
作者&投稿:丰枯 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

我的妈妈英语作文 外貌描写 60字以内(带翻译)

My mother is 35 years old.我的妈妈今年35岁了。She has long black hair and big eyes.她有着长长的黑发和大大的眼睛。She takes me to school every day. In the evening, she help me with my homework.每天,她都送我上学。到了晚上,她辅导我写作业。If I am hungry, she will cook ...

英语介绍自己的妈妈作文如下。可以描写妈妈的外貌,工作,性格等等。例文如下:My mother is a person who loves me very much. She is a tall and thin woman. Her character is very humorous. What she says every day makes me laugh very happy. Her job is a teacher. She goes to school...

I love my mother; my mother loves me, too. We are very happily.翻译 我妈妈是一个医生。她的英文名是Amy。她三十五岁了。她很漂亮。她有一头长长的秀发和一双黑黑的眼睛。她有一张小嘴和一个小小的鼻子。我非常爱我的妈妈。她擅长烹饪。她喜欢唱歌。每天,她都要唱很多的歌。我爱我的妈...

Mother's face 思路:可以根据题意确定标题“妈妈的脸”,属于人物特征描写。可以用分-总的结构,开头和中间一起详细描写脸部的特点,比如鼻子、眼睛、嘴巴、耳朵等等;结尾总结对妈妈的脸的感受,抒发感情。双语范文参考(10句话):Mother's face Mother has a young baby face. Mother's eyes are ...

My mom is always very reasonable. All she asks for is for me to complete my schoolwork. If I get a good mark on my test,she will be very happy. If I don't do well,she won't get angry. She will encourage me to do better next time.I love my mom,so I give her ...

介绍妈妈的英语作文:My mother has a beautiful face, a small mouth, bright black eyes and long black curly hair. She always wears it on her shoulders and looks like a fairy. I like my mother.My mother not only cares about me in study, but also cares about me in life. My...

我的妈妈英语作文 外貌描写 60字以内(带翻译) ……
My motherMy mother family name li,she is 30 years old,but she looks very young.She is tall ang thin.She has big eyes and small mouth,and she has a long cuely black hair.she is very kind and friendly ...


英语介绍妈妈的双语范文如下:My mother in our eyes is a beatiful woman. She has rounds eyes,long hair,white cheeks,long eyelash,and black eye browns. She works in a school.我的母亲在我们眼中是一个美丽的女人。她有着圆圆的眼睛,长长的头发,白色的脸颊,长长的睫毛和黑色的棕色...

哀芬15342519933问: 用英语来描写妈妈,要外貌特征,不要太复杂的纯属写作文,要外貌特征,不要太复杂的,不要很长,短点. -
武汉市通窍回答:[答案] My mother is a kind woman.She is 35 years old.She is tall.She has two big eyes.She is a good teacher.She teaches English.She goes work at 7 o'clock.She goes home at 6 o'clock.She likes reading book.On Saturday,she often does housework....

哀芬15342519933问: 用英语写一篇妈妈的外貌的作文40个单词 急啊亲亲们帮哈忙o(╯□╰)o -
武汉市通窍回答: 妈妈中等身材,白净的皮肤,一双炯炯有神的眼睛,长得很清秀,但是因为过度的劳累,显得苍老了许多

哀芬15342519933问: 有关描述母亲外貌特征英语作文 -
武汉市通窍回答:[答案] I have a kind mother. She is not very black hair, a pair of bright eyes, and there are some spots on her face. Have DianJuan, her hair, she is a little fat, so not so good-looking, but also special lo...

哀芬15342519933问: 描写妈妈外貌特征五句话的英语作文? -
武汉市通窍回答:[答案] My Mam is best Mam in the world, she has long hair and two big eyes,her hair are black. And her eyes are black too. she always wears trainers. This is my Mam .I love she! trainers是运动鞋的意思.

哀芬15342519933问: 用英语写一篇小短文,介绍一下你的妈妈(外貌、年龄、职业、工作地点、爱好)不少于五句话我妈妈高高的,瘦瘦的眼睛大大的 36岁 是一名医生 在疼痛医... -
武汉市通窍回答:[答案] My mother is tall and thin.She has big eyes.She is 36 years old.She is a doctor.She works in a hospital.She likes sleeping and watching TV.

哀芬15342519933问: 用英语写一篇小短文,介绍一下你的妈妈(外貌、年龄、职业、工作地点、爱好)不少于5句话(最好5句话!)外貌:大眼睛、马尾辫、长睫毛、瓜子脸 年... -
武汉市通窍回答:[答案] My mother is a beattiful lady,she have big eyes,long hair,long eyelash and small face.she is 35 years old now,and she is a doctor.she works in people hospital of JIanLi town.and her hobbies are shoppi...

哀芬15342519933问: 用英语写一篇小短文,介绍一下你的妈妈(外貌,年龄,职业,工作地点,爱好等).我妈妈大眼睛,长头发,高鼻梁,细眉毛.40岁,没有工作(在家照顾... -
武汉市通窍回答:[答案] My mother is forty with long hair and she has big eyes and thin eyebrows.She doesn't go to work but take care of my family at home .She likes surfing the Internet and playing bedminton .She also likes...

哀芬15342519933问: 用英文描述你最喜欢的一个人,我想描述我的妈妈,她是长头发,大眼睛,个子不高,我觉得很漂亮.要用初一的知识, -
武汉市通窍回答:[答案] My mam has long hair and big eyes. She is not tall. I think she is very nice. 都是最简单的词了

哀芬15342519933问: 描写妈妈外貌的英语作文带翻译 -
武汉市通窍回答: My mother is a gentleness, the beautiful woman.She has long hair, a pair of big eyes.She looks tall and thin.Although she is old, but very fashionable dress.Her mind special open.I really love her. 我的妈妈是一个温柔,漂亮的女士.她有长长的头发,一双大眼睛,她看起来又高又瘦.虽然她年龄很大,但是很时尚.她的思想很开放.我非常爱她.

哀芬15342519933问: 用英语描写妈妈的外貌不少于50词 -
武汉市通窍回答: 就写,妈妈是什么形状的脸,什么颜色的头发,大眼睛还是小眼睛,带不带眼镜,鼻子大还是小,耳朵大还是小,嘴巴是红的还是粉的,虽然她看起来很严肃但是很善良(虽然看起来很时尚美丽,但是她平时很严肃),我爱她.

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