
作者&投稿:苍虞 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

用英文介绍恐龙+翻译 简短一些
恐龙的英文介绍是:1、英文介绍:Dinosaur refers to the recent common ancestor and all descendants of Triceratops, modern birds and Lianglong. For the convenience of research, dinosaurs can be divided into birds and non birds dinosaurs.Among them, non bird dinosaurs only lived in the M...

范文:Dinosaurs are very large creatures which appeared on the earth millions of years ago.They became extinct many years later because of a change in climate and they could no longer find any food to eat.Todaypeople know that dinosaurs had once existed because scientists discovered t...

What is a Dinosaur?Millions of years ago, long before there were any people, there were dinosaurs. Dinosaurs were one of several kinds of prehistoric reptiles that lived during the Mesozoic Era, the "Age of Reptiles."Dinosaurs were reptiles and most hatched from eggs. No dinosaurs ...

1. Dinosaurs are a group of animals that include the recent common ancestor of Triceratops, modern birds, and Lianglong, as well as all their descendants. For ease of study, dinosaurs are classified into two groups: birds and non-bird dinosaurs. Non-bird dinosaurs existed only dur...

from appear until perish, rule the earth reaches 160 million years old.看这张图片,它就是恐龙,大约在2.55亿年前,地球上出现了一类新的爬行动物。像所有的爬行动物一样, 它们的后代由卵孵化而出,其皮肤上覆盖着鳞片,不透水,这就是恐龙。恐龙从出现直至灭亡,统治地球达1.6亿年之久。

being going to be notable being weakened , have the higher temperature , the weight about 1 tons of Lei Long temperature thereby being able to reach 41 centigrade.Study the personnel makes use of this one equation to have been in progress to 11 kinds modern crocodile secretly schem...

暴龙(又名霸王龙)是我最喜欢的恐龙,它是一种大型的肉食性恐龙,身长约13公尺,体重约7公吨,生存于白垩纪末期的马斯垂克阶最后300万年,距今约6850万年到6550万年.它也是白垩纪-第三纪灭绝事件前最后的恐龙种群之一.Tyrannosaurus is my favourite dinosaur.It is a large carnivorous dinosaur, its ...

short bony head shield。译文:三角龙是一种中等大小的四足恐龙,全长7-9米、高2.4-2.8米、重5.5-10吨。三角龙最显著的特征是它们的角和颈盾。它们的头盾可长至超过1.5米,口鼻部鼻孔上方有一根角状物,以及一对位在眼睛上方的角状物,超过80公分。头颅后方则是相对短的骨质头盾。

Dinosaurs lived for over 160 million years, first appearing about 230 million years ago. To many children, dinosaurs are very big.Since the first dinosaur was found in the 19th century, dinosaurs have become major attractions at museums around the world. And now dinosaurs have become...

1. My favourite animal Dolphin is my favourite animal. It is one of the most precious animals. Their bodies are very long, about one zhang(丈). Dolphins live in the sea. They live on fish, shrimps and so on. Dolphins are very friendly and peaceful. They never attack ...

苍梧冠19152322941问: 恐龙种类的英文介绍举某一种恐龙为例如:兽脚龙、 剑龙. -
忻州市泽力回答:[答案] 中国的恐龙种属名录[正式版] 蒋澈 邢立达 恐龙纲 Class Dinosauria(Owen),1841 ◆蜥臀目 [ Order Saurischia Seeley, 1888 ] ◆兽脚亚目 Suborder Theropoda Marsh, 1881 ◆虚骨龙次亚目 Infraorder Coelurosauria Huene, 1914 迅足龙科 Family ...

苍梧冠19152322941问: 地震龙英语介绍 -
忻州市泽力回答:[答案] 地震龙:Seismosaurus 英语介绍 1.Seismosaurus had a long neck,a small head and a long thin tail 地震龙长着长脖子,小脑袋,以及一条细长的尾巴. 2.The Seismosaurus had a very small brain and was not smart.The Seismosaurus walked very slowly...

苍梧冠19152322941问: 求一篇恐龙的作文(英文的)全部是英文 介绍霸王龙 梁龙分类的 食肉食草等 -
忻州市泽力回答:[答案] A beautifully preserved fossil from southern Germany raises questions about how feathers evolved from dinosaurs to birds,two paleontologists argue in a study published Thursday.The 150 million-year-ol...

苍梧冠19152322941问: 用英语介绍几种恐龙用英语介绍恐龙,并写好翻译 -
忻州市泽力回答:[答案] Carnivorous dinosaur is big,hind of powerful and fore short large dinosaurs.They all belong to theropod,often called carnivorous dragon or predators lizard.Carnivorous dinosaur walks by hind,Due to th...

苍梧冠19152322941问: 恐龙的英文介绍 要演讲 3--5分钟左右 -
忻州市泽力回答:[答案] in 1842,Britain ancient lived the scientist Charlie Germany · Irving to found “the dinosaur” this noun.English dinosaur from Greek article deinos (meaning is terror) Saurosc (meaning is lizard or reptile).Regarding Irving then,this “the terror lizard” ...

苍梧冠19152322941问: 用英文把你最喜欢恐龙描述一下 -
忻州市泽力回答:[答案] This is Dino Didy.It has big head.lt has a lot of teeth.The teeth was very sharp.lt ate meat.lt had two leg.lt had long teil.lt had verg big body. Do you like lt? 翻译: 这是迪迪.它有很大的头.它有很多牙齿.这牙齿很尖.它吃肉.它有两只脚.它有很长的尾巴.它有...

苍梧冠19152322941问: 对恐龙的形容词,用英语表示用10个形容词描述恐龙(英语),不一定要描述同一种恐龙,可以是不同的 -
忻州市泽力回答:[答案] dangerous dreadful big,huge, tall terrible heavy smart fast moving hungry

苍梧冠19152322941问: 关于恐龙的英文中文介绍鸭嘴龙 翼手龙 霸王龙 三角龙 剑龙 始祖鸟 甲龙 梁龙 蛇颈龙的英中文介绍和音标,是每种恐龙读法的音标,会提供高悬赏 -
忻州市泽力回答:[答案] duck-billed dinosaur 鸭嘴龙(hadrosaurs) 为一类较大型的鸟臀类恐龙,最大的有15米多长.是白垩纪后期鸟盘目草食性恐龙家族的其中一员. pterodactyl 翼手龙(pterodactylus)侏罗纪晚期的翼龙类,其特征为:由轻而紧密的骨组成的头骨轻巧;骨...

苍梧冠19152322941问: 用英文介绍恐龙 -
忻州市泽力回答: Dinosaurs (Greek: δεινόσαυρος, deinosauros) were the dominant terrestrial vertebrate animals for over 160 million years, from the late Triassic period, about 230 milli...

苍梧冠19152322941问: 用英文介绍恐龙,八句话啊,求,一分钟演讲 -
忻州市泽力回答: Dinosaurs lived for over 160 million years, first appearing about 230 million years ago. To many children, dinosaurs are very big. Since the first dinosaur was found in the 19th century, dinosaurs have become major attractions at museums around the...

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