
作者&投稿:芝赖 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

14. Remember you can describe people’s appearances or feelings by using You look . . . \/ You look . . . e.g. 记住描述某人的外貌或者感情用You look .15. The form AABB as an adjective in northeastern dialect can describe people or things lively about their appearance, feature...

介绍朋友外貌 的英语作文?

me if I ever get into troubles. So will I.I hope our friendship will last forever and ever.​描写人外貌的英语作文相关推荐:1. 关于描写人物外貌的英语句子 2. 写明星外貌的英语作文初一 3. 描写外貌的6年级英语美文 4. 高中人物描写英语作文范文4篇 5. 描写一个人外貌作文5篇 ...

用英语介绍自己朋友的外貌 {要有翻译}?
用英语介绍自己朋友的外貌如下 一 My favorite friend is Grace.She from USA,and she is a pretty girl.She is a little taller than me,and she has long blond hair.She looks better without glasses.She is a outgoing girl,too.So she is more and more popular in her class.译文 我...

14. Born of a poor farmer’s family,Li Hua had little schooling. 英语作文中描述人物外貌的常用词语 15. A. She eats too much these days , so her face is getting round . 她最近62616964757a686964616fe78988e69d8331333363366163吃得太多了,所以她的脸变圆了。16. 两撇八字胡,虎虎有神...

Mother's face 思路:可以根据题意确定标题“妈妈的脸”,属于人物特征描写。可以用分-总的结构,开头和中间一起详细描写脸部的特点,比如鼻子、眼睛、嘴巴、耳朵等等;结尾总结对妈妈的脸的感受,抒发感情。双语范文参考(10句话):Mother's face Mother has a young baby face. Mother's eyes are ...

尽管他的眼睛不大,他依然拥有众多的"粉丝",因为他有着阳光的笑容.对你来说, 他就橡个邻家男孩.与其说他是个歌手不如说他是的才子.他有份高学历,毕业于加州州立理大学 ,他擅长于唱歌,跳舞,主持等等.在私下,玮柏对他上身边的每个人都很友好.现在 ,越来越多的人们渐渐喜欢上他了....

作文一:My friend I have a good friend. She is a pretty girl. She lives in Jiujiang. She is a middle school student. She has big eyes, a small mouth, a small nose and a round face. She is tall and thin. She likes watching TV and playing the basketball. On the ...

她最近吃得太多了。所以她的脸变圆了。4、He had the most beautiful blue eyes I had never seen.她有一双我从未见过的漂亮蓝眼睛。5、She has a double chin.她有双下巴。6、When he laughs,we see his even teeth.当他笑的时候,我们看见他有一口整齐的牙齿。英语描述体重:注意:选用的词...

描述人外貌特征的英语形容词有lovely可爱的、cute可爱的、beautiful美丽的、handsome英俊的、fair白皙的、curly 卷发的、ugly 丑陋的、strong强壮的;weak虚弱的、thin瘦的、tall高的、wear a pair of glasses戴眼镜的、smart时髦的、fat胖的、short 矮的等。

登吉13937268685问: 用英语描述一个人的外貌100个单词左右 -
资源县维路回答:[答案] She is medium hight,very slim,her shape is cute,and her skin is as white as snow.She has got long,curly,black hair,her lips red as wine.She has big,bright eyes,when she is smilling,her eyes are shinning. Her voice is soft,but powerful,that's because she is ...

登吉13937268685问: 请问形容人外表外貌的英语单词有哪些? -
资源县维路回答: 漂亮 Beautiful 可爱 Lovable 丑陋 Ugly 清秀 Delicate and pretty 俊俏 Pretty and charming 迷人 Charming 完美 Consummate

登吉13937268685问: 用英语介绍朋友外貌带翻译 -
资源县维路回答: short 矮tall 高overweight 胖plump 丰满thin 瘦skinny太瘦了 slim 苗条medium height 不胖不瘦tubby 矮胖muscular 强壮 elegantly 优雅good-looking 长的好看plain 长的一般 smartly dressed 穿着得体well dressed 穿的漂亮neatly ...

登吉13937268685问: 描述人外貌的英语句型 -
资源县维路回答:[答案] 你可以说: 1. He is tall 【主语加be动词,直接加形容词】他高.后边可以用short,thin啊什么的 2. He has long hair 【主语加have或has加修饰语】 3. She was very thin, with 【with 表示有什么】big eyes 这里有个作文你看看 My name is Wang Xiaodi, ...

登吉13937268685问: 请您用英文描述一个人的外貌.简单的几句话就可以,比如说他的头很大这种程度的.总之越简单越好. -
资源县维路回答:[答案] His head is very big.But his mouth is very small.

登吉13937268685问: 用英文描述一个人的外貌不少于40词提示词 big small short tall long cute face hand eye ear mouth nose -
资源县维路回答: 用以上单词写一篇小短文描述你或你的朋友的外貌,不要太长,但是要全用上,is a big man with a small nose.He is tall and he has long hair.

登吉13937268685问: 形容人外貌的英语词 -
资源县维路回答: 外貌 Physical Appearance 体格( build ) : fat 肥胖的 ; thin 瘦的 ; slim 苗条的 ; overweight 超 重 ; slight 瘦小的 ; well-built 身材魁梧.身高( height )medium height 中等身材 ; average height 一般身 材 ; below average 低于平均身高...

登吉13937268685问: 请问形容人外表外貌的英语单词有哪些? -
资源县维路回答:[答案] 漂亮 Beautiful 可爱 Lovable 丑陋 Ugly 清秀 Delicate and pretty 俊俏 Pretty and charming 迷人 Charming 完美 Consummate

登吉13937268685问: 形容人外貌的英语单词? -
资源县维路回答:[答案] 漂亮 Beautiful 可爱 Lovable 丑陋 Ugly 清秀 Delicate and pretty 俊俏 Pretty and charming 迷人 Charming 完美 Consummate

登吉13937268685问: 描述人外貌的英语单词 -
资源县维路回答:[答案] 描写人物身材的big ,small ,tall ,short ,thin ,slim ,fat ,strong ,overweight ,slight ,well-built ,of medium height ,average height ,below average etc .描写人物外貌的beautiful ,handsome ,lovely ,pretty ,...

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