
作者&投稿:戏景 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


介绍一个国家英语60字带翻译,如下:The People's Republic of China is a socialism country with its own characteristics. It is one of the developing countries.China lies in the east of Asia. It has a number of neighboring countries. To the north, northeast and northwest are the ...

你好,带翻译的短文介绍:Canada is the second largest country in the world. It is larger than the USA and reaches nearly a quarter of the way round the earth. The distance from east to west is over 5,500 kilometres and the country covers six of the world's 24 time areas.Th...

Switzerland 英文发音:[ˈswɪtsələnd]中文释义:n. 瑞士(欧洲国家)例句:I am an American living and working in Switzerland.我是一个美国人,生活和工作在瑞士。短语:1、Switzerland Visa 瑞士签证 2、Central Switzerland 瑞士中部 ; 地区 3、Switzerland language 瑞士...

瑞士在英语中的正式名称是 "Switzerland",其缩写为 "CH",这个缩写常用于指代瑞士联邦。发音上,"Switzerland" 在英式英语中的读音为 ['sw?ts?式l?nd],而在美式英语中则为 ['sw?ts?rl?nd]。瑞士以其独特的风貌著称,许多人可能想到的是牛铃和约德尔调,但这只是瑞士文化的一部分,实际上,瑞士...

国外旅游景点英文介绍带翻译 国外著名景点英文翻译
介绍景点的英语作文 介绍景点的英语作文带翻译1、英文: The Lao Mount is one of the birth places of Taoism. Since the Spring and Autumn period, many wizards whowere engaged in preserving good health have gathered there. And it has become the nationally-renowned Immortal Mountain at the East Sea...

关于介绍瑞典的英语作文 简单点的 高中水平 200字 带中文翻译 不要拷贝...

世界著名旅游景点英语介绍 世界著名旅游景点英语介绍带翻译
3. 旅游景点英文介绍4. 旅游英语:石林旅游景点英语介绍5. 与“旅行”相关的英语词汇的用法6. 景点用英语怎么说 世界各国著名景点用英文表示1,Mount Fuji, Japan 日本富士山富士山(日文:ふじさん,英文:Mount_uji)是日本国内最高峰,日本重要国家象征之一。横跨静冈县和山梨县的活火山,接近太平洋岸,东京西南方约...

Wenzhou "paradise" -- -- - nanxi river Nanxi river is located in yongjia county, north of wenzhou, zhejiang province. It is a national AAAA scenic spot, known as "the first water of heaven". By beauty, jiang jian qu, waterfall, tam brigitte, the peak, YanXiu, strange stone...

英语旅游景点介绍 英语旅游景点介绍作文带翻译
一个旅游景点介绍英文范文(精选7篇) 旅游景点主要围绕着山、江、河、湖、海、寺、庙、博物馆、公园等。以下是我为大家整理一个旅游景点介绍英文范文(精选7篇)的相关内容,仅供参考,希望能够帮助大家! 一个旅游景点介绍英文 篇1 Welcome everyone, I am glad that you can come to Pingyao County, where there...

温邢13779737782问: 描写瑞士的英语作文 -
札达县可伊回答: 描写瑞士的英语作文 A country of west-central Europe. Switzerland is located at the crossroads of Europe, the meeting point for three of Europe's major cultures ------German, French and Italian.Switzerland is a small country that lies in the centre ...

温邢13779737782问: 谁有关于瑞士的英文简介啊 -
札达县可伊回答: SwitzerlandCountry, central Europe. Area: 15,940 sq mi (41,284 sq km). Population (2005 est.): 7,519,000. Capitals: Bern (administrative), Lausanne (judicial). The population i...

温邢13779737782问: 英语翻译我和家人一起去了瑞士.那里空气十分清新.我们去了著名的阿尔卑斯山,还买了许多手表和巧克力.瑞士人很热情,对我们也很友好.瑞士真是一个美丽... -
札达县可伊回答:[答案] 我大概试一下啊,如果不是很标准请见谅啊~ I went to Switzerland in the summer holiday with my family.The air is very fresh there and we went to the famous Alps,also bought many watches and chocolate.The people there is very warm and friendly. Such ...

温邢13779737782问: 瑞士的风土人情 用英文 -
札达县可伊回答: Swiss love the clean, Switzerland social taboos and etiquette, courtesy and manners of the requirements and so on with other western countries is basically the same. Western countries in general and customs, etiquette, and so understand the ...

温邢13779737782问: 求介绍瑞士地理位置和气候的英文 -
札达县可伊回答: 地理:It is often said that Switzerland lies at the heart of Europe. Geographically speaking, that's not quite true. However, the main route linking northern and southern Europe does run through the Alps. Switzerland borders Germany in the north, ...

温邢13779737782问: 我想知道瑞士用英语是怎么写的 -
札达县可伊回答: Switzerland

温邢13779737782问: 求关于瑞士风土人情英文介绍 200字左右(2小时内)
札达县可伊回答: Customs of Switzerland Most Swiss shake hands when greeting, and traditional formality tends to mean that titles and surnames are used more than in some other western European countries. Although use of first names is now widespread among ...

温邢13779737782问: 瑞士和多哥的英语介绍 -
札达县可伊回答: 瑞士 Switzerland (German: Schweiz[8] French: Suisse, Italian: Svizzera, Romansh: Svizra, officially the Swiss Confederation[9]) is a landlocked alpine country of roughly 7.6 million people in Western Europe with an area of 41,285 km². Switzerland ...

温邢13779737782问: 瑞士英语翻译 -
札达县可伊回答: Switzerland ['switsələnd] n. 瑞士 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~祝你进步,如对你有帮助,请及时采纳~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

温邢13779737782问: 谁有瑞士主要城市的英文介绍?伯尔尼,苏黎世,日内瓦,洛桑,卢塞恩. -
札达县可伊回答: bernamp;copy;nbsp;bernnbsp;tourismbernnbsp;isnbsp;thenbsp;capitalnbsp;ofnbsp;switzerland,nbsp;andnbsp;alsonbsp;thenbsp;capitalnbsp;ofnbsp;thenbsp;cantonnbsp;ofnbsp;thenbsp;samenbsp;name.nbsp;asnbsp;thenbsp;seatnbsp;ofnbsp;...

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