
作者&投稿:稻彼 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

外国的英语是:foreign。foreign,英语单词,主要用作形容词,作形容词的意思是“外国的;外交的;异质的;不相关的”。短语搭配:foreign language[语]外语 ; 外文 ; 外国语 ; 外语版块。Foreign reserve外汇储备 ; 外汇存底 ; 外国邮件。Foreign Minister外长 ; 外交部长 ; 外交部 ; 外相。双语例句...

帮忙找造句 英文
1.England and Russia were allies in the Second World War.英国和俄国在二次世界大战中是盟国。2.The police lifted the ban against parking in this street.警察取消了不准在这条街上停车的禁令。3.I attended a conference on disarmament last week.我上周参加了一个裁军会议。4.Training will...

1.Which book do you like?你喜欢那本书 I like the one on the left.我喜欢左边的那本 2.Which color do you like?你喜欢什么颜色 I like red.我喜欢红色 3.Which one is the best of the three children?在这三个孩子中哪一个是最棒的 Tom is the best.Tom是最棒的 4.Which day...

用这些词造句 谢谢
1We have the best scientific brains in the country working on this.2The towns are connected by train and bus services.3She became famous overnight.4Don't pay any attention to what they say.5The government will review the situation later in the year.6He has a wide knowledge ...

英语单词造句要有意思 1、be located in 2、period 3、war 4、warring...
3. war Did your grandfathe took part in World War II? 你的祖父参加过第二次世界大战吗?4. warring I want to take part in the warring? 我想参加这次战斗。5. state Ice is water in a solid state.冰是水的固体状态。All the land belongs to the state in this country.在这个国家...

例6 China is the largest country in Asia.第三人称单数 否:China isn't the largest country in Asia.疑:Is China the largest country in Asia?例7 Nobody will agree to this project.这个也算第三人称单数吧 否:Somebody will agree to this project.\/Nobody won't agree to this ...

1、National Committee of Cultural Relics国家文物委员会 2、Cultural life in the country cannot compare to that of a large city农村的文化生活不能与大城市的相比拟。3、Cultural Angle of View of Euclidean Geometry欧氏几何的文化视角 4、Tujia folk dance is a form of expression in cultural ...

5、Britain is more optimistic than most of Europe and is the only country in which confidence is higher than a year ago.英国比多数欧洲国家乐观,同时也是市场信心较一年前有所提升的唯一国家。6、However, such a move away from the continent can only go on for so long before Europe'...

(1\/4)英语单词造句 1、pick up 2、famous3、be famous for… 4...
1、Can you come here and pick up my sister?2、China is the most famous country in the original.3、He is famous for his talent in language study.4、I can't wonder how cute it is.5、The company located its branch office in the suburbs ...

The government is concerned about the aging population and its impact on the economy. (政府担心人口老龄化对经济的影响。)The population of endangered species is decreasing at an alarming rate. (濒危物种的数量正在以惊人的速度减少。)The country's population is expected to reach 1 ...

伊妹17550977734问: 英语单词造句 -
康乐县杰力回答: We all are from different countries.Tokyo is the captain of Japan.Toronto is a city of Canada.We speak different languages.

伊妹17550977734问: 5个单词造句,你会如何造句? -
康乐县杰力回答: 1 The changing vivid colours of the sunset are really fascinating.日落时变化多端的色彩确实使人心醉神迷.2 We are now living in a beautiful new house in the country.我们现在住在农村的一座美丽的新房子里.3 It is safe to cross the river in this boat.坐这艘船过河很安全.4 This dish is very delicious.这道菜味道鲜美.5 When would it be convenient for you to go?你什么时候去方便?

伊妹17550977734问: 简单的英语造句 -
康乐县杰力回答: 1、hello,everyone,here are some questions I prepared. 2、nothing 3、Which color is the most beautiful,yellow 、red or orange?The red is the most beautiful.Which is smaller,the elephant or the dog?The dog is smaller.

伊妹17550977734问: 给以下单词造句
康乐县杰力回答:Different countries owns different language.不同的国家有不同的语言. He is from England.他来自英格兰. The weather in north is colder than south.北方天气比南方冷. Britain has a temperate climate.英国气候温 It is warm in Spring.春天...

伊妹17550977734问: 英语单词造句
康乐县杰力回答: 1、The two girls are different in their tastes ./2、I was impressed by their hospitality ./3、you are my only hope . 4、We were fightig to protect ours country ./Her mother has been failing in health .或we cannot fail on this match !

伊妹17550977734问: 英语造句,急需!! -
康乐县杰力回答: The whole country was anxious for peace. 全国上下都渴望和平. Their plan is good in many ways. 他们的计划在许多方面都是不错的. There are four wheels in a car. 一辆汽车有四只轮子.

伊妹17550977734问: 初中英语相同动词加不同成分 -
康乐县杰力回答: 句子的组成部分,包括主语、谓语、宾语、定语、补语、状语、表语七种 主语是句子叙述的主体,可由名词、代词、数词、名词化的形容词、不定式、动名词和主语从句等来承担.谓语说明主语所发出的动作或具有的特征和状态.谓语由动词...

伊妹17550977734问: 急需!!用以下句型造句要简单一点的 -
康乐县杰力回答: (1)This country is covered with cherry tree flowers(2) Someone think it 's a form to release.(3) At blast of request sb . to do sth. under , they at last give up chance !(4) One the other hand , Singapore is an English-speaking country .(5) Can you ...

伊妹17550977734问: 英语什么时候用such什么时候用so? -
康乐县杰力回答: Can you believe that in ___such___(such/so)a rich country there should be _so____(such/so)many poor people?” such与so的区别与用法 such与so的意思都是“如此,这样”.但两者用法根本不同,与what和how引导的感叹句相类似. 1、such...

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