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给一篇介绍动物(北极熊)的英语作文! 要有翻译哦

用英文写一偏关于熊的外貌 特征 攻能 食品 危险
On the appearance of the bear to attack the risk of food

介绍熊猫的外貌6句话英语:1.The panda is fat and plump like a bear. Its head is round and its tail is short. Its head and body are 1.2-1.8m long and its tail is 10-12cm long.熊猫体型肥硕似熊、丰腴富态,头圆尾短,头躯长1.2-1.8米,尾长10-12厘米。2. It weighs 8...

The bear with a purple hat.望楼主采纳!

用英语介绍狮子(lion)和北极熊(polar-bear)。介绍他们的外貌、习性、面临的危险、如何保护。初二的水平。... 用英语介绍狮子(lion)和北极熊(polar-bear)。介绍他们的外貌、习性、面临的危险、如何保护。初二的水平。 展开 1个回答 #热议# 已婚女性就应该承担家里大部分家务吗?蝶秋霜 2009-11-18 · TA获得...

写作思路:描写出大熊猫的外貌特征,然后写出自己喜爱大熊猫的地方。正文:It's chubby, round and cute.它胖乎乎、圆滚滚的,很逗人喜爱。Their head and body are white, only the eyes, ears, shoulders and legs are dark brown.他们的头部和身体都是白色的,只有眼圈、耳朵、肩部和腿是黑褐色的...

8.描述动物外貌的英语句子 They have a small tail and fat body. They are black and white. They're very shy and cute, but they can climb trees. They like to eat bamboo very much. Look! The baby panda is under the mother panda, they are sleeping. They look very lovely. Pandas are my...

...题目是 My pet 写的是白色芭比熊 可以写外貌、你和他之间的故事...



漳柱18638264291问: 用英语描述玩具熊,如棕黄相间啦,毛毛的,两三句话就行,口语化点. -
资阳市六味回答: it's soft with fur,so i love it very much.And for it's fur colorful.你自己把大家的结合一下.

漳柱18638264291问: 用英语介绍熊加汉语用英语介绍一只熊,加上汉语 -
资阳市六味回答:[答案] A bear is a strong animal.It usually has four feet.Its body color is usually brown or black,except that the color of a polar bear is white.Bear is an omnivorous animal,which means that it eats everything,includng bananas,honey,meat,to name just a few.Most ...

漳柱18638264291问: 用英语介绍树袋熊.求英语介绍树袋熊的资料.完整.包括外观、栖息地、爱好等等.80+词. -
资阳市六味回答:[答案] The koala is a small bear-like, tree-dwelling animal, which averages about 9 kilograms in weight. Its fur is thick and usually ash gray.The koala gets its name from an ancient Aboriginal word meaning "no drink" because it receives over 90% of it's ...

漳柱18638264291问: 用英语写一篇关于熊的说明文(60个单词左右) -
资阳市六味回答: Today, I happily home saw two cute little squirrel. They that small and exquisite YuanLiuLiu face inlaid with a pair of small eyes and small triangle of the ear. They all black and white, but there are several patterns. They call a qiqi, a call cyanine cyanine...

漳柱18638264291问: 熊的外形特征 -
资阳市六味回答: 躯体肥壮,身上被有粗的长毛. 熊(英文名称:Bears):是食肉目熊科动物的通称,熊平时还算温和,但是受到挑衅或遇到危险时,容易暴怒,打斗起来非常凶猛.虽然一般人把熊看做是危险的动物,但在马戏团或动物园中,却是相当受人喜爱的.分布在北半球.在南半球,除了南美洲北部外,其他地方没有它的踪迹.熊科是个大家族,可分为4属:懒熊属 、眼镜熊属、马来熊属、熊属,8种.

漳柱18638264291问: 给一段描述北极熊的英文要包括外貌,习性,特征,数量减少的原因(气候,污染等等)句子可以简单一点,(太难我看不懂,1 -
资阳市六味回答:[答案] The polar bear is a bear native to the Arctic.Polar bears and Kodiak bears are the world's largest land carnivores,with most adult males weighing 300-600 kg ; adult females are about half the size of ...

漳柱18638264291问: 给一段描述北极熊的英文 -
资阳市六味回答: The polar bear is a bear native to the Arctic. Polar bears and Kodiak bears are the world's largest land carnivores, with most adult males weighing 300-600 kg ; adult females are about half the size of males. Its fur is hollow and translucent, but usually ...

漳柱18638264291问: 用英语介绍bear -
资阳市六味回答: common characteristics of bear are large body with stocky legs, brown or white hair and big, strong pawns.Bears love to eat fruits and they like to eat honey as well.Bears are usually fr...

漳柱18638264291问: 用英语介绍bear,3句话,分开写,用上【eat,love,likeing,can】来写 -
资阳市六味回答:[答案] common characteristics of bear are large body with stocky legs,brown or white hair and big,strong pawns.Bears love to eat fruits and they like to eat honey as well.Bears are usually friendly,but when ...

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