
作者&投稿:呈玛 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Lark's appearance and characteristic: The feather color is simple, lives in the prairie, is good at singing; woodpecker's appearance and characteristic: The mouth is firm, the tongue is long, the tail is hard, lives in the forest, likes the calligraphy stroke wooden seizing the ...

介绍小鸟的英语:Look, there is a bird standing on the windowsill. This small bird is lovely.

我的小鸟My little bird小鸟是我最喜欢的小动物。The bird is the most I like small animals.两年前,姑姑给我买了一对小鸟,它们是麻雀,翅膀上的羽毛是土黄色的,其它的地方都是棕色的,还有一双水灵灵的大眼睛,爪子上面很粗糙,有明显的小包。Two years ago, aunt bought me a pair of bird...

用英语写出十二种鸟的名字 最好可以连成一篇英语作文,大森林里的早晨为 ...
cuckoo 杜鹃,布谷鸟 crow 乌鸦

bird's chest developed, there is sudden keel. There are air bags, dual-breathing, which developed the rectum, non-storage stool.鸟的胸肌发达,有龙骨突。有气囊,可双重呼吸,它的直肠发达,不储存粪便

笑翠鸟,别名笑狗鱼鸟(laughing jackass),是澳洲独有的鸟类。它的叫声嘶哑(hoarse),因而在电影和电视中表现丛林的声音时,它的叫声通常被用作背景音。它的身长有46公分,体重约500克,是翠鸟(kingfisher)家族中体型最大的一种,主要生活在澳洲东部,但现在已经被成功引进澳洲西部。它不吃鱼,主要...

树林里也热闹起来,鸟雀欢快地鸣叫着,像一个高明的乐师,像陀螺那样打转转,往朝霞万里的高空飞旋。The woods are busy, the birds singing happily, as a brilliant musician, playing around like a top that, to dawn million miles spinner....

有关小鸟的英语作文篇1 Jack And A Bird It was a sunny breezing morning. After breakfast, Jack was cosily sitting on his sofa, reading a newspaper and waiting for a lovely melody by his singer, a lark which should be a convivial stunner with a sweet voice but had been closing her mouth...

Bird is animal

介绍海鸥的:Gulls (often informally Seagulls) are birds in the family Laridae. They are most closely related to the terns (family Sternidae) and only distantly related to auks, and skimmers, and more distantly to the waders. Until recently, most gulls were placed in the genus ...

伏泄19111216705问: 小鸟的英文简介? -
汉沽区诺氟回答: Birds are warm bodied creatures with wings and feathers. The body temperature of birds is generally higher than that of humans, so they seem warm to the touch. Birds lay eggs which they incubate until hatching -- or, in some cases, get some other ...

伏泄19111216705问: 用英文描述五个鸟类的外貌及习性
汉沽区诺氟回答: I'd like to be alone till death.

伏泄19111216705问: 用英语介绍小鸟的特征 -
汉沽区诺氟回答: 你可以用形容小孩子的词,比如说lovely

伏泄19111216705问: 用英语描述猫头鹰 -
汉沽区诺氟回答: Owl Birds, body light brown, more spots, horned head feathers, there are two big eyes looking ahead, short, curved beak, strong hook claws, can flip the outer toe. 猫头鹰 鸟,身体淡褐色,多黑斑,头部有角状的羽毛,有两只向前看的大眼,短而弯曲的喙,强有力的钩爪,能翻转的外趾.

伏泄19111216705问: 介绍鸟的英语作文 -
汉沽区诺氟回答: Go OutingLast weekend we went to the countryside to have a picnic. We bought some cakes with us for lunch. We left quite early before there was too much traffic. After aborn two bours we came to a nice place. It was near a river, with some large ...

伏泄19111216705问: 我国特有的鸟有什么,最好用英语介绍一下 -
汉沽区诺氟回答: 1 白马鸡 Crossoptilon crossoptilon,2 藏马鸡 Crossoptilon Harman,3 蓝马鸡 Crossoptilon auritum,4 褐马鸡 Crossoptilon matchuricum,5白尾地鸦 Podoces biddulphi ,6 海南虎斑鳽gosachius magnificuis

伏泄19111216705问: 用英语介绍老鹰 -
汉沽区诺氟回答: Eagles are large birds of prey which are members of the bird family Accipitridae, and belong to several genera which are not necessarily closely related to each other. Most of the more than 60 species occur in Eurasia and Africa.[1] Outside this area...

伏泄19111216705问: 急求用英语描述一种野生的鸟!
汉沽区诺氟回答: 蓝翡翠亦称"蓝鱼狗"、"鱼腥".属佛法僧目,翠鸟科.在国内,夏季分布比较广,几乎遍及东部全境.该鸟羽色艳丽,鸣声洪亮,是人们喜爱的笼养观赏鸟. [形态]尾羽较喙长,翅形短圆,头顶黑色,颈有白圈,额至上颈,喙角、颊至颈侧...

伏泄19111216705问: 用英文简易介绍马、狗、猫、鸟、狮子 初一水平能看得懂的 -
汉沽区诺氟回答: Horses are stronger than dogs.Dogs can keep watch at home. Cats can catch mice. Birds live in the trees. Lions are in the zoo.

伏泄19111216705问: 帮我用简单英语写一篇关于介绍鸟的作文
汉沽区诺氟回答: Thenbsp;pearlnbsp;birdnbsp;isnbsp;reallynbsp;good!nbsp;Thenbsp;friendnbsp;deliversnbsp;menbsp;anbsp;pairnbsp;ofnbsp;pearlnbsp;bird,nbsp;Inbsp;raisenbsp;themnbsp;innbsp;thenbsp;basketnbsp;whichnbsp;anbsp;bamboonbsp;stripnbsp;...

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