
作者&投稿:芒陶 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

用get help from 、be friendly to、be far from、fee
He gets help from his teacher.My teacher is friendly with us.My house is far from the school.She is always afraid of dogs.Don't fight with your classmates!He is sick. His mother is worried about him.

In summer days get longer.夏天,白天变长了

帮忙用consider \/get away from \/instead \/instead of造句,谢谢_百度...
Jerry still considers whether to study in beijing or abroad.杰瑞仍然在考虑是在北京学习还是在国外学习。It's too dangerous here,let's get away from the place as soon as we can.这儿太危险了,我们还是尽快离开这个地方吧。His mother adviced him to go to New York.Instead,he went to...

get up等造句!简单点
1.I get up at a same time every morning.2.I won't give up until I succeed.4.Idon't want to grow up.5.If you want to finish it ,you should hold up however hard it maybe.6.If you don't hurry up ,we'll late.8.Don't look up the dictionary the time you come ...

beautiful What a beautiful picture!多漂亮的一幅画啊!beauty Lisa is a beauty.丽莎是个美女。She She is a student.她是一个学生。get Go and get there.到那去。something there is something wrong.这有点问题。them Please give these books to them.请把这些书给他们。from I’m from ...

What he cares is how much profit he can get from the project.� 译文:他关心的是他从该项目中能获得多少利润。� 句中表语从句仍按原文顺序,主语从句译为名词词组。 同位语从句� 同位语从句的翻译主要按照该从句与主句的逻辑关系来确定,在汉语中译为宾语、定语或补语等,通常不改变原句顺序。� The...

能用marry和get marry各造个句子吗?
Mary married Tom last year.Mary and Tom got married last year.

Bread is made from flour. 面包是由面粉加工而成的。把……做成……(与 into 搭配)They make glass into bottles. 他们把玻璃制成瓶。We made the material into a skirt. 我们把那块料子做成一条短裙。获得,挣得He soon made a name for himself. 他很快出了名。Hawkwood made large sums of money in...

away from造5个句子
He lives 3 miles away from here.他住在距离这里三英里的地方。Over30 MPs have now broken away from their old party to form a new, independent one.30多名党员已经退出了从前的党,成立了一个新的独立的党。I have been away from Paris for two weeks.我离开巴黎已经两星期了。Get away ...

get a letter from sb造句加翻译
注意时态。Madam Chen got a letter from her assistant.陈女士收到了她的助理发来的信函。

柴之15928173827问: 英语造句1、be excited by sth造句 2、on top of the world造句3、make somebody .do sth造句4、get...from ...造句5、depend on造句6、look after造句7、keep..... -
大田县因特回答:[答案] I'm excited by the good news.Japan's electical paoducts are on top of the world.My mum makes me clean the house.I can get five dollars from my father.Whether we can go out depends on the weather.Lucy ...

柴之15928173827问: 用getawayfrom造句许多人为了摆脱城市的喧嚣而去乡村生活 -
大田县因特回答:[答案] To get away from the bustle of the city,many people go and live in the country.

柴之15928173827问: 用get sth from......sb 句 造两句 -
大田县因特回答: I got my book returned from her.她把书还给了我.The government got the issue compromised by the local authority.当地机构对政府做了关于该事件的保证.

柴之15928173827问: get tired from用英语造句 -
大田县因特回答:[答案] I'm getting tired from reciting the terminologies in the textbook. 我对背诵教科书里面的专用术语感到累了. 不懂问我,希望对您有帮助,南无地藏菩萨!

柴之15928173827问: get away from造句,从…摆脱 -
大田县因特回答: I get away from my family.我从家里摆脱了出来.I get away from my teacher.我摆脱了老师的管教.

柴之15928173827问: 用“get sth.from sb”“have a lesson in English”造句,急切!着急! -
大田县因特回答:[答案] I get an apple from him. We will have a lesson in English next.

柴之15928173827问: 用“get sth. from sb”“have a lesson in English”造句,急切!着急! -
大田县因特回答: I get an apple from him. We will have a lesson in English next.

柴之15928173827问: 用get away from ,take potos of ,a first - did box ,be interested in doing sth , dreak off各造一个句子
大田县因特回答: I want to get away from the busy life of the city. 我想离开城市的喧哗. He likes to take photos of flowers. 他喜欢拍花的照片. I went to get a first-aid box because Jim is injuried. 我去拿了医用急救箱因为Jim受伤了 I'm interested in becoming an painter. 我想成为一位画家. I break off from the society. 我远离社会. 有些你拼错啦~^^

柴之15928173827问: get…form造句 加中文 -
大田县因特回答: It takes quite a bit of time to get from London to Glasgow.从伦敦到格拉斯哥要花很多时间. How do I get from the pavilion to the station ?请问从亭子到车站如何走? I like the bird's-eye view you get from the gods.我喜欢坐在顶层楼座所能得到的鸟...

柴之15928173827问: 用get help from 、be friendly to、be far from、feesb with sth、be afraid of、fight with、be morried about造句 (造小学水平的句子! -
大田县因特回答:[答案] He gets help from his teacher. My teacher is friendly with us. My house is far from the school. She is always afraid of dogs. Don't fight with your classmates! He is sick.His mother is worried about him.

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