
作者&投稿:重卢 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

1、I went in the room and told her I had something to say to her.我走进房间,告诉她我有话要对她说。2、Liz travelled around the world for a year with her boyfriend James.莉兹跟她的男友詹姆斯到世界各地旅行了一年。3、Talk to your baby, play games, and show her how much yo...

5.Her sister is a music teacher.

I love her.我爱她

1、Her hair is so beautiful and shiny.她的头发非常漂亮和有光泽。2、I gave her a present for her birthday.我给她一份生日礼物。3、Her performance in the play was outstanding.她在戏剧中的表现非常出色。4、I saw her at the park yesterday.昨天我在公园看到了她。5、Her voice is s...

这个项目的成功归功于她,她以果断和创新的思路领导了整个团队。二、her双语造句 1、I offered her my umbrella when it started raining unexpectedly.下雨时,我把我的雨伞递给了她。2、The beautiful necklace caught her eye as she walked past the jewelry store.当她经过珠宝店时,那条美丽的...

回答:I knew her mother

小学生英语造句大全用 she her it we 造很简单很简单的句子。
回答:She is my sister. Where is her mom? It is Sunday today. We are friends.

This is her book.

her的意思是:她;她的 her是一个英语单词,翻译为:她,她的。her的造句:1、He had made passes at her in moscow .在莫斯科时,他曾向她提供帮助。2、The accident left a scar on her leg .那次事故后她的腿上留下了伤疤。3、I love her all the more because she is poor .我爱她...

“Her”是个代词,表示女性所有格的意思,通常用来指代女性的名字,也可以指代女性的身体部位、衣物等。例如,“This is her coat”意思是“这是她的外套”。在句子中,“her”作为代词使用,通常出现在动词前面,例如,“She gave her a gift”意思是“她给了她一份礼物”。另外,“her”也可以作...

韦须15049289221问: her怎么造句(简单) -
陕县元坦回答: this is her pen

韦须15049289221问: 用her造句名词性物主代词 -
陕县元坦回答: The book is hers. 这本书是她的如不明白请追问,要是满意请【采纳】祝学习进步

韦须15049289221问: 小学生英语造句大全用 she her it we 造很简单很简单的句子. -
陕县元坦回答: She is my sister. Where is her mom? It is Sunday today. We are friends.

韦须15049289221问: 用his和her造句每个造两句 -
陕县元坦回答:[答案] His math is excellent! 他的数学好极了! His mother is a teacher. 他的妈妈是个教师. Her students always late for school. 她的学生总是上学迟到. Her answer is right. 她的答案是正确的.

韦须15049289221问: 英语造句 she和her we和us they和them .主格和宾格造句 ..造句内容简单都行 -
陕县元坦回答:[答案] she:She is my friend. 她是我的朋友 her:her name is Mary. 她的名字是Mary we:We are students. 我们是学生 us:She saw us on the subway. 在地铁站她见到我们了 they:They are students 他们是学生 them:We saw them at the conference. 我们在会上看到...

韦须15049289221问: 英语造句 she和her we和us they和them 跪求.. -
陕县元坦回答: she:She is my friend.她是我的朋友 her:her name is Mary.她的名字是Mary we:We are students.我们是学生 us:She saw us on the subway.在地铁站她见到我们了 they:They are students 他们是学生 them:We saw them at the conference.我们在会上看到他们

韦须15049289221问: 用her the fire alarm造句 -
陕县元坦回答: 最简单的造句法:今天,老师教了我们一个词语叫".........''

韦须15049289221问: she这个单词怎么造句 -
陕县元坦回答: 1. She went directly to Simon's apartment and knocked on the door. 她直奔西蒙的房间,敲了敲门. 2.She studied him for the longest time, looking wryly amused. 她面带苦笑,盯着他看了很长时间. 3. In her spare time she read books on cooking...

韦须15049289221问: she,和her的用法?Hereyeswerefixedonhe
陕县元坦回答: Her eyes were fixed on her plate and in a short time, she was busy eating. 这里开头为什么不用she,而用her呢? she pron 代词,(主格)她 通常作句子的主语. her pron 代词, 她的 (宾格)她 前边这个句话的主语是 her eyes 她的眼睛 不是 她 所以不能用 she , 而后边的句子 她是主语,所以用 she 她的眼睛紧盯着她的盘子,立刻,她忙碌得吃起来

韦须15049289221问: 英语四年级her bog is造句 -
陕县元坦回答: Her bag is blue and yellow.Her dog is very cute.

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