
作者&投稿:贸瑶 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

in front of和before的区别
下面一起来看看它们有哪些区别。1、位置关系的不同 "in front of"表示一个物体或人位于另一个物体或人的前面,在空间上存在一个明确的前后关系。它强调一个物体或人在另一个物体或人的前方位置。而"before"表示在时间上先于或早于某个事件或行动发生,在时间上存在一个先后顺序。例句:The car is...

其实是这样的。clock in the morning, after .

英语造句 用year before duck piayground 造句
year A leap year has 366 days.闰年有366天。before You must pay attention to this problem before every thing.你应该首先注意这个问题。duck He likes to eat duck for dinner.他喜欢吃鸭放晚餐.playground The city has several playgrounds for children.这座城市有好几个儿童游乐场。

用be fore,by和when各造五个句子
1.Annie was born a few weeks before Christmas.安妮在圣诞节前几个礼拜出生。Before World War II, women were not recruited as intelligence officers.二战前,女性不被征募为情报官。Stock prices have climbed close to the peak they'd registered before the stock market crashed in 1987.股票...

主句内容是”Tim已经进入卫生间了“。这个句子强调了Tim进入卫生间的动作发生在过去的动作(玛瑞亚起床)之前。即”过去的过去“当然了,我们也可以说:玛瑞亚起床之前,tim进入了卫生间。before Mary got up,Tim went into the bathroom.这个句子主句和从句都用的是一般过去时态。表示一个动作在另一个...

初二英语 用before造句 在…之前做某事 要两个
I always read books before I go to bed

when I was just reading a book when she came into my room. 她走进我房间时,我正在看书。while While Jim was mending his bike, Lin Tao came to see him. 正当吉姆修自行车时,林涛来看他。before They had hoped to be able to arrive before ten. 他们本来打算能在10点之前到达。after...

I was a stutent before,and now I am a teacher.I used to play computer games,but now I would like reading books.I wanted to be a scientist when I was young,now I become a good professor.I liked listening to music at the age of 6,however,people like listenging my songs...

I go to school by bus.He didn't buy that one.Tom will go to supermarket tomorrow.I am playing the piano.She has gone to Japan.Before i went to the railway ,she had gone.xiaoming was playing basketball at 8clock yesterday morning.I wii be meeting this time tomorrow.By th ...

从释义区别来看,"before"和"until"都是与时间和顺序有关的词。然而,它们在用法、使用环境、形象和影响范围上存在一些区别。1. 用法区别:- "before"表示在某个时间、事情或事件之前发生。例句:I wake up before sunrise.(我在日出前醒来。)- "until"表示某一时间之前一直持续或发生。例句:She...

迪豪19724415263问: 用before表示“才·”造个句子 -
平坝县大唐回答:[答案] 楼上的才可以省掉的呵呵 再给一句给力的 i did not know her before the graduation party.直到毕业典礼我才认识她

迪豪19724415263问: 用before和after各造5个句子. -
平坝县大唐回答:[答案] beforeI didn't get home before 7.00 pmI swam the day before yesterdayAnnie was born a few weeks before Christmas.Before I could get in a word,he had measured meWe waited a long time before the train a...

迪豪19724415263问: 英语:用过去完成时造句要求:句子为陈述句,时态为过去完成时.以Before,By the time,After为开头“分别”造5个句子.每个词造5个句子 -
平坝县大唐回答:[答案] Before: 1.Before I went to bed last night,I had read some books. 2.Before I watched TV,I had finished my homework. 3.Before the police got there,the murder had run away. 4.Before I arrived at the airport,he had left. 5.Before you knew the truth,I had known...

迪豪19724415263问: 用 before 造句子,怎么造??? -
平坝县大唐回答: I have seen this film before you did it

迪豪19724415263问: 用before表示“才·”造个句子 -
平坝县大唐回答: 楼上的才可以省掉的呵呵 再给一句给力的 i did not know her before the graduation party.直到毕业典礼我才认识她

迪豪19724415263问: 用before造句,句中有主语谓语表语 速度,急急急 -
平坝县大唐回答: I want to think it over before I decide about joining it.在决定参加之前,我想考虑考虑.I heard about him long before I saw him.我在没见过他之前就听说过他.

迪豪19724415263问: 用before造三个句子 -
平坝县大唐回答: 1.As business and IT move closer to a convergence then ever before, we must approach transparency with an even broader view.和以往相比,业务和IT更趋于集中化,我们必须以更广阔的视角来处理透明度.2.With the fast growth of the whole ...

迪豪19724415263问: 翻译句子,用上before这个词 -
平坝县大唐回答: 他回来前,已经是午夜了 我们再见面前,会有很长一段时间,也可以译说,很长一段时间后,我们还会再见面的 他一到这里,就开始下雨了 他在我讲完这个幽默故事之前就笑了

迪豪19724415263问: 用before,after,as soon as,until,各造3个句子 跪求 谢谢
平坝县大唐回答: before he came back, I had left. as soon as he comes back, i will tell him about it . i didn't leave until he came back after we finished our work, we went home. 楼主,希望对你有帮助.

迪豪19724415263问: 用不同的时态造句,造十个句子 -
平坝县大唐回答: 1. I go to school by bus. 2. He didn't buy that one. 3. Tom will go to supermarket tomorrow. 4. I am playing the piano. 5. She has gone to Japan. 6. Before i went to the railway ,she had gone. 7. xiaoming was playing basketball at 8clock yesterday ...

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