德令哈市锌可回答: let down使失望;放下;辜负;减速下降 The plane let down.

郑斧18734829582问: 用 let. one's down造句? -
德令哈市锌可回答: 1、One can never let one's guard down on recovery and I'm afraid that I have. 在这特殊的康复时期一个人绝不能让守护他的人失望,而我恐怕让爱我的人失望了.2、Let your hair down and enjoy yourself at the party.在晚会上别拘束, 尽情享受一下.

郑斧18734829582问: 英语造句!来人哦!用所给的词造句1.marry2.beneath3.let...down4.regard...as...5.trap -
德令哈市锌可回答:[答案] Will you marry me? Newton sat beneath an apple tree. Please do not let me down. I regard Yao Ming as my idol. The dog is trapped in a dark room.

郑斧18734829582问: 用let sb down 造句 -
德令哈市锌可回答: Sara, i hope you can win this game. Don't let me down.

郑斧18734829582问: 用let down和fix sth on sth各造一句. -
德令哈市锌可回答: don't let your parents down.不要让你的父母失望. fix the basket on the bike.把篮子装在车子上.

郑斧18734829582问: let down 让...失望 right away 马上 get along with 与...相处 come up 提出(主意建议) come out 出版 造句(现读九年级) -
德令哈市锌可回答: 1.I will never let my parents down. 2.I must go right away. 3.We get along with each other. 4.He comes up a good idea. 5.The latest magzine comes out.

郑斧18734829582问: ./let+down+sb啥意思?急啊?
德令哈市锌可回答: 亲,你确定不是let sb. down 麽?我说的这个词组是”让某人失望“”让某人美中不足“的意思,你那个不是很清楚哦

郑斧18734829582问: note sth down造句怎么造 -
德令哈市锌可回答: 1. I see. I'll note it down .我明白了,我会把它记下来的. 2. You have to note down all that is important.你得把重要的都记下来. 3. First of all, there is only way to note down the information for them.首先,他们只有一种记下讯息的方式. 4. ...

郑斧18734829582问: write down造句? -
德令哈市锌可回答: 1、Keep track of your efforts and write down how you feel . 翻译:记录下你的努力并写下你的感受. 2、Write down some notes on the new things that you learned in the unit. 翻译:记下你在本单元学到的新东西. 3、Let me write it down while ...

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