
作者&投稿:宣希 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

1.一套基本服装样板由前后衣片,群片,裤子和袖子五部分组成。A set of basic garment's sample pattern is composed of front piece,back piece, group piece, pant and sleeve.2.正确地折拢和剪出省道后,必须检查缝线确保平滑顺直。After folding and cutting darts rightly, you must check and...

2、Day Dresses 便装 You should wear day dresses when you go out.你出门应该穿便装。3、T-shirt t恤 Where did you buy this t-shirt?这件t恤在哪里买的?4、jeans牛仔裤 Your jeans are so unique.你的牛仔裤 太有独特了。5、sweater毛衣 In such a cold weather, you quickly put ...

2. 描写你身边人着装的英语句子带翻译 首先我们先看一下描述人外貌的表达法: 1 外貌Appearance He is handsome\/ good-looking\/ athletic\/ muscular\/ fat \/ overweight . He has fine\/ strong\/ sharp\/ regular features. She's pretty\/ beautiful\/ good-looking\/ attractive\/...

6、 V-neck V型领 V-neck 英[ˈvi:nek] 美[ˈviˌnɛk]n. V型领;[例句]What to wear: A loose-fitted blue v-neck, jeans, and an apron.穿什么:一件已经不那么合身的蓝色V领衣和一个围裙。复数:V-necks ...

一件衣服的英文:A piece of clothing clothing 读法 英 ['kləʊðɪŋ]     美 ['kloʊðɪŋ]n(名词). (总称)衣服;覆盖物 短语 1、change clothing换衣服 2、put on clothing穿上衣服 3、wear clothing穿衣服 4、heavy clothing厚实...

有人递给我一把枪、一件防弹背心和一个头盔。5、pajamas 英 [pə'dʒɑːməz] 美 [pə'dʒæməz]n.睡衣;(穆斯林穿的)宽松裤 例句:She tried to kick the pajamas loose, but they were tangled in the satin sheet.她想把睡衣裤踢着...

衣服的英语读作:clothing。clothing是一个英语单词,有名词、动词两种词性,作名词的意思是“服装;帆装”,作动词的意思是“覆盖(clothe的ing形式);给…穿衣”。clothing是服装的总称,指一件衣服用a piece of clothing,an article of clothing。clothes 多指包括上衣、内衣或裤子等具体的一件件衣服...

a picture, has many places roads rivers and something else ,if you are a new come to someplace you can use it find the place you want to go.

一套衣服 英语表达
1,clothing是衣服的总称, 该怎么说要按英语习惯;2 六套衣服 six suits of clothes \/ 三件大衣three overcoats 3 一套西服a suit of western clothes \/ 三套西服three suits of western clothes 4 一件连衣裙an article of skirts \/ 三件连衣裙 three articles of skirts...

4.衣服类的几个句子翻译 1、She most like \/ don't like what clothes to wear?2、What color does she like the clothes \/ shoes?3、That girl likes to wear light-colored clothes.4、That girl likes to wear red shoes.5、She likes to wear skirts, most don't like wearing the ...

宿蓉19333251692问: 用6句英文描写一件衣服 -
临沂市替加回答:[答案] This is a red coat. My mother gave it to me as a birthday present. It is medium size. It makes me feel warm and comfortable. I like it very much

宿蓉19333251692问: 用英语介绍一件衣服,至少200个单词我要4个片段下午要交的! -
临沂市替加回答:[答案] A little black dress is an evening or cocktail dress,cut simply and often with a short skirt,originally made popular in the 1920s by the fashion designer Coco Chanel.Intended by Chanel to be long-lasting,versatile,affordable,accessible to the widest market ...

宿蓉19333251692问: 怎样用英语介绍别人穿的衣服 -
临沂市替加回答: 你看我归纳的这个句子可以吗?由于你说的不具体,我只能自己编了个``你再按照自己要的内容往里面添加呗```She is on a red coat which is decorated by some beautiful beads and...

宿蓉19333251692问: 用英语介绍一件夹克衫5句话 -
临沂市替加回答: FEATURES2 way breathableCold weatherTemp controlMATERIAL IsolationTech Specifications:Comfort based cut, designed for long days in the saddleIsolation main fabric.Long raglan sleevesExtended collarLong lockable heavy duty zipper3 easily reachable back pockets100% customizable

宿蓉19333251692问: 用英语描绘 衣服 -
临沂市替加回答: Clothes clothing apparel. This tuyuhun wearing various garment dress clothes intended refers to warm the cold-proof protego medium, In the modern society become human body adornment items, good, Nao - your, base, is more a symbol of one's ...

宿蓉19333251692问: 英语翻译用一句英语来形容 这款衣服的质量好,款式新颖,什么什么的..把中文也写一下.不好意思 ,我没表达清楚,,,,是广告语一样的.能不能在来3到4... -
临沂市替加回答:[答案] High quality,popular and fashion. 高质量,受追捧,时尚

宿蓉19333251692问: 你能用英语一句话描述你的衣服 -
临沂市替加回答: Recently,I bought a T-shirt from the shopping-centre in our country.I like it mach.It is a blue one with a cute picture in the front . I spend 99 dollars in it . all my friends love it very much. my mother said,I look very beautiful in it. I love my T-shirt.

宿蓉19333251692问: 求用英语描写一样物体?以一件物品为题.用至少五句话描述其外形颜色特点等 -
临沂市替加回答:[答案] I have a very beautiful Tshirt.It is yellow and the sleeves is short .There a lovely cats on it.So it looks very cute.Besides It is ventilate and absorbent.It wears very comfortable.At the some time v...

宿蓉19333251692问: 一套衣服 英语表达 -
临沂市替加回答: 1,clothing是衣服的总称, 该怎么说要按英语习惯;2 六套衣服 six suits of clothes / 三件大衣three overcoats3 一套西服a suit of western clothes / 三套西服three suits of western clothes 4 一件连衣裙an article of skirts / 三件连衣裙 three articles of ...

宿蓉19333251692问: 英语作文:请描述一件你喜欢的学习用品,至少8句话,要求2 - 3种句型. 求解答,急急急! -
临沂市替加回答: 英文:My Clothes I have more clothes.I like them very much.They are a T-shirt ,a jacket ,a shirt and a pair of shorts.The T-shirt is my favorite.I also like the pair of shorts.My favorite color is bule.So my clothes are bule.Do you like these kinds of clothes?...

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