
作者&投稿:丙怖 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

be about to和be going to的区别
be about to和be going to的区别:含义不同、用法不同、时间不同。1、含义不同:“be about to”表示即将或准备做某事,强调即将发生的动作。“be going to”表示计划、打算做某事,强调主观的打算或计划。2、用法不同:“be about to”后面通常接动词原形或动词原形短语,表示“即将做某事”。例如...

Be going to 和be going to do 的区别?
Be going to后面接地点,表示将要去哪里。例如:I know where the ball is going to land, not because it has landed already, but because I perceive its arc.我知道球将落在何处,不是因为它曾经落下,而是因为我察觉到了它的弧形运动轨迹。be going to do表示要干什么,例如:It should ...

be going to是什么时态?
be going to是将来时时态。be going to与will都是表示将来时,be going to是英语语法种的一种句型,它表示将来打算、计划去做或者有意去做的事。在陈述句和疑问句中,我们常常可以用going to来代替will。在类似下列的句子中我们不能用going to。以下是be going to与will区别的相关介绍:be going ...

be going to的用法?
您好,be going to 表(去)的用法通常有两种:1)be going to somewhere,这里的 to 是(介词),后接(地点名词),此时的 be going 是 go 的现在进行时,而现在进行时可以:a)动作在说话时已经开始,而且延续到说话时,没有停止 b)动作在说话时即将开始,而且延续到不远的将来。所以 I'm ...

be going to的用法?
1、现在进行时;进行时;现在进行;表将来;正在做某事。例句:I have started planning out what I shall be doing next week.我已开始详细安排下周要干的事儿了。2、“情态动词+be doing”表示推测或评论某动作是否正在进行。例句:Our teacher must be correcting...

be going to和be going on的区别是什么?
"Be going on" 描述正在发生或进行中的动作或事件。"Be going for" 表示朝某个目标或方向前进,有争夺的含义。"Be going to" 表示打算或计划要做某事,表达未来的意图或预测。它们在释义、用法、使用环境、影响范围和形象上存在一些区别,具体内容如下所示。1. 释义区别:"Be going on" 表示正在...


be going to后面加什么
be going to后面加动词原形。be going to 是一种固定结构,它后面要接动词原形,用来表示按计划或安排要发生的动作,有时也可以表示推测将要或肯定会发生的动作,有“准备;打算”的意思。含有be going to 结构的句子中往往有表示将来的时间状语。例:I'm going to do my homework this afternoon....

英语,be going to 和be going 是一种句型吗?
两者都可以表将来 但是,be doing表示计划、安排做某事,常和表示将来的时间状语连用;还表示不久将要发生的动作(动词多是表位置移动的动词),较口语化.be going 表将要去 be going to表主观打算做某事;根据某种迹象推测将要发生某事.

be going to 和be going to be 有什么区别
be going to是go的现在进行时用法,属于用现在进行时表示将来的一种习惯用法~所以be going to不能翻译为“正在走向”,而要翻译为“将会……”to 在这里做介词,介词后面如果加动词需要加动词原型,所以be going to do就是将来做某事的意思。be going to be其实就是be going to do的一个特殊形式...

梅哈15952064431问: 帮忙写一份新年计划的英语作文(初二)用be going to的形式写 -
临江市经络回答: On Chinese New Year.We will have a good time.In the morning,I'm going to shopping with my mother .In the afternoon,we're going to Xiangjiang Zoo and see the white tigers .In the evening,I'm going to watch TV in the sitting room with my parents.I think today we will very happy.

梅哈15952064431问: 英语作文春节将进,春节期间你计划做些什么(用be going to写出至少六个句子) -
临江市经络回答: I'm going to meet my former teachers.I'm going to watch a film;m going to see my friend.I'm going to have a trip;m going to help my mom.I'I'm going to have a trip;m going to watch a film;m going to attend a meeting I'.I'm going to see my grandparents....

梅哈15952064431问: 春节期间你计划做些什么.用be going to写出6个句子
临江市经络回答: i am going to compete my homework . /visit my grandparents . / read some interesting books . / travel with my parents . / go to Japan . / help others . 望采纳…

梅哈15952064431问: 求1篇英语作文寒假及春节将至,春节和寒假期间你计划做些什么.要求:用be going to写出6 - 7个句子.(至少5个) -
临江市经络回答:[答案] It is going to be colder. We are going to be on winter holiday. During the winter vacation, I am going to get up early everday and do my homework first. I am going to help my parents to do some housework. I am going to do some sports and games with ...

梅哈15952064431问: 新年的10条计划,用英语be going to 的句型写(我初2)
临江市经络回答: I am going to study hard this year. I am going to make more friends. I am going to help my mother do housework. I am going to study English everyday. I am going to read some books this year. I am going to book some newspaper this year. I am ...

梅哈15952064431问: 用be going to写来年打算作文 -
临江市经络回答: The weekend is around the corner. I'm looking forward to its coming because I have made a plan.On Saturday moring, I'm going to do some shopping with my mother in a large supermarket, then we are going to have lunch at McDonald's. In the ...

梅哈15952064431问: 短篇英语作文 《新年计划》怎么写? -
临江市经络回答: 首先,新年还没有到,所以要用be going to 的句型,因为这里强调一种打算.计划,就是说你在新年里要干些什么.比如说我将要完成作业,我将要和父母去拜年,我将要去玩········ 作文的格式就是这样了,自己写吧.

梅哈15952064431问: 以"New year's Resolution"为题,写一篇短文谈谈自己的新年决心、计划等.正确运用be going to 句型,并要说明你制定每一个决心或计划的原因.... -
临江市经络回答:[答案] The New Year is coming.In the coming year I have many plans.Do you want to know about my plans?(引出话题)Now I'll tell you.Firstly,I am going to take more exercise to keep fit.(高分句型...

梅哈15952064431问: 求一篇英语作文;我的新年计划.(be going to的结构) -
临江市经络回答: sorry,I can't help you!

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