
作者&投稿:惠博 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


企鹅 英文
企鹅 qi e 1.[Zoology] a penguin 【Basic information】Aves head Penguin (Sphenisciformes) all known types.Features can not fly; foot was born in the lower part of the body, it was upright posture; have interdigital web; plantar line of (other birds in order to land a toe)...

英文名:Gentoo penguin 物种命名人及年代:Forster,1781 巴布亚企鹅 物种信息:体长约76厘米,橘红色的喙和蹼,眼旁有白色羽毛。以石子或草筑巢,视地区而不同,雌企鹅每次产2个蛋,约36天孵化,每次抚育两只小企鹅。通常在近海较浅处觅食,但亦深潜至海中100公尺处。现大约有63万只。分布于哥伦比亚...

penguin的意思是:企鹅。以下是详细解释:1. 基本定义:penguin是一个英文单词,作名词时,它的基本含义是“企鹅”。这是一种分布在南极和亚南极地区的鸟类,有着独特的身体结构和特征。它们通常生活在寒冷的气候中,并以其优雅的身姿和特有的行走方式而闻名。2. 企鹅的特征:企鹅的身体呈流线型,适合...

企鹅的报告 英语的 200字
外貌、Penguins are birds with black and white feathers and a funny waddle.Penguins are birds with black and white feathers and a funny waddle. But unlike most birds, penguins are not able to fly -- in the air that is. Penguins spend as much as 75% of their time underwater,...

这是由英语King Penguin翻译过来的,它是在1778年命名的,这种企鹅是比较可爱的,如下:

黄眉企鹅,学名Eudyptes pachyrhynchus,别名峡湾企鹅、凤冠企鹅和福德兰企鹅,它们并非南极的常见身影,而是生活于新西兰南部湿润森林、峡湾和斯图尔特岛的稀有居民。这种企鹅的数量日渐减少,它们的生存区域狭窄,使得它们在生物多样性中显得尤为珍贵。独特外貌与生存技巧 黄眉企鹅的外表堪称一绝,头上的彩色...

外貌特点,要实际。... 外貌特点,要实际。 展开  我来答 9个回答 #热议# 国际油价为何突然跌破100美元大关?倚樓臥聽風吹雨 推荐于2017-09-11 · TA获得超过847个赞 知道答主 回答量:56 采纳率:0% 帮助的人:0 我也去答题访问个人页 关注 展开全部 皇帝企鹅(英译King Penguin),简称帝...


跳岩企鹅是属于「长冠企鹅」(Crested Penguin)体型最小的一种。他们身体娇小,体态玲珑,除了拥有企鹅的所有特征外,它最大的特征就是眼睛上方和耳朵两侧金黄色的翎毛——就像迷人的发饰。高与重分别可达约60公分与3公斤,其外表与体型稍大的马可罗尼企鹅近似。

蔡审18588549011问: 英语描述企鹅 -
和政县托普回答: Penguins are an order of aquatic, flightless birds living clusively in the Southern Hemisphere. The number of penguin species has been and still is a matter of debate. The numbers of penguin species listed in the literature varies between 16 and 19 ...

蔡审18588549011问: 用英语介绍企鹅 -
和政县托普回答: Penguins live around the South Pole. They usually spend all their waking hours in the water. Only during the egg-laying and mating periods do penguins actually live on land. During the egg-laying period, the female penguin lays usually one egg. This ...

蔡审18588549011问: 关于企鹅的介绍(英语的) -
和政县托普回答: Penguin is a not-flying birds, penguins are head, penguins Branch. Mainly live in the Earth's southern hemisphere, now known around the world or 17 kinds of penguins there are 18 kinds, including four living in the equatorial tropics, ...

蔡审18588549011问: 企鹅 简介 英文 -
和政县托普回答: The penguin is bird outline penguin welwitschiales (Latin: Sphenisciformes) all kinds of intellectuals. Live mainly in the earth's equator, present known worldwide penguins were 18. Features for cannot fly, Born in the lower body feet, reason is erect ...

蔡审18588549011问: 关于企鹅的简短句子(英语) -
和政县托普回答: The penguin is a flightless bird. 企鹅是一种不会飞的鸟.The birth of a baby penguin in the zoo was widely reported. 动物园里小企鹅的出生受到了广泛的报道.Incapable of flying. Used of certain birds, such as the penguin. 鸟不会飞的不能飞行的.用于指企鹅等某类鸟.

蔡审18588549011问: 要企鹅的英文资料 -
和政县托普回答: Each winter, alone in the pitiless ice deserts of Antarctica, deep in the most inhospitable terrain on Earth, a truly remarkable journey takes place as it has done for millennia. Emperor penguins in their thousands abandon the deep blue security of ...

蔡审18588549011问: 企鹅用英语怎么描写 -
和政县托普回答: Penguin

蔡审18588549011问: 用英语介绍袋鼠,考拉,狼,企鹅等动物 -
和政县托普回答: Wild animal This is a tiger. It's live in Chinese. It eats meat.It doesn't like to eat grow.I like it very much!thanks!(谢谢)!!!!!!!!@#^&^(^(&^%^$$%##@%$^&%*%^%^&^&^(&^&*^$%$#%$!@#$%^&*()___|+~

蔡审18588549011问: 英文企鹅资料 -
和政县托普回答: March of the Penguins 简介: Each winter, alone in the pitiless ice deserts of Antarctica, deep in the most inhospitable terrain on Earth, a truly remarkable journey takes place as it has done for millennia. Emperor penguins in their thousands ...

蔡审18588549011问: 关于企鹅的资料,用英语来表示 -
和政县托普回答: 企鹅是海洋鸟类,虽然它们有时也在陆地、冰原和海冰上栖息.在企鹅的一生中,生活在海里和陆上的时间约各占一半.企鹅不会飞,善游泳.在陆上行走时,行动笨拙,脚掌着地,身体直立,依靠尾巴和翅膀维持平衡.遇到紧急情况时,能...

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