
作者&投稿:歹田 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


我害怕老虎。I am afraid of tigers.be afraid of:害怕...afraid:害怕的;担心的;恐惧 如:The small child was afraid to go near the dog. 那小孩子不敢靠近那条狗。希望能帮到你。


高兴:happy;难过:sad;担心:worry;生气:angry;害怕:afraid;短文可以这样写:Tom's wife died, leaving him to raise the family on his own,He was very sad,we were worried by his depressed state of mind。Jim——his son is angry with Tom,Jim felt that his father did not ...

求用英语翻译下面的三句话,一定要口语化: 1,我害怕,我害怕我接下来要...
1,我害怕,我害怕我接下来要走的路上没有了你。1, I am afraid, I'm afraid of what I am going to walk on the road without you.2,我害怕要自己一个人。2, I was afraid to own a person.3,没有了你,我该怎么走下去?3, without you, how should I go?注:这些话是一个...

be afraid of sth.害怕某事 固定搭配 根据主语把be动词换掉 be afraid to do sth.真正的意思是“害怕做某事”,也就是主语对做某事内心感到恐惧;be afraid of doing sth.表示主语内心里不情愿做某事,也可以说是不希望发生某事,但自己不一定能避免它.例如:He was afraid to go out alone at ...

求用英语翻译下面的三句话,一定要口语化: 1,我害怕,我害怕我接下来要...
I'm afraid, I'm afraid of going down the road without you by my side.I'm terrified of being alone.how am I gonna live without you?

我最害怕的事情,最后还是发生了。What i am most afraid of finally happens.他的出现让我感到很不安...His appearance makes\/made me feel very uneasy.

I have a dog ,it's very cute . some days ago it hurt me ,I am very angry and feared,but Ithink why does it hurt me,i must to get on well with it,we need protection animals

此外,"be frightened of" 常用于表示对某事产生的害怕,而 "be frightened at" 则表示因某事而感到惊吓。如果你需要更多关于这方面内容的详细指导,可以参考这个链接 http:\/\/wenku.baidu.com\/link...,那里会有更多的资料供你参考。希望这些信息能帮助你理解和使用英语中的害怕表达。

施薛13744414870问: 用英文描写恐惧的事情 -
繁昌县芬迪回答: One snake bit me and I saw the god right away.I like the above sentence but in my opinion you would better change the word pingping to pengpeng...

施薛13744414870问: “我在害怕一件事,”用英文怎么翻译 -
繁昌县芬迪回答:[答案] 我在害怕一件事 I'm afraid of one thing

施薛13744414870问: 我最害怕的事,是我最终没有娶你 翻译成英文 -
繁昌县芬迪回答:[答案] 我最害怕的事,是我最终没有娶你 翻译成英文 The thing I fear most is that You marry someone else eventually.

施薛13744414870问: 我最害怕的事情,最后还是发生了.用英语怎么说啊?他的出现让我感到很不安...应该怎么说吖 -
繁昌县芬迪回答:[答案] 我最害怕的事情,最后还是发生了. What i am most afraid of finally happens. 他的出现让我感到很不安... His appearance makes/made me feel very uneasy.

施薛13744414870问: 用50个英语单词写自己害怕的不害怕的作文 -
繁昌县芬迪回答: When I was young,I was always afraid of the dark.I would never dare to enter a dark place without having someone next to me.During night time,I would always sleep with my parents so they could protect me.I think I became scared of darkness after I ...

施薛13744414870问: 我怕蛇的英文句子怎么写 -
繁昌县芬迪回答: I'm afraid of snakes.be afraid of 害怕....snake蛇 不明白可以追问喔,希望得到你的采纳!

施薛13744414870问: 我害怕的哭了起来.用英语写 -
繁昌县芬迪回答: I was so scared/frightened / afraid as to cry. I was so scared/frightened / afraid (that) I began to cry. I cried because of fear / a scare / fright. I cried fearfully / scarily / frightenedly.

施薛13744414870问: 特急!!!最恐怖的事情或者最好笑的事(英文作文) -
繁昌县芬迪回答: The funniest thing that I experienced in my life with my friends is absolutely unforgettable. I remember at that time I was a undergraduate student in my university. And I was living with several other roommates i had. Our room was always crowded ...

施薛13744414870问: 用英文怎样形容“害怕”?
繁昌县芬迪回答: 比较简单的是be afraid,be scared有害怕,受惊的意思 也可以用fear

施薛13744414870问: 求英语翻译:我害怕冷,无论是天气抑或是人心. -
繁昌县芬迪回答: 你好,很高兴可以为你解答问题.原文: 我害怕冷,无论是天气抑或是人心.翻译:I am afraid of cold, whatever the weather or the people's heart.如果满意的话,请...

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