
作者&投稿:纵琴 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)



- The electric power plant uses steam to generate electricity.电力厂使用蒸汽产生电能。4. “Electronic” 显然强调的是设备和系统的现代化和高科技,而 “Electric” 则是更传统的电力和电学概念。例句:- The electronic book reader is revolutionizing the publishing industry.电子书阅读器正在改变...

用法区别:1、Electrical表示与 electricity(电、电流)相关,用于产生或处理 electricity 的事物。例如 :electrical generator(发电机)和 electrical outlet(电源插座)。这个词也是一个表示用电事物的宽泛术语。2、依靠 electricity 运转的设备是electric。例如:electric light(电灯)、electric heater(...

电 的英文是什么?
现代英汉词典electricity n.电;电力 Do you use electricity for cooking?你用电做饭吗?电流 简明英汉词典electricity n.电流, 电, 电学 electricity 相关的例句(electricity) charged or energized with electricity.(电学)带有电流或者电压。Are electricity laid on?接上电了吗?Wires that convey ...

electricity的形容词形式是electric,副词形式是electric。形容词是词类的一种,主要用来描写或修饰名词或代词,表示人或事物的性质、 状态、特征或属性,常用作定语,也可作表语或补语。 扩展资料 语法是语织规律,任何人在使用语言时,不管他是否学过语法,但都必须合乎语法。另外,总结语法本身的规...

electronic形容词是电子的。electricity的形容词形式:electronic电子的;电子器件的;电子设备的。副词形式是electric、electricity。其他形式包括形容词electric,动词electrify,名词electrician等。例句:That was in the days before electricity was available at the flick of a switch。那是在过去,还没有到...


英音有三种发音 美音一种 electricity纠错 英 [,ɪlek'trɪsɪtɪ; ,el-; ,iːl-]  美 [ɪ'lɛk'trɪsəti] n. 电力;电流;强烈的紧张情绪 柯林斯英汉双解大辞典 electricity \/ɪlɛk&...

电的英语读法是“electricity”。以下是 电的英文表达为electricity。 这是电在英文中的标准翻译。Electricity是一个名词,用来描述物理现象中的电,包括电流、电量、电器等概念。这一词汇在物理学、工程学以及日常生活中都有广泛应用,表示电或电能。在交流中,无论是学术还是日常对话,使用electricity都可以...

植视13692364392问: 需要electricity的造句(2句)
洛隆县花红回答: 给你造些句子吧: Electricity is the driving power for the modern society. 电力是现代社会的驱动力. We need to install new electricity lines in our new house. 我们需要给我们的新房安装电源线. The power station accident caused a big electricity ...

植视13692364392问: electricity英语作文 -
洛隆县花红回答: Electricity is a major kind of power we use a lot in our daily life.At home,we use it for the lights,TVs,air conditioning and so on.Also,in factories,electricity makes the large machines work so that there are so many different sorts of products in the ...

植视13692364392问: 英语作文 Electricity in our life -
洛隆县花红回答: Points: 1. What is electricity? 2. What can you use electricity to doing your daily life? 3. What do you think of electricity? Electricity is a form. of energy which is used to provide light or to make machines work .People use it in many different ways. Air ...

植视13692364392问: "电流"翻成英文怎么说 -
洛隆县花红回答: electricity 例句: 1.电流滞后于电压. The electricity lags behind the voltage. 2.电流切断了,我们必须把它重新接通. The electricity is off,so we must reset it.

植视13692364392问: 英语单词electricity音标及读音 -
洛隆县花红回答: [[英]]ɪˌlekˈtrɪsəti[[美]]ɪlɛkˈtrɪsɪti,ˌilɛk- n.电力;电流,静电;高涨的情绪;紧张 [例句]Electricity shortages animated a profitable trade in power generators. 电力短缺带动了利润丰厚的发电机买卖.

植视13692364392问: 英语翻译ElectricityElectricity is energy.Just like we eat hamburgers and chocolate to keep us going,machines “eat” electricity to keep them going.In our ... -
洛隆县花红回答:[答案] 电是一种能量.就像我们为了保持我们的身体正常一样,机器通过消耗电能来保持它们的正常运转.在我们的家中,电能使灯、电视、玩具和一些其他东西运转.很难想象如果没有电,我们的生活会怎么样. 然而,如果不安全用电,它也会导致火灾或者使...

植视13692364392问: 有电的可通电的英文是什么? -
洛隆县花红回答: electricity 英 [,ɪlek'trɪsɪtɪ; ,el-; ,iːl-] 美 [ɪ'lɛk'trɪsəti] n. 电 There is electricy (available).请采纳

植视13692364392问: 《电在日常生活中的用途》英语作文 -
洛隆县花红回答: The electricity and our life are vitally interrelated , need to use everywhere in our life to the electricity. Have not had electricity , our having no way to live and study regularly right away, the electricity is our life necessaries. With development of society , ...

植视13692364392问: electricity and our life作文60单词 -
洛隆县花红回答: Electricity plays a very important role in our life. But in the daily live, there are a lot of people always do things that is a waste of electricity. Electricity is generated by some materials and those materials are formed after thousands years. Once all the ...

植视13692364392问: it/is/powered/by/electricity -
洛隆县花红回答: it/is/powered/by/electricity 它是靠电力提供的动力.electricity 英[ɪˌlekˈtrɪsəti] 美[ɪlɛkˈtrɪsɪti,ˌilɛk-] n. 电力; 电流,静电; 高涨的情绪; 紧张; [例句]The regional electricity company serving the South-east of England 为英格兰东南部服务的区域电力公司 [其他] 形近词: electrician electricize clectrician 双语例句 柯林斯词典 英英释义 百度百科

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