
作者&投稿:致态 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

My puppet has fruits for head and vegetables for body. I love him very much.要是有人问你为什么用him,你就说你太喜欢这个木偶了你把他当人看

I like these puppet.望采纳。 追问 谢谢 评论| 雪飘1997 |四级采纳率37% 擅长:英语翻译校园生活其他类似问题2013-06-16 我喜欢这些木偶(英语)急急急! 2011-02-10 木偶英语怎么读 34 2009-01-06 木偶用英语怎么说? 104 2010-12-17 给我一个木偶的英语是咋写的呀 23 2008-05-01 木偶的英文怎...

he is punished. Once he tells a lie, his nose would be longer. At last, he falls into the belly ofa big whale and meets Geppetto accidentally. After the adventures, Pinocchio finally grows up. He turns to be honest, hard-working and kind and he becomes a real boy. This s...

welcome to our hometown,Gaozhou为题写一篇介绍高州英语作文
Welcome to our hometown,Gaozhou,Located in the southwestern part of Guangdong Province, Northwest border from Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, is made up of the province's county-level city of Maoming escrow, 3,276 sq km, The household register population is 1.7263 million in 2011....

皮诺曹一开始只是一个木偶而已,但后来因为蓝色天使赋予它生命。不过仍然是一个木偶。 如果他想成为一个真正的男孩,他就必须通过勇敢,忠诚和诚实的测试。然而,他因贪玩而逃学,因贪心而受骗,并且自食恶果。但最后,他通过了所有的测试,成 为一个真正的男孩。他的冒险经历是非常有趣的。我相信你...

draw a puppet and introduce to everyone.

. Finally, after countless hardships hardships and test, Pinocchio managed to understand the meaning of the "honesty. And as the fairy's reward, Pinocchio also realized his longing dream--into a real live "people".故事的主角是老木偶匠盖比特(Geppetto)亲手所雕刻的一个小木偶,他的名字...

There are lots of shining siliery thread on my back,controlling all my action.我突然就觉得自己像个华丽的木偶,演尽了所有的悲欢离合,可是背上总是有无数闪亮的银色丝线,操纵 我的哪怕一举手一投足.3. When tomorrow turns in today, yesterday, and someday that no more important in your...

木偶奇遇记英文简介 Pinocchio (pronounced [piˈnɔkːjo] in Italian) is a fictional character that first appeared in 1883,in The Adventures of Pinocchio by Carlo Collodi,and has since appeared in many adaptations of that story and others.When the gentle woodcarver ...

英文原文:Ah, we make a puppet.啊我们做一个木偶。英式音标:[ɑː] , [wiː] [meɪk] [ə; eɪ] [ˈpʌpɪt] .美式音标:[ɑ] , [wi] [mek] [e] [ˈpʌpɪt] ....

宓饶19229774043问: 我做的木偶头是用水果做的,身子用蔬菜做的,我很喜欢这个木偶.请用英语给我写 -
惠来县藿香回答: My puppet has fruits for head and vegetables for body. I love him very much.要是有人问你为什么用him,你就说你太喜欢这个木偶了你把他当人看

宓饶19229774043问: 我是一个木偶 是悲伤的木偶 谁能帮我翻译成英文! 谢谢 -
惠来县藿香回答: I am a puppet, a sad puppet.

宓饶19229774043问: 怎么用英语介绍自己的机器人最多三句话 -
惠来县藿香回答: 为您解答 My robot is very useful. It can help me clean the house and help me with my homework. I like it very much. 我的机器人很有用处.它可以帮忙做房屋清扫,还可以帮我辅导作业.我好喜欢它.

宓饶19229774043问: 画一个木偶,用英语向大家介绍一下怎么说? -
惠来县藿香回答: draw a puppet and introduce to everyone.

宓饶19229774043问: 介绍自己的小宠物 英文作文+ - 六年级的,急急急急...... -
惠来县藿香回答: 就介绍一下你小宠物的由来,身世,你和它如何一起成长的,和它发生的一些让你感动的事情,最后说,你是如何喜爱自己的小宠物的.就ok啦

宓饶19229774043问: 我想给我的木偶取个英文名 -
惠来县藿香回答: Myra(玛拉)●christian 克里斯蒂安 Elvira(埃尔韦拉)●evelyn 伊夫林 Denise(丹尼丝)●clive 克莱夫 Blanche布兰琪)●tuener 特纳 Dominic多明尼卡)●clive 克莱夫 Afra(阿芙拉)●lewis 刘易斯

宓饶19229774043问: 我是你手中的玩具木偶.英语翻译~ -
惠来县藿香回答:[答案] I am a toy puppet in your hands

宓饶19229774043问: 小木偶匹诺曹 英文简述 -
惠来县藿香回答:[答案] It is the story of the old potter puppet cover bits (Geppetto) hands have carved a puppet,he is the name of Pinocchio.In the ... "honesty.And as the fairy's reward,Pinocchio also realized his longing dream--into a real live "people". 故事的主角是老木偶...

宓饶19229774043问: 画出你的木偶的英文 -
惠来县藿香回答: 画出你的木偶 Draw your puppet

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