
作者&投稿:尚雨 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

n. 艺术家;美术家(尤指画家);大师 artist造句如下:1、Colleagues praised him as an artist in programming.同事们称赞他是一位编程大师。2、Picasso was an artist who made an impact on the world.毕加索是一位对世界产生影响的艺术家。3、She eventually discovered that her date was a co...

(十)、他已成为大名鼎鼎的艺术家了。 (10) he has become a famous artist. 艺术家法语造句写一句话 (一)、讲师授课、课堂讲评、客座艺术家、影片与其他作品研习等,将引领实际计划案的发展,并与建筑设计课配合。 (i), des conférences données par des conférenciers, des commentaires en classe, des ...

用artist和riding a bike造句
the artist is riding a bike now。

2, The person who came here yesterday is an artist.3, You can not expect him to repair the machine.4, She was born in a one-parent family.5. Do you know why he escaped from school? (was away from school?)6, Human beings should try their best to keep the balance of...

解释something of 并用其造句,
1.She is something of an artist.她有几分艺术家的味道.2.She is something of a chemist.她可算是一位化学家.3.He is something of a musician.在某种程度上说,他是一名音乐家.1.He is somewhat of a musician.他可算是个音乐家.2.He is somewhat of a connoisseur.他这人有点鉴赏家...

1. Given the opportunity, she might well have become an outstanding artist.    如若给她机会,她是很可能会成为一位杰出的艺术家的。2. Can you give me a job?你能给我工作吗?3. You've given me your cold.你把感冒传染给我了。不及物...

1,sb\/sth is more A than B表示“与其说sb\/sth是B,不如说是A”eg:He is more an artist than a philosopher.与其说他是位哲学家,不如说他是位艺术家。sb\/sth is more A than B表示“与其说sb\/sth是B,不如说是A”eg:He is not more an artist than a philosopher.与其说他是位...

unique造句:Few constraints are imposed on the artist; and the more singular and unique the product of the artist’s exertions, the more highly it is valued.艺术家创作时几乎没有约束或者限制,越非凡,并且越独特的作品,其价值也就越高 解析:句子是语言运用的基本单位,它由词或词组构成...

石膏板:gypsum board;石膏粉:gypsum powder;石膏板墙:gypsum board wall;石膏天花板:gypsum ceiling。gypsum的同义词有gesso和plaister,都是石膏的意思。以下是一个用gypsum造句的例子:The artist is using gypsum to create a sculpture. 这位艺术家正在使用石膏来制作雕塑。

12.V-I If someone models for an artist, they stay still in a particular position so that the artist can make a picture or sculpture of them. 当模特儿 例:Tullio has been modelling for Sandra for eleven years.图利奥已经为桑德拉当了11年的模特儿。13.N-COUNT A fashion model is...

愚烁19420147994问: artist汉语是什么意?artist汉语是什么意思
丰城市枫蓼回答: artist 英[ˈɑ:tɪst] 美[ˈɑ:rtɪst] n. 艺术家; 画家; 能手; [例句]Each poster is signed by the artist 每幅海报都有这个艺术家的签 名. [其他] 复数:artists

愚烁19420147994问: artist是什么意思 -
丰城市枫蓼回答: artistn. 艺术家;美术家(尤指画家);大师 网络释义 专业释义 英英释义艺术家美术家美术师美工 短语 The Artist 艺术家 ; 大艺术家 ; 星光梦里人 ; 第二名 mime artist 默剧 ; 哑剧大师 comics artist 漫画家 ; 自己画的翻译公司

愚烁19420147994问: 用artist和riding a bike造句 -
丰城市枫蓼回答: The man who is riding a bike is an artist

愚烁19420147994问: 艺术家英语怎么写?
丰城市枫蓼回答: 艺术家: 1. artist 2. longhair 3. craftsman Examples: 1. 他是个有艺术家气质的男子. He is a man with an artistic temperament. 2. 那位艺术家用烧热的针在书的封面上烫出图案. The artist tooled a pattern onto the cover of the book with a hot ...

愚烁19420147994问: 英语:用singer、writer、TV reportet、actor、actress、artist造句 -
丰城市枫蓼回答: what does your father do ? IS he a singer?No he is a TV reaportet.

愚烁19420147994问: 我是艺术家英文怎么写 -
丰城市枫蓼回答: 我是艺术家 I am an artist 双语例句 1 然后告诉我说我是艺术家的人吗. And told me that I was an artist. 2 我是个艺术家! I am an artist!

愚烁19420147994问: artist的音标 -
丰城市枫蓼回答: artistn. 美术家, 艺术家能手a great artist 一个伟大的艺术家[画家, 雕塑家, 音乐家, 演员, 歌星等]

愚烁19420147994问: 关于艺家的英语怎么读? -
丰城市枫蓼回答: 你好! 艺术家 artist 英[ˈɑːtɪst] 美[ˈɑːrtɪst] n. 艺术家; (尤指) 画家; [例句]Each poster is signed by the artist 每幅海报都有这个艺术家的签名.

愚烁19420147994问: 艺术家英文怎么写 -
丰城市枫蓼回答: artist∶从事一种艺术并以它为职业的人,其构思、创作和演出是由想像力和鉴赏力来指导的 poet∶富于想像,善于舒情的艺术人才在音乐史上第一位演奏钢琴的艺术家 constructor∶创作艺术作品的人

愚烁19420147994问: arter 是艺术家吗? -
丰城市枫蓼回答: arter不是艺术家,艺术家的英文是artist. 艺术家: 1、artist:从事一种艺术并以它为职业的人,其构思、创作和演出是由想像力和鉴赏力来指导. 2、poet:富于想像,善于舒情的艺术人才,在音乐史上第一位演奏钢琴的艺术家. 3、...

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