
作者&投稿:革清 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

4、behind,[bɪˈhaɪnd]。prep:(表示位置)在…的后面;支持;(表示顺序)在身后;(表示比较)落后于;adv:在后面;向后;在后面较远处;(落)在后面;n:〈口〉屁股。例句:I put one of the cushions behind his head.我把其中的一个软垫垫在他脑后。5、in front of,...

用in、on、under、near、behind、over、in front of,分别造句
A book is under the sofa.书在沙发下面。Where is inside the door?什么东西在门缝里?My mother sits beside my father.我的妈妈坐在爸爸旁边。The book store is near the school.书店在学校的旁边。There is a tree in front of the house.房屋的前面有一棵树。Who is behind me?谁在我...

...behind和above和at the top和at the bottom,造句5个
1. He is playing basketball in front of the building.2. There is a tree behind the house.3.He lifted his hands above his head...他将双手举过头顶。4.In the end we arrived at the even ground at the top of the mountain.最后我们登上了山顶上的平地。5.He is always at the...

She's sitting behind me 她坐在我的后面 祝你生活愉快

behind door Sam is the 连词造句?
可以尝试在这个句子中添加适当的谓语动词来使其成为完整的句子。以下是一些可能的连词造句示例:Behind the door, Sam is sleeping.(在门后面,山姆正在睡觉。)Behind the door, Sam is hiding.(在门后面,山姆正在躲藏。)Behind the door, Sam is waiting.(在门后面,山姆正在等待。)...

bookshop \/behind 如何造句
the bookshop is behind my house

behind 造句要中文
behind 音标:|bɪˈhaɪnd| 有介词,副词,名词三种词性,多种含义。双语造句:■■介词 ■at or towards the back of sb\/sth, and often hidden by it or them 在(或向)…的后面;在(或向)…的背面 例句:Who's the girl standing behind Jan?站在简身后的女孩是谁...

用behind 造句
The restaurant is behind the shop.

...behind和above和at the top和at the bottom,造句5个
Thereisabroombehindthedoor.门后有把笤帚。above The moon is now above the trees.月亮正位于树梢上。They are children above six years old。atthetopofHe shouted at the top of his voice in order that he might be heard.他尽力大声叫喊,以便别人能听见。at thebottomThe fish live at ...

是behind Please put your hand behind your back.把你的手放在背后。

源厘18069939381问: 用behind造句并翻译 -
东至县益肝回答:[答案] behind 作为介词:He hid behind a tree 他躲在一棵树后面. behind 作为副词: As I looked behind,my feet crashed into a basket.我看了身后,我的脚撞到了篮筐

源厘18069939381问: behind 造句要中文
东至县益肝回答: behind 音标:|bɪˈhaɪnd| 有介词,副词,名词三种词性,多种含义. 双语造句: ■■介词 ■at or towards the back of sb/sth, and often hidden by it or them 在(或向)…的后面;在(或向)…的背面 例句: Who's the girl standing behind Jan? ...

源厘18069939381问: 用behind造句 -
东至县益肝回答: 介词 prep.1.在...的背后;在...的后面;向...的背后There is a garden behind the house.屋后有个花园.2.落后于,不如George always falls behind his schedule.乔治老是不能按时zhidao完成计划.3.迟于;晚于She arrived at the office ten minutes ...

源厘18069939381问: 六年级英语behind造句 -
东至县益肝回答: i'm faster than you.

源厘18069939381问: 急急急!!用单词造句 -
东至县益肝回答: behind:There is a dog behind the bird 在鸟的后面有一条狗between:There are a lot of meomories between us 我们之间拥有很多回忆in front of:I can't speak English in front of so man...

源厘18069939381问: behind用中文怎么说? -
东至县益肝回答: 您好,很高兴为您解答:中文读:毕汉德 英[bɪˈhaɪnd] 美[bɪˈhaɪndprep.(表示位置)在…的后面;支持;(表示顺序)在身后;(表示比较)落...adv.在后面;向后;在后面较远处;(落)在后面n.[例句]Behind most of these projects were german companies.这些项目的背后大多是德国公司.

源厘18069939381问: 连词成句并翻译behind,the,ball,is,door,your -
东至县益肝回答: 你好,很高兴在这里回答你的问题:. Your ball is behind the door. 你的球在门后面.

源厘18069939381问: 连词成句:behind there trash bin door the is a 要翻译哦 -
东至县益肝回答: There is a trash bin behind the door 门后有一个垃圾桶

源厘18069939381问: 英语造句,急 -
东至县益肝回答: She has left her admission ticket behind.她忘记带入场券了.We must act on the premise that the worst can happen.我们必须在可能发生最坏事态的前提下行动.

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