
作者&投稿:溥昭 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Jay Chou, China Taiwanese and native fujian quanzhou, graduated from Taipei tamkang middle school, Chinese pop singer, famous musicians, 2000 years after the Asian pop music with the most revolutionary benchmark creation singer, record the Asian always sold more than 31 million copies, ...

fourth floor has installed their own stairways, with wood boards separating the passage to each storey. 72 staircases divide the whole building into 72 self contained units.http:\/\/en.fjta.com\/fjtis\/fl\/destination\/LandscapesShow.aspx?t_b_city_id=-1&ID=686&CharSet=ENGLISH ...

I would like to branch offices abroad, which is important to me, and where foreigners to live, work, I have to learn English well. In the next few years, I am the most important thing is to find their own platform, and then continued to struggle. Leisure time, I like jog...

中国福建省福州市马尾区文体路1号福建师范大学第二附属中学高一(七)班 Class 7, Senior 1, 2nd Affiliated Middle School of Fujian Normal University, No. 1, Wenti Road\/Street(看当地习惯选用), Mawei District, Fuzhou City, Fujian Province, PRC 供参 ...

回答:Fuzhou city is in the Fujian Province located between Zhejiang province and Guangdong province.where are Japan and US located in seperately ?

I'm from Fujian.I come from Fujian.I'm coming from Fujian.

平潭海峡旅游景点介绍英语 平潭岛的英文
介绍家乡平潭的英语短文 小学生的 谢谢了。。。小弟英文不是很好,试试The Pingtan island for our country fifth island, the Fujian first island, on the island often “east comes the mist gas to fill the air”, alternate name “east mist”. The Pingtan island is apart from the Fuzhou 128 kilo...

翻译成英文,在线等。 福建省海域辽阔,海岸线长达3300多千米,有大大小小...
Fujian province has extended coastal area, the coastline extended more than 3300 meters, there more than 1400 islands along the coastline

Quanzhou city carp urban floating bridge town good fortune grand star city room 902, Building 1, Fujian Province of China,这个已经是最标准的英语译法了. 你放心好了, 我就是英语老师

It is one of the three central cities in Fujian province.

集顷17569624459问: 介绍福州的英语作文(初一,二水平) -
宜君县儿童回答:[答案] 介绍福州(About Fuzhou)Fuzhou is the provincial capital of Fujian Province,it is a well-known city with 2200 histories of more than years.Lie in the southeast of our country,the straits west bank of gu...

集顷17569624459问: 用英语写一封信给朋友介绍一下家乡天气状况.介绍福建的天气,字数60 - 90大概用初一年级的水平就可以了,实在不知道什么水平的你把中文写下来,我自己... -
宜君县儿童回答:[答案] Hello my friend,Let me tell you something about the climate in my hometown. My hometown is in the Fujian province. In spring, the wheather is always fine, but somtimes, there will be drizzle. In summe...

集顷17569624459问: 用英语写初一的自我介绍,不少于40词要翻译 -
宜君县儿童回答:[答案] hello,everyone.(大家好) .very glad to be here.(非常高兴能来到这里给大家发言) my name is ###,and i am ** years old.(我的名字是###,今年**岁了) now i am a ___school student.(我现在是一名……学生) my favourite subject is English .and...

集顷17569624459问: 一篇初一的英语作文!以 The weather in my city 写一篇作文!先介绍本城市的天气(我在厦门,厦门天气大部分是晴朗的)然后介绍四季特征(厦门冬天不... -
宜君县儿童回答:[答案] 我也问过这样的问题,这是我的问题的答案,我觉得很不错.A year has four seasons.Every season has three months.The weather of one season is different from that of any other.The life cycles of plants are con...

集顷17569624459问: 初一的英语自我介绍.要翻译. -
宜君县儿童回答: 您好,没有具体的信息,就按初一的水平自己发挥写了点,希望有所帮助:Hello everyone, I am glad to give a brief introduction to myself. My name is XX, and I'm XX years old. I am a student from XX middle school. In my spare time, I like to watch...

集顷17569624459问: 英语翻译我的中文名字叫.我的英文名字叫.我来自福建.我15岁.我在七年级三班.我的电话号码. -
宜君县儿童回答:[答案] 我的中文名字叫.My Chinese name is 我的英文名字叫.My English name is~ 我来自福建.I am from Fujian province 我15岁 I am fifteen years old 我在七年级三班.I am at seventh grade third class in the school 我的电话号码.My telephone number is……

集顷17569624459问: 英文版自我介绍 -
宜君县儿童回答: I was the first day. Live in Fujian. Amount. 15-year-old. Class is Class Seven, Grade Seven.

集顷17569624459问: 福建南平初1英语怎么读 -
宜君县儿童回答: 福建南平初1 英文说法是: Grade Seven, Nanping Middle School, Fujian

集顷17569624459问: 初一英语作文 介绍一个国家或城市 -
宜君县儿童回答: China is my favorite country. The number of people in china is 1300000000. China is very beautiful. The pollution is less then many years ago. There are many trees and flowers here. And the capital of china is Beijing. It's a famous city in the world. ...

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