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定语从句in which造句
(1) The school (that\/which) he once studied in is very famous.= The school in which he once studied is very famous.(2) I have a dresser in my bedroom,which there are many cosmetics on.= I have a dresser in my bedroom on which there are many cosmetics.(3)The house ...

in which的用法和例句是什么?
一、in which的用法 1、in which只可以用在定语从句中,相当于where,在定语从句中用作状语,一般where作连词时,含义比in which更广泛、更笼统。2、一般in which与where是相等的,而且都是修饰先行词是表示地点。二、例句:1、The house in which I live is beautibul.我住的房子很漂亮。2、Coerc...

介词in which, for which, on which, at which的区别?
in which, for which, on which, at which的不同用法 1)这些都是定语从句里面,由which引导的定语从句,介词提前。下面这些介词的使用除了意思上的区别,具体是要以which引导的从句而定的。①in which可以翻译成在……里面 The school (that\/which) he once studied in is very famous.= The scho...

in which后接什么从句?
in which(介词加关系代词)、that或省略。the way作先行词,后接定语从句,以下3种表达都是正确的。例如:“我喜欢她笑的样子。”1、the way+ in which +从句 I like the way in which she smiles.2、the way+ that +从句 I like the way that she smiles.3、the way +从句(省略了in ...

英语语法问题-请问in which怎么用?能给造几个句子么?
in a village in which all the houses have windmills.他住在一个所有的房子都有风车的乡村里。in which 的另一个用法是表达 “哪个之中” 的意思:In which famous book do you find the expression “tomorrow is another day”?在哪本著名的书中可以找到“明天又是新的一天的开始”这句话?

用in which 造句
The earth in which we live needs us to protect

在什么情况下用which, on which, in which
1. "in which":用于引导一个定语从句,表示时间或地点的范围。例如:"I visited Paris, in which I had a wonderful time."2. "for which":也用于引导定语从句,表示目的或原因。例如:"He bought a gift for his sister, for which she was very grateful."3. "on which":同样是引导...

in which是什么意思?
in which的意思是“在……里面;在……中,其中”。in which是一个介词短语,主要用于定语从句中,用来引导定语从句,并在从句中作地点状语。这个短语也可以用来引导非限制性定语从句,指代整个主句,或者用于强调句中,强调某个词语。在定语从句中,in which的用法...

用in which\/of which造句
1 The earth in which we live needs us to protect 翻译:在我们生活的地球需要我们的保护 2 I picked up the apples,some of which were badly bruised.我拾起了一些苹果,其中一部分已经摔坏了.简单的造句,

in which, for which, on which, at which的含义和区别?
① in which,for which,on which,at which的翻译&含义解释:- in which:在其中,表示某事物所在的地方或位置。- for which:为了哪个,表示目的或原因。- on which:在哪里,表示某物所在的具体位置。- at which:在哪里,表示某事物发生的具体地点。② 语法详解:这些词组都是由介词(in, for...

阴贫18577362784问: 用in which 造句 -
长武县赛德回答: The earth in which we live needs us to protect

阴贫18577362784问: 求in which的用法,意思和例句 -
长武县赛德回答:[答案] 1.in which是介词加关系代词,引导定语从句in可以放到从句中去our immune system breaks down in this condition 2.把in放进从句中应该是这样的:it is transmitted from one person to another in the way.不是都能...

阴贫18577362784问: 用in which 引导的非限制定语从句造3个句子,不知哪位高人可帮我? -
长武县赛德回答: 1、Last weekend I went to the church,in which my sister get merried. 2、My grandpa lives in Chengdu,the city in which I spent my childhood. 3\ look,that is the river in which Jaffery got drowned!

阴贫18577362784问: 用in which/of which造句 -
长武县赛德回答: 1 The earth in which we live needs us to protect 翻译:在我们生活的地球需要我们的保护2 I picked up the apples, some of which were badly bruised. 我拾起了一些苹果, 其中一部分已经摔坏了.简单的造句,希望帮助到你!有疑问请追问!

阴贫18577362784问: 英语语法问题 - 请问in which怎么用?能给造几个句子么? -
长武县赛德回答: in which, for which, on which, at which的不同用法这些都是定语从句里面,由which引导的定语从句,介词提前. in which可以翻译成在„„里面for which可以翻译成为了„„目的 on which可以翻译成在„„的上面,或具体时间的某一天at which可以翻译成在„„里面或在„„上面 这些介词的使用除了意思上的区别,具体是要以which引导的从句而定的. 例如:

阴贫18577362784问: 介词in+which 做什么成分The book in which the pictures are black and white is mine这里为什么加in? -
长武县赛德回答:[答案] 这是一个介词提前的定语从句in 是和 book 搭配,就是in the book不能不加in,只用which,因为在定语从句 the pictures are black and white 中,不缺少主语,are 后面系表结构也完整,因此,不能使用关系代词which,但可以使...

阴贫18577362784问: in which的用法 -
长武县赛德回答: 首先我们要明确in的意思,in就是“在里面,从里面”,本句话的意思是"我爸爸喜欢看书,书里面是英雄与他们的敌人作战的故事".如果改为which,就是书是故事,这样很不合逻辑. 另外,in which 充当状语, 一般状语是要加介词的,所以要用in,不能直接用which.

阴贫18577362784问: in which的详细用法 -
长武县赛德回答: 当你要精确表达"在...里面"时, 用in which来代替下列例句中表示"in which"的连词where; in which不能代替代词和不可数名词where. where (Conjunction) Where作连词的含义比in which广泛,笼统. The place in, at or to which. He knows where ...

阴贫18577362784问: 介词in+which 做什么成分 -
长武县赛德回答: 这是一个介词提前的定语从句 in 是和 book 搭配,就是in the book不能不加in,只用which,因为在定语从句 the pictures are black and white 中,不缺少主语,are 后面系表结构也完整,因此,不能使用关系代词which,但可以使用in which 和where就是,书里有着黑白图片的那本书,是我的 或者,翻译成,我的那本书,书上有黑白插图

阴贫18577362784问: in which一般用在什么句里面,在从名里相当于when吗? -
长武县赛德回答: c the story about Madame Gurie is taken from the book.Great Men and Women. the book.Great Men and Women=which 1.语法作用:“介词+关系代词”在从句中主要起关系副词的作用,即在定语从句中充当状语: (1)表示地点,时间和原因...

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