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造句造句造句造句~~~ 用上”品味“一词写一句话~~~
造句造句造句造句~~~ 用上”品味“一词写一句话~~~ 一杯香浓的生活之茶沏好了,让我们来细细地品味它 用…又用造句怎么造句 1、孩子们又活泼又漂亮,就像春天里的花蕾。 2、巴儿狗又摇头又摆尾的,在主人跟前撒起娇来。用make\/laugh,造句, 用make\/headmaster,造句, 用not let\/watch tv,...

初中英语一般讲的是she laughted happily. happily 在这里做动词_百度...
再说了,人们讲英语时,更多的是以习惯的方式表达语义而不是考虑语法来造句和词典解释来用词。语法上解释得通和单个的词义正确,如果不符合语义表达习惯,人家还是听不懂。这就是为什么在国内教了十几二十年英语的老师教授们初到国外仍听不懂、说的英语别人也听不懂,甚至闹笑话的原因。在英美,laugh ...

3、狐狸真想哈哈大笑。它在地上打着滚,捧着肚子,竭力忍着不笑出声来。4、小明在阳台晒被子,他打着被子,捧着衣服,忍着太阳的直射。动词 动词(verb),汉语词语,意思是用来表示人或事物的动作或状态的词语。特征 “动词”表示人或事物的动作、存在、变化的词,如:走(walk)、笑(laugh)、...

用法语单词造句!! 求高手解答,尽量简单,不会法语的请不要乱答好吗,谢 ...
在下列14个单词里选择10个造句,可以每个词一句话,也可以一句话里包括两个或几个词,不过语法请一定要对,我是刚入门那种,所以简单就好!最佳我会给悬赏,谢谢了!(以下是单词,选... 在下列14个单词里选择10个造句,可以每个词一句话,也可以 一句话里包括两个或几个词,不过语法请一定要对,我是刚入门那种,所以...

2、how does the story end up ?3、You will make mistakes if you do things in a hurry.6、Do not laugh at him,he is very sensitive。Take note of what I say and do not forget it.How many countries make up the Common Market?We regard labour as a matter of honour.In ...

用tell the joke来造句
回答:we all laugh beause of her tell the joke.

【成语】: 心宽体胖 【英文】: laugh and grow fat 【拼音】: xīn kuān tǐ pán 【解释】: 原指人心胸开阔,外貌就安详。后用来指心情愉快,无所牵挂,因而人也发胖。【出处】: 《礼记·大学》:“富润屋,德润身,心广体胖。”【举例造句】: 心宽体胖的老板,满面春风地迎上来,拉...

make sb do sth造句
make 后的 sb. do sth. 是复合宾语结构,意思是 “让某人做某事”,如 Don't make him work at the desk endlessly (不要让他没完没了地伏案工作)。

make+名词\/代词+动词原形造句 made的被动语态 各造两个句子
造句如下 1 主动:He often makes me laugh.被动:I am often made to laugh ( by him).2 主动:The boss made us work all day.被动:We were made to work all day ( by the boss).

英语造句 简单点 要有翻译
1.The reason why I went to Beijing was that I had to visit my sister.我去北京的原因是我要拜访我的姐姐。2.I went to Beijing but I didn't see my sister.我去了北京,但是并没有见到姐姐。3.With so many different forms of poety to choose from,I felt confused.有这么多的诗歌...

局飞15221411385问: laugh at 造句 5个 短点的 谢啦 -
章贡区复方回答: 1. They would both laugh at you. 他们都会嘲2113笑你的.2. Perhaps people would laugh at you? 可能别人5261会嘲笑你吗?3. I won't laugh at his jokes. 他说笑话,我才不会笑.41024. We laugh at such jokes because the pattern change is ...

局飞15221411385问: 造句:1)be filled with 2)be crowded with 3)take part in 4)laugh -
章贡区复方回答: The pool is filled with water The bus is crowded with people I will take a part in the party Dont laugh at her

局飞15221411385问: 英语词组造句 -
章贡区复方回答: 1.Think the same as I do? 跟我想的一样吗? 2.He was long a famous musician, but he plays no longer. 他成为有名的音乐家已很久了, 但他现在不演奏了. The city's water supply is no longer adequate for its need. 这个城市的供水已不敷需...

局飞15221411385问: 单词造句 给serious,way,however,laugh,friend,though,note,physics造句句子最好简单但完整,最好让单词在句子中无法替代,(最好这样啦,), -
章贡区复方回答:[答案] I have held ever a friend though her have a habit of laughing at others .But the most serious problem is her stole my physics note.It is likely for her to the way totransgress.我曾经有个朋友虽然他有嘲笑别人的习惯.但是最严重的问题是她偷了我的物理学笔...

局飞15221411385问: 英语单词造句
章贡区复方回答: It was a good chance for us to practice spoken English. 对我们来说,这是一个很好的练习英语口语的机遇. Slowly, but would like to fast. 慢慢地说,但要迅速的想. People are not perfect, we all make mistakes. 任何人都不是完美的,都会犯错...

局飞15221411385问: 用:matter,afraid,be afraid to,laugh at,complete,secret,learner,take notes,各 造一个句子 -
章贡区复方回答: 1.what's the matter with you? 你怎么了/出什么事了?2.I'm afraid i can't help you. 我恐怕...

局飞15221411385问: 求英语的常见介词和副词短语要有翻译
章贡区复方回答: 首先建议楼主可以买一本小的词组手册,至于副词词组暂时还没听说.扶持修饰句子... (在……里装满/充满)laughat(嘲笑)worryabout(为……担心)writeto(写信给...

局飞15221411385问: 怎样将一个英语句子分析出每个词的成分? -
章贡区复方回答: 先抓住句子的主干成分,即:主语、谓语动词、宾语(注意有时句子没有宾语,要看具体的句型),然后再看次要成分,即:定语、状语、补语、同位语等,为了更好的把握句子成分,你首先要清楚简单句的五个最基本的句型(见附录),这样...

局飞15221411385问: 造句(英语主动、被动语态) -
章贡区复方回答: 先纠正楼上个错:allow sb doing 不是allow sb to do1.She allowed me playing with her. I was allowed going out.2.l bear his bad habit. I was bearrd at last.3.I call at his house by the way. He was called on last night.4.The strong rain damaged the small ...

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